
Laura Arjona Reina schreef op vr 13-03-2020 om 22:32 [+0100]:
> Dear all
> Next Monday 16 March 2020 around 9 UTC we plan to publish an
> announcement in the website and blog post about the official
> communication channels for Debian.
> We appreciate reviews and translations (if they come after publishing,
> no problem, we'll update/publish as soon as possible).
> I have committed the same text as an announcement and also as a blog
> post:
> https://salsa.debian.org/publicity-team/announcements/tree/master/en/2020
> https://salsa.debian.org/publicity-team/bits/-/blob/master/content/2020/official-communication-channels.md

I just filed a merge request with the Dutch translation of the announcement.

Kind regards,
Frans Spiesschaert

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