Re: ITH: basket ( was: About Basket packaging status)

2004-10-23 Thread Pierre Habouzit
the whole bug more carefully. Again it's a real miracle I saw your mail -- Pierre Habouzit -==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==- gpg : 1024D/A1EE761C 6045 409E 5CB5 2CEA 3E70 F17E C41E 995C C98C 90BE spam: [EMAIL PROTECTED] pgpYvSDUSQmu8.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#293167: ITP: request-tracker3.4 -- Extensible trouble-ticket tracking system

2005-02-02 Thread Pierre Habouzit
nd kludgy mechanism to allow easy migrations from one version to the other. IIUC RT has some problems in ``BC'' between the version, and that is sth that I consider beeing a grave upstream problem. So for my part, I understand, and even support your point. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O OOO pgpkJxGw5ZiA0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#293167: ITP: request-tracker3.4 -- Extensible trouble-ticket tracking system

2005-02-02 Thread Pierre Habouzit
a lot of different versions : you have to maintain each of them, even wrt security and stuff like that. and expect most of the users to be confused by all thoses packages that look like beeing the same, but are not -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O OOO

Re: what is /.udev for ?

2005-02-09 Thread Pierre Habouzit
etc/init.d/udev script -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O OOO pgphjoY5ZdXwa.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: mplayer, the time has come

2005-02-14 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ose by doing this? we are unable to read encrypted DVD (quite all of them that means). *but* I guess that this mplayer (I've not tested it though) is able to dlopen the libdcss2 that is packaged on third party mirrors (e.g. on C. Marilliat's repo) -- ÂOÂ Pierre Habouz

Re: Let's remove mips, mipsel, s390, ... (Was: [Fwd: Re: GTK+2.0 2.6.2-3 and buildds running out of space])

2005-02-21 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ackages that are on the archive when starting from source+diff). But if one day BW is critical, there is a path to explore here. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O OOO pgpXPKHIGiGGX.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Let's remove mips, mipsel, s390, ... (Was: [Fwd: Re: GTK+2.0 2.6.2-3 and buildds running out of space])

2005-02-21 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Lun 21 Février 2005 14:13, Peter Samuelson a écrit : > [Pierre Habouzit] > > > I mean that you have no way to say for huge source packages : you > > only need to build this , this, this and this pacakge. since the > > changes I've made won't affect the othe

Re: usbmount: udev script to automatically (un)mount USB mass storage devices: include in Debian?

2005-03-08 Thread Pierre Habouzit
s, and that the performance loss is not too painfull. -- ÂOÂ Pierre Habouzit ÂÂO OOO pgp4OXkJx03q0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#299024: ITP: dh-zope -- debhelper script for zope packaging

2005-03-11 Thread Pierre Habouzit
d to build a package dh-consoledata - Debhelper-based script to help packaging console data file dh-kpatches - Debhelper script to help packaging kernel patches dh-make - Debianizing Tool for debhelper dh-make-perl - Create debian packages from perl modules and it seems to be quite sensible. --

Re: The sarge release disaster - some thoughts

2005-03-15 Thread Pierre Habouzit
over, or whatever silly thing you may imagine do we want to act like grownups and make such an internal audit ? or do you still prefer flaming ? -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O OOO pgpV01LQ93yhc.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: procmail and Large File Support

2005-03-16 Thread Pierre Habouzit
have really large inboxes. I have had a number > > of customers that have several GB inbox. They tend to get quite a > > lot of attachments (reports etc) and do not have the time to delete > > mail. > > File quotas will fix that in a hurry. that's definetely a (sorry) stu

Re: switching to vim-tiny for standard vi?

2005-12-20 Thread Pierre Habouzit
the other members of the vim maintaince team (Cc-ed) > have neither as well I can apply the patch and come up with a > suitable configuration file which is more in the vi spirit. note that this is sth that quite a lot of distro already do : vi is a mostly vi-compatible thing, and

Re: debian "experimental"

2005-12-30 Thread Pierre Habouzit
://ftp.$ ../project/experimental main contrib It'll work better ... -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpLESKdEdtx9.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#348728: ITP: php-net-imap -- PHP PEAR module implementing IMAP protocol

2006-01-19 Thread Pierre Habouzit
cision. Waiting for it now ... > > Greetings and thanks for info > Steffen the project decision is clear IMHO : read the php license, you'll see it can only apply to the main and official PHP distribution. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EM

Re: when and why did python(-minimal) become essential?

2006-01-19 Thread Pierre Habouzit
. Ubuntu does not AFAICT the same size requirements as debian do for base, and I really think that python upstream can understand that the *full* python suite on a embeded device just does not makes sense. To me, this looks like a bad excuse. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O

Re: Bug#349064: ITP: flash-plugin -- installer for Macromedia Flash Plugin

2006-01-23 Thread Pierre Habouzit
he efforts in a team, rather than duplicating one's work over 3 distinct projects). -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpKyvMUuk4La.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#353117: ITP: libphp-xajax -- A PHP library to develop Ajax applications

2006-02-16 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Jeu 16 Février 2006 11:21, David Gil a écrit : > Package: wnpp > Severity: wishlist > Owner: David Gil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > * Package name : libphp-xajax should be : php-xajax. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O

Re: NEW queue backing up again -- ftpmasters, any explanation or comment?

2006-03-13 Thread Pierre Habouzit
; > else. > > The mirror split is a complicated endeavour. From what I understood, > the NEW queue was put on hold on purpose until the split is > complete. and of course such a useless information has been kept silent. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O

Re: Delayed ldconfig execution in postinst step

2006-03-13 Thread Pierre Habouzit
pend on package installation operations but > instead invent something like "dpkg-hook --execute ldconfig" to run > outstanding tasks noted under the name "ldconfig". you also need a way to enforce the run, e.g. if you change your libc, you may want to run the ldconfig ASAP, and

Re: Delayed ldconfig execution in postinst step

2006-03-14 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Lun 13 Mars 2006 19:46, Eduard Bloch a écrit : > #include > > * Pierre Habouzit [Mon, Mar 13 2006, 07:16:22PM]: > > > What is a depends? Do you mean dependency or dependents? > > > Further, I would not depend on package installation operations > > > but inst

Re: removal of svenl from the project

2006-03-15 Thread Pierre Habouzit
f DDs that need you to rule about them. The project is really going insane. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpM2NFqme4Y5.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: removal of svenl from the project

2006-03-15 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Mer 15 Mars 2006 15:05, Andres Salomon a écrit : > On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 11:25 +0100, Pierre Habouzit wrote: > > Le Mer 15 Mars 2006 03:01, Andres Salomon a écrit : > > > Hi, > > > > > > I am going through the expulsion process to have Sven Luther > > &

Re: Bug#303366: ITP: vimcdoc -- Chinese Translation of Vim Online Help Documents

2005-04-06 Thread Pierre Habouzit
;s sad. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O OOO pgpItKpZTkn6h.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#302309: ITP: bcron -- Bruce's cron system

2005-04-10 Thread Pierre Habouzit
n the machine, I need to be able to use @reboot to restart -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O OOO pgpE3mm5q8tFq.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: PHP/WebApp policy/mailing list

2005-05-02 Thread Pierre Habouzit
uffer from all those problems, and that would be happy to find some other developper that shares the same problems. so, maybe (and I hope so) it won't have d-devel traffic. but I really think it won't die. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O OOO

Re: RFC: A new video-related section

2005-05-27 Thread Pierre Habouzit
video". Any thoughts on this? multimedia seems more appropriate. most of the video player actually are music player too, and some music player can show video with appropriate plugins (xmms e.g.) though, that would mean that 'sound' won't have that many package. so maybe we sho

Re: RFC: A new video-related section

2005-05-27 Thread Pierre Habouzit
a that is not very informative. the same holds for ogle or other DE front-ends to popular midia players. I agree kde and gnome sections are completely uninformative, though they are useful too in order to categorize apps that belongs to those desktops environments (not all

Re: Bug#311150: ITP: twinkle -- VoIP Softphone

2005-05-29 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Dim 29 Mai 2005 11:38, Mark Purcell a écrit : > * URL             : I guess you meant .com ? the .org one does not exists. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Example where testing-security was used?

2005-05-31 Thread Pierre Habouzit
llow moore's law) ... but I find hard to believe that hardware is the reason why we cannot manage many arches. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpdaVPkl87ui.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Example where testing-security was used?

2005-05-31 Thread Pierre Habouzit
e or any big c++ application to build on slow/rare arches, I guess that will ease the autobuilders a lot too, not only the archive. maybe the solution is to write a [EMAIL PROTECTED] (like [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] does) in order to ease the autobuilders :D (kidding of cours

Re: Example where testing-security was used?

2005-06-01 Thread Pierre Habouzit
e can imagin a 'job' server that allow you to build bits of debian packages at home. not necessarily C source ;) and then debian servers only check it's coherent I know, this is completely ScFi -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O

Re: Is Ubuntu a debian derivative or is it a fork?

2005-06-02 Thread Pierre Habouzit
nd that is those package that often need the more help and need always more manpower. [1] [2] there is a lot of ways to do that : rss feeds, ML's, ... -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpciUXFXKG1k.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Is Ubuntu a debian derivative or is it a fork?

2005-06-02 Thread Pierre Habouzit
that they already have 3.4.1 packages ready and uploaded, that they are preparing the gcc-4.0 transition, ... nice... I never saw anything like this on our lists, and we will have to go through the same road... but this has not been discussed ... I&#x

Re: Bug#311785: ITP: imlib+png2 -- ITP: imlib+png2 - mentoring applicant needing package

2005-06-03 Thread Pierre Habouzit
: (GPL, LGPL, BSD, MIT/X, etc.) > Description : ITP: imlib+png2 - mentoring applicant needing > package are you kidding us ? those apps are in debian, you are flooding the list with irelevant mails. please stop -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O

Bug#312309: ITP: whitelister -- a Postfix Whitelister daemon

2005-06-07 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: whitelister Version : 0.4 Upstream Author : Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : * License

Re: Planet Debian and Akregator

2005-06-09 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
the feed with konqueror or firefox, you'll see that the xml is not valid. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Re: Planet Debian and Akregator

2005-06-09 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
ven worse : planet debian en-malform xml. create a blog entry with title "foo & bar" ... you'll see, your & will be translated as & in the rss feed of your blog entry, and as & in planet... -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[E

Re: Bug#312669: /sbin/ifconfig: Add ifconfig to user path

2005-06-10 Thread Pierre Habouzit
it, as this will set a bad precedence. why that ? I don't understand what would be wrong with having a symlink in /bin ... -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO

Re: Greylisting for email, please

2005-06-16 Thread Pierre Habouzit
e used as a default rule for email filtering. I'd prefer to see some tools like dspam/bogofilter/... used instead of the heavy and not efficient enought SA. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO

Re: Greylisting for email, please

2005-06-16 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Ven 17 Juin 2005 01:42, Wouter Verhelst a écrit : > On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 03:09:47PM +0200, Pierre Habouzit wrote: > > Le Jeu 16 Juin 2005 14:33, Santiago Vila a écrit : > > > Now that we have released sarge, I would like to ask debian-admin > > > and the Project L

Re: Greylisting for email, please

2005-06-17 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Ven 17 Juin 2005 14:13, Steve Greenland a écrit : > On 17-Jun-05, 01:41 (CDT), Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > the delay it creates. [...] but for our addresses ... > > that sucks, I often rely on the fact that delivery is immediate on > >

Re: Greylisting for email, please

2005-06-17 Thread Pierre Habouzit
tools for debian, but I can help if any help is welcomed/wanted/... -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpPR3tDl6dxw.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Greylisting for email, please

2005-06-19 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Though, I have configured my SMTP server to use (which is the SMTP server of my ISP) as the default route for my mail, since I've had too many problems wrt my IP. And believe me, it's *really* displeasing to be blacklisted as a dialup line.

Re: Greylisting for email, please

2005-06-20 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Lun 20 Juin 2005 09:58, Russell Coker a écrit : > On Saturday 18 June 2005 01:33, Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > you didn't read one of my first posts : when the mail you receive > > comes from a big big big MX, and that they see a greylisted dom

Re: Greylisting for email, please

2005-06-20 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Lun 20 Juin 2005 09:51, Russell Coker a écrit : > On Saturday 18 June 2005 01:07, Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I perfectly understand what SMTP is, and I perfectly *don't* > > understand why having a 30 minutes delay or even a 2 or 3 hours >

Re: Greylisting for email, please

2005-06-20 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ice providers. I personnally use my address in order to filter all my Debian related mail, including if not real time, at least quite fast discussion. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgplWFv6K51L6.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: KDE apps up for adoption

2005-06-22 Thread Pierre Habouzit
(only having an alioth account is required) and maintain those inside our svn. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpSDhIi6ZIXr.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Greylisting for email, please

2005-06-27 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Lun 27 Juin 2005 10:14, Stig Sandbeck Mathisen a écrit : > Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > I fully disagree, greylisting is really painful > > Since this is contrary to my experience with greylisting, I'd like to > hear more about your experiences

Re: Greylisting for email, please

2005-06-27 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Mar 28 Juin 2005 08:36, Bob Proulx a écrit : > Pierre Habouzit wrote: > > Le Lun 27 Juin 2005 10:14, Stig Sandbeck Mathisen a écrit : > > > Since this is contrary to my experience with greylisting, I'd > > > like to hear more about your experiences wit

Re: multiarch?

2005-07-07 Thread Pierre Habouzit
id option, especially if etch isn't ready in the year (which seems not really sensible/possible/...). IMHO, either amd64/pure64/... will become a release arch and in that case we have to have a solution for multiarch, either amd64 is not a released arch .. and that bothers me. -- ·O· P

Re: multiarch?

2005-07-08 Thread Pierre Habouzit
there is IMHO some benefit to use qemu (e.g.) in its 32bits version when it emulate a 32bits host (maybe I'm wrong, but it sounds sensible) ... so since it does not looks like only a gadget, and that IMHO it's even often needed ... we should have a solution for this. -- ·O·

Bug#317751: ITP: proxsmtp -- multi purpose SMTP Proxy

2005-07-11 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: proxsmtp Version : 1.2.1 Upstream Author : Nate Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : * License : BSD (http://memberwebs

Re: lilypond and python

2006-07-30 Thread Pierre Habouzit
OTECTED]>, you said: Le dim 30 juillet 2006 07:19, Thomas Bushnell BSG a écrit : > Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Thomas Bushnell BSG a écrit : > > > Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > > it seems that guile 1.6.8 is buggy

Python Transition, Mass Bug fill and NMUs…

2006-08-02 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ll be announced and coordinated with the RM team). -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgp2zQWbWiz2x.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Python Transition, Mass Bug fill and NMUs...

2006-08-02 Thread Pierre Habouzit
advertising, but exists. [1][EMAIL PROTECTED] -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpb7fqqKhHCp.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: dh_python and python policy analysis

2006-08-07 Thread Pierre Habouzit
central implementation choice) You should also mention that a package that mixes many of the previous items *SHOULD* depend of all the pythonX.Y from the (1) clauses, and the smallest range obtained from the (2)'s. and a python (>= X.Y) | p

Re: dh_python and python policy analysis

2006-08-08 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le mar 8 août 2006 00:18, Pierre Habouzit a écrit : > § 2.3.3, 2.4.2, 2.5.3, 2.6.2: > *here* the python$version alternative is correct, > because /extensions/ can be used with a '/usr/bin/python' as soon > as the python current version is in their supported range. >

Re: dh_python and python policy analysis

2006-08-09 Thread Pierre Habouzit very nice. I'm going to review it comparing it with the initial python policy by J.Wreschnig so that I'm sure we have not left anything apart, or contradicted vital points. Cheers, -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O

Re: VMware packaging

2006-08-12 Thread Pierre Habouzit
and vmware-modules-source packages based on an installation tarball > (a la java-package). why would we need it when there is already quite plenty of good free alternatives (qemu, bochs e.g.) ? -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O

WTF ? (Fwd: Your message to Yaird-devel awaits moderator approval)

2006-08-13 Thread Pierre Habouzit
52b4359e0d0594b --- -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpYCv5QgUWGh.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: VMware packaging

2006-08-13 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le dim 13 août 2006 15:24, Adrian von Bidder a écrit : > On Sunday 13 August 2006 02:25, Pierre Habouzit wrote: > > Le dim 13 août 2006 02:06, Peter Collingbourne a écrit : > > > Dear all, > > > > > > I found there were no VMware-related packages in the offic

Re: Bug#382796: ITP: python-alsaaudio -- Alsa bindings for Python

2006-08-13 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ch python alsa answer nothing for me ... -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpPHKjOh5n8C.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: dh_python and python policy analysis

2006-08-12 Thread Pierre Habouzit
/usr/lib/games/$pkg and /usr/share/games/$pkg. If he finds a .so in there, he uses objdump to find out if the .so is python related or not, and acts accordingly. It just dont need current/current_ext at all, and uses different implementations choices. that's all. --

Re: dh_python and python policy analysis

2006-08-12 Thread Pierre Habouzit
e pre-installation phase of the python package, the > > package supplied scripts are called with the parameter: > > pre-rtupdate > > > > A failure in any script results in the failure of the > >pre-installation script of the python package. > >

Re: dh_python and python policy analysis

2006-08-13 Thread Pierre Habouzit
added or removed? actually,it's not truly needed, it's needed iff a package do needs the new provides or not. and those reuploads are kind of binNMUs, the real problem here is that tehre is no arch:all binNMU and maybe that's here the problem that need fixi

Re: Bits from the DPL: Freedom and etch

2006-08-29 Thread Pierre Habouzit
if needed, so that that GR can come, and that we know where we are going instead of guessing. [1] -- ·O· Pi

Re: The bigger issue is badly licensed blobs (was Re:Firmware poll

2006-08-30 Thread Pierre HABOUZIT
ely a tendency to inflame discussions for > nothing. You've used me to expect better from you. this dig is obviously meant to calm things down… Not to mention that *you* are wrong and that Mike is right, there is currently only 7 blob's that we

Re: claiming bugs, BTS delay, planning BSPs

2006-09-03 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ython24 takes 15.576s to be generated, the same page on the bts is twice as fast to show up. the idea is brilliant, but it does not seems to be a major improvement yet. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpcn9sAfDA2j.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: The debian boot dependency graph image

2006-09-07 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ing about how many of the blocks which are not listed > as depending on udev actually do. your point beeing ? -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpI8Xm2X0357.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: claiming bugs, BTS delay, planning BSPs

2006-09-08 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ation to talk to to perform an upload. We have enough administrivia already. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpLLn3I9kiGt.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Request to mailing list Pkg-qof-maintainers rejected

2006-09-11 Thread Pierre Habouzit
is completely inadequate, and whitelisting any From address is trivial. I've already stated it, and I do it again: I do consider ok that the Maintainer field of some co-maintained package is a list, that really makes sense, but *that* list should never ever use sender-based m

Re: Request to mailing list Pkg-qof-maintainers rejected

2006-09-11 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le lun 11 septembre 2006 15:36, Tollef Fog Heen a écrit : > * Pierre Habouzit > > | I've already stated it, and I do it again: I do consider ok that > | the Maintainer field of some co-maintained package is a list, that > | really makes sense, but *that* list should never ever

Re: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lraw1394

2006-09-12 Thread Pierre Habouzit
(mbox file) at FWIW the package libraw1394 has been adopted by Ludovic Reslinger, and I sponsored its upload recently, it's currently in NEW, maybe that new upload fixes the problem ? -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O

Bug#387926: ITP: eaccelerator -- PHP opcode cacher and compilation optimizer

2006-09-17 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: eaccelerator Version : 0.9.5~rc1 Upstream Author : Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : * License : GPL V2 Programming Lang: C

Re: Bug#387926: ITP: eaccelerator -- PHP opcode cacher and compilation optimizer

2006-09-17 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le dim 17 septembre 2006 16:11, Pierre Habouzit a écrit : >   Upstream Author : Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> bah stupid template... reportbug should barf when such things are forgotten :| anyway the package is in NEW, and debian/copyright is ok -- ·O· Pierre Hab

Re: Bug#387926: ITP: eaccelerator -- PHP opcode cacher and compilation optimizer

2006-09-17 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le dim 17 septembre 2006 19:35, Roberto C. Sanchez a écrit : > On Sun, Sep 17, 2006 at 06:07:57PM +0200, Pierre Habouzit wrote: > > Le dim 17 septembre 2006 16:11, Pierre Habouzit a écrit : > > >   Upstream Author : Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > > bah stupid

Re: Bug#387926: ITP: eaccelerator -- PHP opcode cacher and compilation optimizer

2006-09-17 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le dim 17 septembre 2006 19:57, Pierre Habouzit a écrit : > Le dim 17 septembre 2006 19:35, Roberto C. Sanchez a écrit : > > On Sun, Sep 17, 2006 at 06:07:57PM +0200, Pierre Habouzit wrote: > > > Le dim 17 septembre 2006 16:11, Pierre Habouzit a écrit : > > > >  

Re: First call for vote on immediate vote under section 4.2.2

2006-10-27 Thread Pierre Habouzit
-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpr7FDmlCLrt.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: First call for vote on immediate vote under section 4.2.2

2006-10-28 Thread Pierre Habouzit
On Sat, Oct 28, 2006 at 03:34:34PM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote: > On Sat, Oct 28, 2006 at 02:31:54AM +0200, Pierre Habouzit wrote: > > - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > > Can I ask why you people (not only you Pierre, generic qu

Re: First call for vote on immediate vote under section 4.2.2

2006-10-28 Thread Pierre Habouzit
On Sat, Oct 28, 2006 at 08:27:30PM +0200, Pierre Habouzit wrote: > On Sat, Oct 28, 2006 at 03:34:34PM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote: > > It would help if related votes would be kept out of debian-devel. > honnest mistake, due like Roland said, to the fact that the

Re: Conditionally applying an architecture-dependent patch

2006-11-28 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ack quite esaily a makefile using quilt and debian/patches/series + debian/patches/series.$(arch) if it exists e.g. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgppiQDyMFMFD.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: debian-private and Gmail

2006-12-06 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ause it begins to take too much importance in a project that has among its key principles: transparency and openess. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpDuAFeR1TB2.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#403770: ITP: context -- A powerful TeX format

2006-12-19 Thread Pierre Habouzit
fact that the upstream's website is poorly worded is not a very good excuse. I've read the .pdf manual, and to me it's still unclear why context should be better than the good old latex distro ;) PS: you made a mistake the web site is .nl and not .com -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··

Re: Bug#403770: ITP: context -- A powerful TeX format

2006-12-19 Thread Pierre Habouzit
On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 09:25:59PM +0100, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote: > On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 07:53:30PM +0100, Pierre Habouzit wrote: > > technically that's hard to do when you don't know it yet ;) the fact > > Just googling around I stumbled on this document titled &

Explications needed...

2006-12-20 Thread Pierre Habouzit
(1) reconsider, (2) explain himself about that. Kindly, [1] -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgp0e7FVPoKzu.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Explanations needed...

2006-12-20 Thread Pierre Habouzit
On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 05:03:35PM +0100, Pierre Habouzit wrote: > I happened to have had access to the internet during my vacation, and > I happened to read a backlog on #debian-release that frightens me: > > [...] > > So, why : > * does aurelien initi

Re: Explications needed...

2006-12-29 Thread Pierre Habouzit
t; autobuilder) just look at [1], whereas every single arch is keeping up quietly, arm and sparc seem to go to the deepness of hell. I don't know who are the sparc buildd admins, but for sure, the arm port do not seem to be that well. [1]

Re: (and related infrastructure) updates

2006-12-31 Thread Pierre Habouzit
d not be enough fun else. [1] For the record, I don't like Sender Verify either, it has very poor properties, but the sole argument against it, that has some kind of value is that spammers can use it the same way to validate their databases. Hence it can make genu

Re: Proposal for Lenny: Please avoid duplicated changelogs for binary packages sharing the same source package

2007-01-02 Thread Pierre Habouzit
arguments for each of your binary packages. Maybe what could be done is to write a new helper or extend dh_installdocs to have such a behaviour. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOOhttp://w

Re: Proposal for Lenny: Please avoid duplicated changelogs for binary packages sharing the same source package

2007-01-02 Thread Pierre Habouzit
On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 04:28:59PM +0200, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote: > On 1/2/07, Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 03:44:10PM +0200, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote: > >> Hi, > >> > >> I find it wasteful to install the same

Re: RFC: Proposal for official screenshot repo

2007-01-03 Thread Pierre Habouzit
n proposed on -project rather than devel. But I suppose google will know about it. -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpmMZTPILzeF.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: RFC: Proposal for official screenshot repo

2007-01-03 Thread Pierre Habouzit
On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 12:05:03AM +0100, Nico Golde wrote: > Hi, > * Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-01-03 23:53]: > > On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 05:32:52PM -0500, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote: > > > Today I was trying to explain to a friend the concept of using

Re: FSG Packaging Summit in Berlin

2007-01-05 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ow it seem unfair to be judged after this, but well, you can't blame people for judging the iceberg just looking at what is outside from the see. *shrug* > Honestly, it was not my intent to insult anybody. I'm sorry if I did. > But, being the s

Re: Best scheme for teams and Maintainer/Uploaders fields ?

2007-01-08 Thread Pierre Habouzit
ackages at all, that just set the name of those who worked the most on them, and that are responsible for QA and so on. In a packaging group, the rule that shall be implicit is that everybody can touch "everybody's" package, except if specifically documented so (with an excellent

Re: Your message to Pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers awaits moderator approval

2007-01-08 Thread Pierre Habouzit
t makes a mail the user does not really expect, and with the current spam rates, one-more-mail is painful ; - that looks very rough and disordered ; - ... PLEASE do NOT moderate lists that are listed as a Maintainer/Uploader. If you still want to do so, PLEASE STOP sending the notifica

Re: Best scheme for teams and Maintainer/Uploaders fields ?

2007-01-08 Thread Pierre Habouzit
is in fact MIA. Last-action of a DD is computed using many ways, uploads of package where he is in Maintainer/Uploader beeing among them, and it hides real MIAs from the mia tracking scripts, and that's bad, because it prevent good QA work, and generate more and more bitrot. -- ·O· Pierre

Re: Best scheme for teams and Maintainer/Uploaders fields ?

2007-01-08 Thread Pierre Habouzit
On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 09:42:11AM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote: > Pierre Habouzit dijo [Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 11:58:49AM +0100]: > > > Uh? Why? Your maintainer field seems to address this issue. In our > > > scheme that's would be more a problem, but if the mailing list is &g

amd64 uploads

2006-04-07 Thread Pierre Habouzit
to fix them. I suppose there is some stubs here to do some MIA-hunt and cleaning of the archive. [1] regards, -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[E

Re: amd64 uploads

2006-04-07 Thread Pierre Habouzit
to nmu in delayed/7 without warning ? If yes, you can count on me -- ·O· Pierre Habouzit ··O[EMAIL PROTECTED] OOO pgpUUDebxKOwj.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: amd64 uploads

2006-04-09 Thread Pierre Habouzit
Le Dim 9 Avril 2006 14:18, Kurt Roeckx a écrit : > On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 09:47:25PM +0200, Pierre Habouzit wrote: > > Le Ven 7 Avril 2006 20:33, Kurt Roeckx a écrit : > > > > A lot of the others simply need to desupport old versions of > > > > Python. > >

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