Re: Presentation about Debian's l10n effort

2008-07-25 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Helge Kreutzmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > > - Stories about/around Debian's l10n effort > > Oh, show the maps of coverage and highlight some countries with > special treatment (I think there was an news for Dzongkha, for example) http://lists.debi

Re: Presentation about Debian's l10n effort

2008-07-25 Thread Helge Kreutzmann
Hello, On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 09:58:07PM +0100, Miguel Figueiredo wrote: > As this will be my 1st presentation about l10n I wish to have your inputs for > such presentation. Sure. > - What do you expect for such presentation? (topics to be covered...) *How to get involved (i.e. via lists, or

Presentation about Debian's l10n effort

2008-07-22 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hi all, DebianDayPT [1] will take place on Debian's 15th anniversary (16 August 2008) in Aveiro, Portugal (announcement in debian-events [2]). As 'our main l10n man' (hi, bubulle :)) will be attending Debconf in Argentina I was 'nominated' as cheap local replacement to make a presentation about