Re: Please review and translate: announcement and blog post about official communication channels

2020-03-14 Thread Frans Spiesschaert
Hi Laura, Laura Arjona Reina schreef op za 14-03-2020 om 17:28 [+0100]: > Hi Frans > merged, and added you to the Publicity group in Salsa so you can commit > yourself from now on. Thanks -- Kind regards, Frans Spiesschaert

Re: Please review and translate: announcement and blog post about official communication channels

2020-03-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi Frans merged, and added you to the Publicity group in Salsa so you can commit yourself from now on. Thanks! El 14 de marzo de 2020 17:04:56 CET, Frans Spiesschaert escribió: >Hi, > >Laura Arjona Reina schreef op vr 13-03-2020 om 22:32 [+0100]: >> Dear all >> Next Monday 16 March 2020 around

Re: Please review and translate: announcement and blog post about official communication channels

2020-03-14 Thread Frans Spiesschaert
Hi, Laura Arjona Reina schreef op vr 13-03-2020 om 22:32 [+0100]: > Dear all > Next Monday 16 March 2020 around 9 UTC we plan to publish an > announcement in the website and blog post about the official > communication channels for Debian. > > We appreciate reviews and translations (if they come