de a "pkg-" prefix in your project name.
> a) I couldn't find a policy in the website
Used to be there. Should be restored sometime.
> b) It's very rude to reply anonymously, someone care to put a name
> behind this email?
This message was sent aut
are for objectification of women.
Roland Mas
Why did the tachyon cross the road?
Because it was on the other side.
eats space, which disrupts all
Alioth projects using CVS (for a start).
Roland Mas
C c ee lm re q j l a l l iè e .
-- Signatures à collectionner, série n°1, partie 3/3.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Tr
is ability to
represent the diversity of [...] interests that make up our project)
is really scary to me. That, and the "I din't answer *that* question,
you can't hold it against me" weaseling-out (I don't like the term,
but I can't find one more suited). I hope Debia
hack so it actually corresponds to my
needs (or just to fix bugs). That means either a free tool or an
Additionally, hacking a tool locally is easier than getting the
central tool administrator to apply a patch that may or may not please
Roland Mas
Twenty thousand
d time.
Good workflows don't have big blockers, they allow the flow to go
around small blockers locally.
Roland Mas
Seems to me, the only sensible thing is for people to know if they kill a whale,
they've got a dead whale. -- Adam, in Good Omens (T. Pratchett and
Question though: will the SQL support be enabled at some point? I
think that would open up a lot of possibilities (gateways with other
apps, for instance).
Thanks, visible evolution coming from Gnucash is a relief, I was
starting to wonder whether I'd have to switch to something else.
a set of i386 packages to Straight from
Thomas's source packages, built in an up-to-date pbuilder chroot.
Roland Mas
[...] ou une dent pourrie [...] -- in Variations sur un thème imposé
-- Signatures à collectionner, série n°2, partie 2/3.
able to bribe buxy to provide HTTP access when he comes
> back, though. ;-)
I just enabled HTTP access for bzr:
$ bzr get
Branched 22 revision(s). doesn't exist, so I chose arch.d.o instead.
Roland Mas
[...] ou
Nikolaus Schulz, 2006-08-08 11:50:08 +0200 :
> ... which is something I'd expect to find in ~/bin, but not as the
> single functionality of a Debian package.
moreutils then?
Roland Mas
If you're ever confused as to which mode you're in, keep entering the
e, maintenance would
probably be a nightmare, unless there's a way to share ACLs between
files that I'm not aware of.
Roland Mas
Ace of clubs? Let's see that.
European Juggling Convention -- Carvin, France.
uot;now" happens to be (presented
as) close to release time.
Roland Mas
LinkedIn profile:
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
he hosting facility. The admins have been contacted. In the
meantime, use svn+ssh:// if you can. We apologise for the
Roland Mas
When I eat a biscuit, it stays eaten!
-- Arthur Dent, in So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (Douglas Adams)
default compatibility level.
Roland Mas
Such compressed poems / With seventeen syllables / Can't have much meaning...
-- in Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid (Douglas Hofstadter)
of a hundredth of a second). I've had one
box kept at Debian unstable for two rollovers in a row, though it
wasn't a production server at all -- its final uptime was like 10
days, after having been up for more than three years.
Roland Mas
C r ' s d a
'm hopelessly out
of touch with reality.
Roland Mas
Just because you're dead doesn't mean they aren't still out to get you.
-- Virgil, in Ye Gods! (Tom Holt)
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3600 tracker items in the database. But since we have a few
cases of upstream development hosted on Alioth, it makes sense to
offer an alternative to the Debian BTS that not everyone likes.
Roland Mas
Bonjour, je suis un virus de signature. Propagez-moi dans la vôtre !
oss, and it Replaces: gdict (since
it includes it). So, you could either contact the maintainer and get
him to re-split what was previously merged, or adopt the whole
package, or help him maintain it.
Roland Mas
Au royaume des aveugles, il y a des borgnes à ne pas dépasser.
-- in Soeur Ma
and I am almost
completely done (I'm waiting for the Debian account manager to create
my account), but it takes longer for some other people.
Roland Mas
Chaos always defeats order, because it is better organized.
-- Ly Tin Wheedle, in Interesting Times (Terry Pratchett)
just work. Prefer the "set -x" one, though.
Oh, an idea just struck me: you wouldn't have another user with UID
0, would you? Or two users by the name of root? Like, with another
nsswitch method or something...
Roland Mas
Et c'est tellement plus mignon de s
27;t do the same error again. I haven't, for three
Then one day I compiled IDE as a module. Boom again!
Call me stupid if you like, but I think "all goes into modules"
won't work.
Roland Mas
Mou ichido ! Hayaku ! Ookii koede !
-- Atsuko Sasaki
as possible. I envision a
global Makefile somewhere, and a ports/ directory, and a, and... And then Debian GNU/BSD! Yay!
Seriously though, I think Craig's idea of a kernel-helper is cool.
Roland Mas
Plus on en fout, plus y'en a du riz.
-- Proverbe chinois.
/) does it.
Basically, prepare a new pg_hba.conf, and ask the user whether to
replace the existing one. Default to "no", of course.
Roland Mas
Ace of clubs? Let's see that.
European Juggling Convention -- Svendborg, Denmark.
a list on Alioth, or on, or not at all.
Roland Mas
Êtes vous sûr ? (O/N)
-- Derniers mots d'un ordinateur
o at some point,
Of course, any help is welcome to make that happen sooner :-)
Roland Mas
- Ogenki desuka, yau de poêle ?
- Genki desu, ture en zinc.
o apt-get install all the GNU
> versions of everything?
I humbly suggest "apt-get install task-gnu-only". Of course, someone
will have to make and maintain that task package, but once done, there
you are. Or you could start a Debian-GNU-Only subproject.
Roland Mas
t over
the years :-)
Roland Mas
S'agirait pas d'atteindre la sublime transcendance du supramental sans
se bouger le fion un minimum... -- in Sri Raoul le petit yogi (Gaudelette)
e hits), but it could become
so, and would make it tremendously easier to find material to borrow
from for future talks :-)
Cc:ed and Mail-Followup-To:ed to debian-devel.
Roland Mas
You can't second-guess ineffability, I always say.
-- Aziraphale, in Good Omens (Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman)
r its advanced and
experimental management methods" column, I suppose :-)
Roland Mas
Despite rumour, Death isn't cruel - merely terribly, terribly good at his job.
-- in Sourcery (Terry Pratchett)
. (Note I'm not
saying it doesn't work.)
Roland Mas
ar c t e l l ièu ai ia mi.
-- Signatures à collectionner, série n°1, partie 2/3.
the boot-floppies system (and in taking one
more year to release). Don't let's repeat the past mistakes.
Besides, sticking with b-f means we're on our own. Switching to d-i
for real means we can get help from Skolelinux and Linex and probably
many other "custom Debian"
ted) thing I can't upload a fixed
package even though the bugs are fixed in the CVS.
Roland Mas
A man walks into a bar.
tuff can be
maintained by a team: the HOWTO, code for a registration site, name
tag templates, asking-for-sponsors letter templates, etc. And
suggestion tracking via the trackers.
Roland Mas
Et c'est tellement plus mignon de se faire traiter de con en chanson...
-- in En chantant (Michel Sardou)
an error message giving out info such as the current db-version, the
SQL statement that went wrong, and so on. And he's requested to
report the bug with this info :-)
All this requires a transactional database, obviously, but they're a
dime a dozen these days.
For more det
is thrust (see Ginger, Mac and Rocky);
2. Debian prides itself on its web of thrust;
3. therefore the web servers in Debian do provide enough thrust.
...or am I missing something? :-)
Roland Mas
Lord of the rings? Show us.
European Juggling Convention -- Svendborg, Denmark.
useful. Also, Joshua's patches on some (if not most) of these bugs
are a treat, too. Thanks to you both.
Now for the real content: people, don't start working on a bug
before you've checked for
effort duplication. I've wasted eno
; - integrate the config option in the debconf templates
Or, in order to appease the crowds quickly:
- locate place to hack;
- hardcode '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in there;
- rebuild packages;
- install packages. is currently undergoing the last of these steps.
really do the
equivalent of "cvs update -j foo-branch-last-merge -j foo-branch"
without having to read commit logs, extract revision numbers from
there, and use these revision numbers in the command line.
Roland Mas
The cherry blossom / Tumbles from the highest tree / One need
configurable window manager. Or an FTP server. Or a tool to tag
collection of MP3 files.
...or do we?
Roland Mas
Plant a radish, get a radish, never any doubt!
-- Bellamy & Hucklebee, in The Fantasticks
with a subject of &q
Florian Weimer, 2005-08-20 20:50:12 +0200 :
> * Roland Mas:
>> The Berkeley DB storage backend was an enormously stupid thing,
>> but that's been fixed (phew).
> I'm storing hundreds of millions of rows in Berkeley DB tables and
> have yet to enco
ead of dpatch, because I
>> don't think it's obvious for everybody :)
> Yes, please do so! I would like to read that.
Seconded. Also, please include the "how" as well as the "why" :-)
Roland Mas
[...] ou une dent pourrie [...] -- in Variati
t output a patch rather
than try to actually commit. And while we're at it, maybe there could
be a debcheckout --update option that would update the working copy to
the current state of the repository.
(JoeyH, Zack -- *hint*, *hint* ;-)
Roland Mas
Sauvez les castors, imprimez en
that: with SetEnv (not ideal) or
with RequestHeader (probably better).
Roland Mas
Et c'est tellement plus mignon de se faire traiter de con en chanson...
-- in En chantant (Michel Sardou)
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
they can do that, right? :)
Erm, no, I didn't. Is that supposed to happen (by design), or is it
just a bug in the PHP interpreter? It sounds like a severe security
Roland Mas
Au royaume des aveugles, il y a des borgnes à ne pas dépasser.
-- in Soeur Marie-Thérèse des B
Eugeniy Meshcheryakov, 2008-05-16 02:10:39 +0200 :
> This can happen if user has 'default-mta' package installed, and it
> changes (if it is done like with 'gcc' package now).
Unless default-mta Depends: exim4 | mail-transport-agent. But that's
a bit ugly.
it piuparts has been too
frightening for me to try, so far. So, in order to comfort me in my
laziness, would you consider doing continuous (or regular) runs of
piuparts on the whole archive, and sending the results to the PTS
(probably with a new keyword)?
Roland Mas
Just a little bit o
Holger Levsen, 2009-08-06 14:44:53 +0200 :
> Hi Roland,
> On Donnerstag, 6. August 2009, Roland Mas wrote:
>> Thank you for this effort. I must admit piuparts has been too
>> frightening for me to try, so far. So, in order to comfort me in my
>> laziness, would yo
ugins/scm* :-)
Roland Mas
Time is a drug. Too much of it kills you.
-- in Small Gods (Terry Pratchett)
currently empty (I
didn't even remember how to create a repository).
Roland Mas
Neko-no me-to, onna-gokoro-to, aki-no-sora. -- Proverbe japonais
(« Souvent femme varie, bien fol est qui s'y fie. »)
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a
Roland Mas, 2009-08-24 14:15:18 +0200 :
> For reference, the Darcs plugin is complete (thanks to Sylvain Le
> Gall), so it should be usable as a base. The Git plugin is mostly
> complete, and should only be missing the parts about the repository
> browser and the code to map emai
7;s approximately correct, then aren't these points in
contradiction? I think the choice of established formats actually
benefits the "smaller distros" since they can pick the one more adapted
to their needs.
Interesting questions nevertheless :-)
Roland Mas
[...] ou une dent
has stated that Canonical employees are encouraged to do the
right thing in relation to Debian. These points cannot be swept under
the carpet with handwaving or accusations of slander alone.
The timing of #559206 is probably just an unfortunate coincidence, but
I find it telling nevertheless.
> type have you seen on IRC, mailing lists, Usenet? I've seen *TOO MANY*, and
> that's why I drafted this DEP in the first place.
> Definitely no, I don't think this is a marginal situation not worth
> doing some implementation work. (and I could help making patc
DPL candidates intends to work (or get people to
work) on the Debian website; I suggest this page could be considered
during that endeavour.
Roland Mas
With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not
safe for non US software engineers to visit the United Stat
to OCR software...
tired of the arms-race too.
Roland Mas
Qu'est-ce qui est jaune, qui pèse deux cents kilos et qui chante ?
Un sumotori dans sa salle de bains.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Package: wnpp
Owner: Roland Mas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: argyll
Version : 1.0.3
Upstream Author : Graeme Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL or Web page :
* License : GPLv3
Description : ICC comp
he lenny release
(real-life time constraints abound).
I'm therefore soliciting advice and/or help on that problem.
Roland Mas
A lesson for you all: never fall in love during a total eclipse.
-- Senex, in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Roland Mas, 2008-11-09 14:57:52 +0100 :
> The way I see it, there are three ways out:
> - prepare a new upload that doesn't contain this binary package, and
> leave users with the task of getting the code from the source
> package and installing it by hand;
Just for r
updated? I guess it would be useful for
> the sake of deciding what to do.
Maybe add a lintian/linda test? Maybe add that to Lina
Roland Mas
Fate always wins... At least, when people stick to the rules.
-- in Interesting Times (Terr
Peter Karlsson, 2007-08-23 09:50:53 +0200 :
> Hi!
> Any pointers to the obvious documentation links I've managed to
> overlook are very welcome. may be a starting point.
Roland Mas
LinkedIn profile:
trolling are entitled to vote. Others aren't.
How do we know the difference? The criterion is known as the NM
process. It's open to all.
Roland Mas
Death *was* hereditary. You got it from your ancestors.
-- in Hogfather (Terry Pratchett)
box to another and be able to use it right away was precisely the goal
of static linking in that case.
Roland Mas
Au royaume des aveugles, les borgnes n'ont qu'un oeil.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: fckeditor
Version : "recent enough"
Upstream Author : Frederico Caldeira Knabben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL or Web page :
* License : GPL/LGPL/MPL
Description : text/file editor for PHP
Nico Go
T) in policy,
then agreed on as a release goal (or fix the bugs even if they're not
RC :-)
Roland Mas
Indépendant en informatique libre -- Free software freelance
with a subject of "unsubscribe&quo
Package: wnpp
Owner: Roland Mas
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: gnome-color-manager
Version : 2.29.2
Upstream Author : Richard Hughes
* URL or Web page :
* License : GPL-2, GFDL for the docs
Description : Color
cing or complementing the md5sums with
something stronger if it helps with security, but removing them
altogether… please no.
Roland Mas
La menace de la baffe pèse plus lourd que la baffe elle-même.
-- in Sri Raoul le petit yogi (Gaudelette)
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-devel-
owser http://localhost:$some-port/";. AJAX to taste, then
submit via local or remote SMTP.
Roland Mas
Plus on en fout, plus y'en a du riz.
-- Proverbe chinois.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of "unsubscribe&quo
ew service.
Source^WGForge^WFusionForge maintainer since summer of 2000 and
*still* not quite mad (or am I?).
Roland Mas
Bada, bada, ba-da-da-daaa, doudou, doudou, dou-dou-dou-dou-baaa.
-- in Song without words #1 (Paul Leavitt)
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-devel-requ...@list
n. You can still
> have an encrypted swap, you just can't use a random key.
Indeed. My current setup is that sda1 is small, unencrypted and holds
/boot only. sda2 is the whole rest of the hard disk, and it's mapped to
a LUKS device used as a physical volume for LVM, and there are seve
ed before actually shutting
down the host.
Roland Mas
Fate always wins... At least, when people stick to the rules.
-- in Interesting Times (Terry Pratchett)
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble?
n sid or testing, that's all fine and dandy, and
we get a rolling thing. But it's not official, and it's not supported,
and it's not “safely used”. If the release team does it (possibly with
you as part of it), with sufficient buy-in from the developers, then we
have something
Raphael Hertzog, 2010-09-27 14:21:12 +0200 :
> Hi,
> On Mon, 27 Sep 2010, Roland Mas wrote:
>> >> What do you base this on? It does not at all seem clear to me that
>> >> rolling would not introduce maintainers who only care about rolling.
>> >
Joey Hess, 2010-09-27 15:26:10 -0400 :
> Roland Mas wrote:
>> At least for some packages, it's hard enough ensuring a more-or-less
>> pleasant experience in a stable release; trying to provide it on a
>> moving target is *much* more work, especially if one must su
apshots rather than
on rolling, but I agree with the general goals, as long as we keep in
mind and advertise the difference in expected quality — or in the set of
available packages.
And if I may join the bikeshedding, let me suggest we rename “testing”
to “staging”, and stick with “rolling” for t
the details. On
the GUI client side, work is happening in Eclipse and probably others.
Roland Mas
Indépendant en informatique libre -- Free software freelance
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of "unsubscrib
art as a separate file in your source
package and inline it in both files of the generated binary. A very
ugly implementation of this is in the fusionforge source package, using
an ad-hoc tool I called DSF-Helper (short for "Debian SourceForge
helper" -- that's how old it is).
Roland Mas
Death *was* hereditary. You got it from your ancestors.
-- in Hogfather (Terry Pratchett)
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I would like to deprecate sourceforge in favour of gforge. I believe
gforge is ready to enter sarge (and it should have done so long ago
were it not for problems in quite a lot of software depended upon).
Gforge is an evolution of the free code that is sourceforge,
Domenico Andreoli, 2003-11-19 11:30:17 +0100 :
> i see that perl 5.8.2-2 is marked "Not-For-Us" on mips buildd.
> why it is in this state? it blocks the build of a lot of software.
I'm currently building it by hand.
Roland Mas
Qu'est-ce qui est petit,
I'll suggest Offler (or Om), Foorgol (I don't like Fate) and, um,
some other god coming out of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels,
preferably whose name starts with an N.
Or something like that.
Roland Mas
Why did the elephant cross the road?
Because it was the chicken's day off.
Roland Mas, 2003-12-14 21:30:17 +0100 :
> I'll suggest Offler (or Om), Foorgol (I don't like Fate) and, um,
> some other god coming out of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels,
> preferably whose name starts with an N.
...and then I found http://en.wikiped
-- means "duck" in French).
- Your idea here.
Now is the time to debate and argue. There's no guarantee we'll
pick what the crowd wants, but good names will be considered :-)
Roland Mas
A lesson for you all: never fall in love during a total eclipse.
-- Senex, in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
g obscure? Service names
> should be easy to remember.
Think "non-us" or "security" vs. "satie", "people" vs. "gluck", etc.
Roland Mas
Two elephants fell off a cliff.
Boom, boom.
Sebastian Henschel (2002-11-28 10:08:11 -0500) :
>* Added an empty postinst to prevent dh_installdocs from deprecated
> linking from /usr/doc to /usr/share/doc.
That's an ugly hack. Please use DH_COMPAT=4 instead.
Roland Mas
Food, shelter, source code.
Ben Armstrong (2002-11-28 11:37:44 -0400) :
> On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 04:34:45PM +0100, Roland Mas wrote:
>> Ben Armstrong (2002-11-28 11:14:50 -0400) :
>> > Oh, I retract my objection then. If the machine has a name already,
>> > why bother naming the service somet
Colin Watson (2002-11-28 18:40:28 +) :
> You need Build-Depends{,-Indep}: debhelper (>= 4.1.0) for this, not
> a particular setting of DH_COMPAT.
Well, to be frank, I think you need both :-)
Roland Mas
Why did the elephant cross the road?
Because it was the chic
Colin Walters). Could we possibly hope
for a merger of those two? I'd very much like to have a pool-aware
Roland Mas
Sauvez une souris, mangez votre chat.
Matt Ryan (2003-04-21 11:03:49 +0100) :
> Again, if anyone knows of another client that supports both
> requirements I'll give it a go.
A good mail client that works on Windows, provides IMAP and obeys
standard headers? I suggest Gnus. It does all that, and more.
ryone will want to spend. Maybe make it optional.
Roland Mas
'ALL your base? No!! One tiny base continue bravely to resist.'
-- in #debian-devel
own-good version of each part
of the system, putting all that together and hoping the whole system
will work is, to say the least, idealistic.
Roland Mas
Just a little bit of you every day will surely keep the doctors away.
-- Just a little bit of you (The Jackson Five)
ot be very welcome in the USA. That's only my personal opinion
though, and I'm in no way trying to turn anyone from organising a
Debconf in the USA or attending it.
Roland Mas
Fate always wins... At least, when people stick to the rules.
-- in Interesting Times (Terry Pratchett)
t have any slave yet.", but since I
can't take the appropriate actions to make these slaves happen, that
won't be of much help to you.
Roland Mas
Luck, like a Russian car, generally only works if you push it.
-- Regalian, in My Hero (Tom Holt)
6 CEST 2001 i686
--- End Message ---
Roland Mas
C c ee lm re q j l a l l iè e .
-- Signatures à collectionner, série n°1, partie 3/3.
eople to switch to UTF-8, there's no need to provide them with an
excuse to stay with their own charsets.
Roland Mas
Time is a drug. Too much of it kills you.
-- in Small Gods (Terry Pratchett)
and meta-data are not really supported in CVS;
- Symlinks are not either;
- Repeated merges (when you work on branches) are a PITA.
These are real-life problems of CVS, not just theoretical
weaknesses. One lives with it (I've been doing so for years), but one
dreams of a day when they are
in Debian, instructing the user on how to go
> about downloading it. Does something like this make sense?
So we'd have some sort of book-get package, like the controversial
porn-get (which shares the characteristics you've described)?
Roland Mas
A lesson for you all
hat's probably my own settings.
Nope. I get it too, as I should: the message was declaring itself as
encoded in ISO-8859-1, and that means the  is a  and not a â. Or,
for you non-UTF-8-enabled people: that means the "international
currency sign" is a "international curren
x27;m not quite sure this is what you meant there. Bug #12166 is
related to fdutils, not postgresql.
Just my tuppence, of course.
Roland Mas
Plus on en fout, plus y'en a du riz.
-- Proverbe chinois.
like going further, I (with my FusionForge
upstream+maintainer and Alioth hats) would be happy to provide
support, guidance and testing.
Roland Mas
Food, shelter, source code.
-- Cyclic Software
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of &
o "gforge" way back then (for pretty much the same
reason, even -- to go away from a name that becomes associated to
proprietary software).
Okay, so this is not glibc (which is about a thousand times more
popular according to popcon), but it had to be said, I guess :-)
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