* Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-02-02 23:21]:
> Dear maintainer of blosxom and Debian translators,

 I really wonder why I don't have received this mail as comaintainer...
I guess <package>@packages isn't forwarded to the comaintainers  *sigh*

> On 25 jan 2005, I sent a notice to the maintainer of the blosxom Debian
> package, mentioning the status of pending localization bug reports in
> the BTS.

 This is some quite puzzling thing for me to hear, I prepeare an update
for that (and a third, non-l10n one) in november already...  Somehow it
was never uploaded which I fixed now.

> Since then, I didn't get any objection from the package maintainer and
> then I will start the second phase of the process.

 Like mentioned above it seems that <package>@packages isn't forwarded
to co-maintainers. I guess opening a bugreport against the package would
be a good idea to avoid that, otherwise you turn co-maintaining quite
unpleasentful when the person listed in the Maintainer field is on

> Of course the NMU patch will also be sent to the BTS.

 Then it would be great to _create_ a bugreport for announcing the NMU
beforehand, because of the reasons pointed out above.

 Sorry for the inconvenience!
WARNING: Do not execute!  This software violates patent EP0850441.
IP=;while ping -c 1 $IP;do sleep 1;done;echo Host $IP gone\!

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