Re: libc6 is too large?

1999-09-27 Thread Michael Beattie
all. Maybe he had PMS? Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Drive nail here ( ) to need a new monitor. - Debian G

Re: slink -> potato

1999-10-04 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sat, 2 Oct 1999, Herbert Xu wrote: > If anyone has seen an existing connection die, please report that as a bug. what against? "internet" ?? The issue is more about connectivity stability. Michael Beattie ([EM

Re: ITP: buglist?

1999-10-05 Thread Michael Beattie
comments? Ben? (I am most definitely, NOT a perl guru.) Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Of all the things I have lost, I m

incoming is strange! (REQUEST)

2000-08-20 Thread Michael Beattie
upgraded from things like libfoo0 to libfoo1. If this is one of your packages, please file a bug on to have the obsolete packages removed. this will not happen for some time, to allow for packages to be recompiled for the new library. I'd like to get woody decrufted! --

Re: Where's the prc-tools package?

2000-09-01 Thread Michael Beattie
h I did, and apply it. -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - WinErr: 005 Multitasking attempted - Sys

Re: location of non-debian deb package?

2000-09-03 Thread Michael Beattie
it to be superseded by an incompatible upgrade soon. since when has a limited target user group stopped something being in "debian proper" ? (Take a look at all the other dynamic dns tools) --

Re: /bin/ksh as a default POSIX shell

2000-09-03 Thread Michael Beattie
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 03:12:30PM +0200, Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler wrote: > > P.S.: Please can you go without the PGP stuff for the mailing list? It > seems to double the size of your messages. Thanks. > I'd like to see Overfiends response to this. --

Re: dpkg-scanpackages arguments, output Packages files, and apt

2000-09-03 Thread Michael Beattie
ument. and /dev/null works fine for the override file. -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - DOS never say

Re: My recent bug's and continuing effort to debconf-ize Debian

2000-09-03 Thread Michael Beattie
g and apt-cache still claim that it is > > in optional: > > Someone needs to update the override file for debconf to become standard. which I will do when auric decides to show its face. --

Re: APT problem

2000-09-03 Thread Michael Beattie
on.. I'll have a look next time around. -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - CONNECT 300... Connect 300?!?!?! #%^# NO CARRIER ---

Re: /bin/ksh as a default POSIX shell

2000-09-04 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 01:19:08AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: > On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 08:54:25AM +0300, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote: > > Um, why send such a message to a widely-read mailing-list? > > As a joke... Im damned curious.. what did it say? --

Re: X and runlevels

2000-09-04 Thread Michael Beattie
ager, you'll have to do this again. It is not really convenient. I find commenting out the display line in /etc/X11/[xwg]dm/Xservers is sufficient. -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: X and runlevels

2000-09-04 Thread Michael Beattie
may not even > have > a video. > This setup is a small percentage of the installed base but it does > exist and is used. Then disable the local display by commenting the server line in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers -- Michael B

Re: ITP lame

2000-09-04 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 01:03:15PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > lame/vorbis works alright. The problem I'm facing is lack of a good CLI > ogg player. Whats wrong with ogg123? -- Michael Beattie ([E

Re: Qt going GPL ...

2000-09-04 Thread Michael Beattie
in the > archives, it wasn't moved to REJECT or DONE, it just disappeared. > I was wondering if there was some long flame war on debian-private > that I was missing. Still in incoming... dont look at me :) --

Re: ITP lame

2000-09-04 Thread Michael Beattie
is* esd support, (libao, a part of the vorbis cvs tree, has multiple output formats) anyway, if you say that the wav file does not play properly, contact the vorbis development team. They would love to hear from you. I will look at a new upload soon -- Michael Beattie ([

Re: X and runlevels

2000-09-05 Thread Michael Beattie
conds each... > > If you're saying, "Huh?" right about now, that's okay, because I did too. No, I can understand that. - that exact circumstance would occur in our University computer science lab. Regularly too, I might add. --

Re: X and runlevels

2000-09-05 Thread Michael Beattie
> load my .xsession in under 6 seconds. Since *dm requires you get a > username and password (bwahaahaa!), use it. yeah, I'll LART you... lab == lots of people == lots of NCD xterms == lots of quick logins to the DEC Unix server at the beginning of a lab... sheesh --

Re: Qt2.2 released under the GPL

2000-09-05 Thread Michael Beattie
arriving :P (or was this not a dig at the ftpmasters?) -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - "Sometimes I think that the surest sign that intellegent life exists elsewhere in

Re: Qt2.2 released under the GPL

2000-09-05 Thread Michael Beattie
ve it out :) -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - "Games? Did someone say games?" -- Q - Debian G

Re: ITP lame

2000-09-05 Thread Michael Beattie
for lame to be distributed with debian, I can tell you now, it would be in the archive overnight. - But it isnt, so it wont. *please* go and read up on the whole issue before complaining.. this topic almost arises more often than the "When will kde be in Debian?" thread. --

Re: X and runlevels

2000-09-05 Thread Michael Beattie
It's a login, followed by an immediate logout, followed by an immedate > login, repeat 4 times, that causes it. Okay, my error, I was under the impression that it was fast spawning of whatever it is that supplies the display to a client. --

Re: Qt going GPL ...

2000-09-05 Thread Michael Beattie
L > problems), or some terribly freaky bug in the software that writes > the webpage. kdesupport is on auric, kdelibs is on pandora (non-us) (dont ask me why, I dont know) -- Micha

Re: OT Re: /bin/ksh as a default POSIX shell

2000-09-05 Thread Michael Beattie
somehow, hmmm, strange (to > say the least) choice of language ;-) It was meant as a joke... so go ahead :) Im not sure why he encrypted to you though. -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -

Re: Archive maintainers: Please relocate tpctl package

2000-09-06 Thread Michael Beattie
On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 05:05:35PM -0400, Thomas Hood wrote: > The tpctl packages still haven't been relocated. Is there > some holdup? Time. sorry, I'll take a look this afternoon. -- Michael Beattie (

Re: new experimental ISDNUTILS packages available

2000-09-07 Thread Michael Beattie
he override entries last night I think... I dont see them installed.. - not sure why.. ...but your new upload will be rejected :) isdnutils_3.1pre1b-1_i386.changes REJECT Rejected: md5sum failed md5sum: MD5 check failed for 'isdnutils_3.1pre1b-1.dsc' (not me, dinstall) --

Re: new experimental ISDNUTILS packages available

2000-09-08 Thread Michael Beattie
have been installed now. -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - yip yip yip yip yip yip yap yap yip *BANG* NO TERRIER -

Re: apt-move problem

2000-09-08 Thread Michael Beattie
scanpackages (it used to, but not any more.) -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Documentation - The worst part of programming.

Re: apt-move problem

2000-09-08 Thread Michael Beattie
ice on the same package. > > This occurs when apt-move first moves the packages in, which is why you must > never move packages in by hand (at least not without doing an fsck later). my apologies.. I was under the impression that the new method used dpkg -I magic. sorry for confusion. -- bug cleanup

2000-09-08 Thread Michael Beattie
18, 48920, 53412, 53942, 55168, 55629, 57506, 59163, 60888, 61652, 69850, 69878, 61994, 62259, 62552, 63793, 64765, 68870, 69680, 70449 -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - If it can

OT: Re: apt-move problem

2000-09-08 Thread Michael Beattie
On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 02:04:29PM +1100, Herbert Xu wrote: > > > my apologies.. I was under the impression that the new method used dpkg -I > > magic. > > dpkg-scanpackages actually calls dpkg-deb -I :) bah.. the bug was said to be in dpkg-scanpackages --

Re: bug cleanup

2000-09-08 Thread Michael Beattie
> wasnt closed, the bug doesnt apply anymore, or it is a feature > request for dinstall) (Bcc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]): er... the feature requests for dinstall were in the control stuff at the top.. sorry, I didnt close them :P -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PRO

Re: Bug#71107: [ Re: RFC: removal of libqt1g from woody]

2000-09-09 Thread Michael Beattie
o pipe up. Feel free... I would suggest you simply file an RC bug on explorer, so that when woody comes around to being frozen, it will be removed, if it has not been resolved. -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Bug#71107: [ Re: RFC: removal of libqt1g from woody]

2000-09-09 Thread Michael Beattie
t been reset to that. > > ...that would explain it. :) righto then, if people come to a consensus, file a bug on ftp.d.o to get it moved to project/orphaned/, removed, or have the maintainer overriden. --

Re: modutils-2.3.11-8 request change

2000-09-11 Thread Michael Beattie
trying to flame you at all for posting your patch here. -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Cat Game #1: Hah - made you look! ---

Re: New package checkmp3 ???

2000-09-13 Thread Michael Beattie
bug on f.d.o, mp3check, checkmp3, or all the > above? How about mailing the maintainer to ask whats up? -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Windows: the world's first commercia

Re: KDE2 - nice demolition job ...

2000-09-13 Thread Michael Beattie
t; bombastic in talk or declamation; > == > > "without dignity of thought". Seems an apt description. /me looks at Culus. -- Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -

Bug#220301: ITP: entropy -- Emerging Network To Reduce Orwellian Potency Yield

2003-11-11 Thread Michael Beattie
Package: wnpp Version: unavailable; reported 2003-11-12 Severity: wishlist * Package name: entropy Version : 0.6.1-362 Upstream Author : Juergen Buchmueller * URL : * License : GPL Description : Emerging Network To

Re: Current problems with libc6_2.1.1-2

1999-05-11 Thread Michael Beattie
gt; > Is my machine a ticking time bomb or something? Will it not boot up next > time I have to reboot? Well. Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) PGP Key available, reply with "pgpkey" as subject. ---

ITP: netled

1999-05-15 Thread Michael Beattie
NIX flavours and probably MS-DOS compilers too. Copying Policy GPL - GNU General Public License. ^ I think this is "Good" :) Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) PGP Key available, reply with "

Re: ITP: netled

1999-05-15 Thread Michael Beattie
On 14 May 1999, Ben Pfaff wrote: > Michael Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >Summary > NetLED is a program that monitors an interface using the keyboard > leds. > > Is it different from tleds which is already packaged? I found tleds not all t

VX Chipsets and 2.2.5

1999-05-17 Thread Michael Beattie
I have been told by an aquaintance that linux 2.1.x or greater kernels are unlikely to boot on a Motherboard that uses a VX Chipset. I have a VXPro... Comments? Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) PGP Key available, reply with "pgpkey"

Re: VX Chipsets and 2.2.5

1999-05-18 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sun, 16 May 1999, Phillip R. Jaenke wrote: > On Sun, 16 May 1999, Robert Woodcock wrote: > > > Michael Beattie wrote: > > >I have been told by an aquaintance that linux 2.1.x or greater kernels are > > >unlikely to boot on a Motherboard that uses a VX Chipset. I

Re: VX Chipsets and 2.2.5

1999-05-18 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 17 May 1999, Phillip R. Jaenke wrote: > On Tue, 18 May 1999, Michael Beattie wrote: > > > Ahhh... The reason he said this was that OS/2 wouldnt boot... but that was > > the latest version... beta even. > > Uhm. FYI, Warp5 *DOES* boot on VXpro, thank you muchly

re: ITP: netleds [retract]

1999-05-19 Thread Michael Beattie
Um, It is very similar to tleds, and it is not really worth it, tleds has many more better features... Therfore, I hereby retract my ITP netleds. Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) PGP Key available, reply with "pgpkey"