Due to lack of time and since I stopped using it quite a while ago I
intendo to orphan oftc-hybrid. The package is outdated, current upstream
version is oftc-hybrid-1.4.0pre4.
Since nor weasel nor I use bubblefishymon we intend to orphan this one
as well. There is no more upstream work in pro
* Moritz Muehlenhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-12-13 10:52]:
> This is beyond tasksel, but Bob User would profit immensely from generic
> menu entries. SuSE does this and I think it's very helpful. Most people
> don't care, which web browser they are using and if they're browsing
> through their a
* Jari Aalto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-02-21 08:01]:
> To my understanding the only way to obtain the license information
> for a package is to actually download it (or install it) and the
> study the content of
> /usr/share/doc//copyright
That information can also be obtained from package
* Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-02-27 14:21]:
> ndiswraper is to allow users to write drivers, which they may or may
> not have written themselves and which may or may not be free software.
Wrong, its purpose ist to let them run these drivers.
yours Martin
Since we have an ongoing BSP Marathon [1,2] there will be a BSP in
Vienna the weekend 8. - 10. September.
For further details please have a look at the wiki page [3].
[1] http://wiki.debian.org/BSPMarathon
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2006/05/msg00014.html
[3] http://wiki.deb
* Sander Marechal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-08-24 08:05]:
> I am looking to create .deb's for x86-64. I have an AMD64 but run an
> i386 OS due to the lack of some 64-bit packages (like flash and
> what-not). I have pbuilder all set up to build packages for i386, but I
> wonder if it's possible to
* Sander Marechal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-08-25 07:39]:
> Matthias Julius wrote:
> > pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --arch=amd64
> It didn't work after all. I got a kernel running, but debootstrap
> doesn't want to cooperate. It quits with an error that it cannot find a
> script. It takes
* Mgr. Peter Tuharsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-08-28 12:05]:
> To make the picture more complete, not only desktop needs current
> software. The Debian on server lacks sometimes too.
> Few examples: PHP5, bunch of Clamav-related packages for proxy and mail
> interaction, Squid3. They're in E
* Marco d'Itri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-08-28 12:35]:
> You don't run a lot of servers either if you never need versions of many
> different packages more recent than a couple of years.
That's when backports and chroots comes in.
yours Martin
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Debian GNU/Linux - The
* Marco d'Itri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-07 15:11]:
> On Sep 07, Petter Reinholdtsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For some time now, the runtime dependencies of init.d scripts have
> > been documented in the scripts, using the LSB convention. Now, enough
> > scripts have this information
* Marco d'Itri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-07 17:11]:
> On Sep 07, Wouter Verhelst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 07, 2006 at 03:11:02PM +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > > Now, try thinking about how many of the blocks which are not listed
> > > as depending on udev actually do.
> >
* Marco d'Itri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-16 20:20]:
> etch requires a 2.6 kernel too.
No. Debian won't provide a 2.4 kernel for etch but it works fine with
self built ones.
yours Martin
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Debian GNU/Linux - The Universal Operating System
guess "lp0 on fire" finall
* Andreas Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-16 19:42]:
> It has been pointed out to me in http://bugs.debian.org/387699
> that syvinit is going to move /var/run to a tmpfs to solve a long-standing
> issue, having some place to store state information before partitions
> are checked and mounted
* gerhard oettl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-22 06:59]:
> Since updating to etch some weeks ago i was not able to print
> from firefox, because always letter format is requested on the
> printer panel. This happens independend of the input in the
> printer property fields in the printing dialog if
* Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-10-07 00:42]:
> As per policy, I am raising a balloon about ths issue; I think
> if we ship vacation, finger, and sharutils, we can also ship
> mandatory acess controls in the standard distribution :)
> As shipped, the Debian
I uploaded nozomi-source 2.1-2 to unstable with mikas patch closing
#390427 and 2.21alpha-060917 to experimental. Please test if the
packages work with your adapter and report errors. I hope to have at
least 2.1-2 in etch but if 2.21alhpa works better for you and RMs agree
it might be better t
* Klaus Ethgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-01-08 10:09]:
> is it really necessary to start flames in this list? Kevin Mark did
> answer completely objective.
He didn't answer the question in case you haven't noted.
yours Martin
http://martin.wuertele.net/ -- Debian -- OFTC -- SPI -- [EMAIL PRO
* Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-03-19 08:06]:
> The question is if the problems with the patches and the reason for not
> applying it will be commented, thus giving the author a chance to modify it,
> or change his approach to fixing the bug, or if the patch will be utherly
> ignored, whic
* Andrew Donnellan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-04-06 23:19]:
> Or as Wouter pointed out on d-d port glibc.
Which I think would be most beneficial as it additianaly would minimize
the number of packages to add to the archive for the solaris port in
case nexentas work should become a debian subproje
* Andrew Donnellan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-04-07 11:35]:
> I suppose porting glibc is quite important because it also minimises
> the porting of everything else that may need to be adapted.
Yes, that's the point.
yours Martin
p.s. no need to cc me, I'm subscribed
* Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-05-09 20:05]:
> #include
> * Yaroslav Halchenko [Tue, May 09 2006, 01:15:54PM]:
> > Dear Developers,
> >
> > I've raised this discussion at -mentors first [1] but I think it is worth
> > asking on a devel list since no definite decision was reached and I
* Andreas Barth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-05-10 23:11]:
> there were some requests, e.g. by Martin Michlmayr to the release team
> whether we could switch gcc to 4.1 or not for etch. As we're heading to
> freeze etch rather soon and also the RC bug count doesn't look too good,
> and we want to be
* David H. Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-06-22 07:47]:
> Win-XP has a builtin cmd-line cmd called 'start'. For example, by
> passing a .ZIP file to 'start', the file-associations meta-data is
> consulted and the preferred application (i.e. the 'OPENs-with' defn) is
> launched, being passed th
* Preben Randhol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-06-24 20:02]:
> > > 2. xpdf doesn't want to open gzipped pdfs by default which
> > > makes this a pain in the **tt for people who want to read the
> > > pdf.
> >
> > There's "zxpdf" in the xpdf package, analogous to zless and zcat it
> > views gzi
* Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-06-25 10:18]:
> * Martin Wuertele [Sun, Jun 25 2006, 08:09:57AM]:
> > file-roller does view pdf.gz and if e.g. firefox handels them incorrect
> > it should be fixed in there. We don't change policy when programs are
* Osamu Aoki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-06-25 12:09]:
> Is there any external tool to convert PDF with better internal
> compression? I want to see ome PDF make file to use it to improve their
> PDF. Some PDF can still be compressed 50%, as I posted, which is bad.
pdftk handels both uncompress a
* Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-06-25 12:06]:
> #include
> * Martin Wuertele [Sun, Jun 25 2006, 11:05:54AM]:
> > > then it is incorrect?" "If Debian does not use RedHat Kickstart then it
> > > is broken?"
> >
> > Do you hav
* Erast Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-07-07 17:54]:
> On Fri, 2006-07-07 at 08:39 -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
> > No. The primary issue is that the mixture of a GPL+CDDL work creates a
> > work that cannot be distributed by anyone else but the copyright
> > holder.
> It seems to be an offtop
* Art Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-07-12 21:48]:
> Excuse me for chiming in, but I think many places simply look
> for the best performance and productivity/dollar(euro). We do use the PGI
> compiler,
> mostly because gnu had not had a f90-f95 compiler, and partly because
> of, maybe, a 10%
* Paul Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-07-13 15:54]:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Paul Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * Package name: gzrt
> Version : 0.4
> Upstream Author : Aaron M. Renn
> * URL : http://www.urbanophile.com/arenn/hacking/gzrt/
> * Licen
* Peter Samuelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-07-13 16:48]:
> [Martin Wuertele]
> > > Please install cpio 2.5 or higher to facilitate recovery from
> > > damaged gzipped tarballs.
> >
> > No need to mension it in the description, that's what dependencie
* Paul Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-07-16 07:17]:
> On Thu, 2006-07-13 at 19:35 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> > Please install cpio 2.5 or higher to facilitate recovery from damaged
> > gzipped tarballs.
> I will drop the version from the description and add cpio to the
> suggests.
> I add
* Stephen Gran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-07-17 18:43]:
> It's not uncommon for big sites to have pools of high throughput
> machines that don't have qrunners, and larger pools of machines that do.
> The first group gets a message, and tries to deliver immediately, and
> any temporary failure gets
* Lionel Elie Mamane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-07-17 22:32]:
> On Sun, Jul 16, 2006 at 08:36:31AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > So far and unless I forget someone, I haven't seen much other people
> > being strongly opposed to greylisting on Debian hosts,
> Here is one: I am strongly o
* Bastian Venthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-07-25 10:12]:
> I recently stumbled upon a bug (#379561) in wordpress. Wordpress depends
> on a mysql-server installed in order to run, but the Debian package
> wordpress does not.
> I filled a bugreport and the answer was that some users might want t
* Michael Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-07-01 16:20]:
> Is db.debian.org gone into nirvana ?
20:43 -!- Topic for #debian-devel: FUCKED: XSF ViewCVS access, samosa (db),
gtkmm with new gcc | mailing lists still
* Joerg Jaspert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-25 01:34]:
> As you may have noticed, the beloved target of many flamewars, the
> NEW queue [1] has been reduced to an average of less than 10
> packages. Packages are processed within days, sometimes even within
> hours.
Thanks for the great work!
* Hendrik Sattler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-01-17 13:17]:
> Will b.d.o accept those headers in the first lines of a mail body?
> E.g. reportbug and kmail do not really work together (one of them must get
> smarter) and I didn't find a way to add custom headers for the _current_ mail
> only in km
* Christian Aichinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-01-29 11:34]:
> If you have any questions about setting up the beast, don't hasitate
> to mail me, though. Perhaps I'll even find some time to revive
> rerun.lefant.net/checklib
And we will get one of the LH machines to run checklib again via cron.
* Warren Turkal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-03-12 17:44]:
> On Monday 12 March 2007 10:08, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
> > Is there any real need for such a tool in Debian?
> > It's not an administrative tool and it's obviously not meant for security
> > tests. I just can't see what the normal use of thi
Since I hardly use it myself and I currently have less time for debian
due to job change duplicity is up for adoption.
I have some patches that need a bit of adjustment closing most of the
open bugs but I currently lack the time to throw them all matching
yours Martin
* Frans Pop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-12-02 23:10]:
> As there is no security support for backports I do not feel comfortable
> adding this (the changes to the website were made by me and the article
> for DPN was submitted by me).
How come you think so?
* Romain Beauxis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-12-03 15:51]:
> I, too, believe the copyright check is the core of the role of the NEW queue.
> Quality checks could be done later and this would ease the whole process
> while
> keeping a focus where it is important.
I completely disagree. It's a w
* Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-08-01 15:36]:
> I was just doing a pbuider --update, it surprisingly failed due to a mismatch
> MD5 sum in dpkg.
> From the Release file:
> MD5sum: 7f4c3b629592a0ab17c924eff9795c4c
> SHA1: 40841d015920902a9b0051f1a4296113cc474490
> SHA2
Your questions are better asked on debian-u...@lists.debian.org - thus
* Andrzej Borucki [2010-01-10 19:58]:
> I am beginner in Linux. I install Debian 5.0.3 "Lenny". I have several
> warnings:
> - in install I can't choose Gnome or Kde
"Graphical desktop environment" will install
* Joey Hess [2010-01-10 23:23]:
> This is not the case in Debian 5.0. Nor was it the case with Debian 4.0.
> Debian 3.1 (2005) was the last one to do that.
Interesting. Tasksel on my Squeeze box still does that.
Yours, Martin
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-devel-requ...@lists.debian.org
* Goswin von Brederlow [2010-02-26 11:19]:
> > KVM is shaping up well and appears to be very well supported by Red Hat.
> But still slower and less secure due to qemu.
Can you back that statement with numbers? My subjective impression is
that kvm with libvirt is not slower than xen.
* John Goerzen [2010-02-27 17:09]:
> How does libvirt impact performance?
Guess I cunfused libvirt with virtio.
Regards, Martin
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-devel-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
Archive: http://list
* Luca Niccoli [2010-05-30 14:31]:
> I see a potential problem with this policy:
> say I write a DFSG-compliant media player, and I want to add the
> ability to download songs from Amazon; I then depend on clamz.
> But clamz is in contrib, so my media player must go into contrib, even
> though it
* Olaf van der Spek [2011-02-17 13:51]:
> Default homedir permissions are 755. World-readable (and listable).
> Common (security) sense says that permissions that are not required
> should not be granted. For example, accounts mysql and www-data should
> not have access to my documents.
> Some
* Olaf van der Spek [2011-02-17 13:56]:
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Martin Wuertele wrote:
> > IIRC you are asked during installation if you want world readable home
> > directories or not.
> No you're not. Unless (I assume) you do an expert install. Even
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-04-12
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: duplicity
Version : 0.4.0
Upstream Author : Ben Escoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL : http://www.nongnu.org/duplicity/
* License : GPL
Description : encrypted bandwidth
* kc.ubuntu...@centrum.cz [2009-02-09 21:12]:
> This means my thoughts were correct, because Aptittude mantainers are
> trying to implement it. (as I request) This answer I found satisfies
> me.
They don't implement it on your request.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-devel-r
* William Pitcock [2009-04-06 17:48]:
> chainloader will work with lilo, but lilo is only kept around for the
> people who are crazy and booting off LVMs as it is.
> Booting off LVMs is supported directly by grub2 and ext2linux could
> probably be modified to support it in a much better way tha
* Frans Pop [2009-04-07 02:54]:
> Martin Wuertele wrote:
> > Actually lilo is installed by lenny d-i if you use root-sw-raid with
> > LVM, even if your /boot is an differen partition/sw-raid. Therefore lilo
> > should at least remain for sqeeze to ensure a proper upgrade
* Josselin Mouette [2009-06-02 10:53]:
> Le lundi 01 juin 2009 à 16:26 +0200, Goswin von Brederlow a écrit :
> > > What has the initramfs got to do with this?
> >
> > For / to be on LVM you need an initramfs. / on raid (with custom
> > kernel) or plain partition works without one.
> I already
* Philipp Kern [2014-09-11 09:15]:
> Not everyone uses init scripts. There is e.g. also a plugin for
> network-manager, in which case it will just work.
Last time I used n-m for OpenVPN it could only launch one VPN, not
multiple ones. Has that changed? Tough it seems systemd upstream is not
* Josselin Mouette [2012-04-27 09:53]:
> Le jeudi 26 avril 2012 à 22:29 +0200, Svante Signell a écrit :
> > > Yes of course, because event-driven init systems have *always* been
> > > *only* about mounting USB devices.
> >
> > Then explain the _real_ reasons for having an event driven boot sys
* Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez [2012-05-01 23:07]:
> On 27/04/12 19:33, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> > ]] Martin Wuertele
> >
> >> * Josselin Mouette [2012-04-27 09:53]:
> >>
> >>> Le jeudi 26 avril 2012 à 22:29 +0200, Svante Signell a écrit :
* Marco d'Itri [2012-08-09 16:12]:
> Please do not bother.
> openrc was recently discussed on debian-devel@ and there was a large
> consensus that it is not a credible alternative to upstart and systemd.
It was a very long discussion that did not end in a major consensus the
way I read it. Cons
* Josselin Mouette [2012-08-10 01:06]:
> Le jeudi 09 août 2012 à 23:53 +0200, Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez a
> écrit :
> > What about Debian kFreeBSD and Hurd? AFAIK systemd needs a linux kernel to
> > work.
> Please explain again why we should cripple the Linux port for the sake
> of toy port
* Josselin Mouette [2012-08-09 23:15]:
> And no, choice between multiple broken implementation is NOT added
> value. Linux is not about choice.
Luckily that is not everyones opinion.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-devel-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Tro
* Josselin Mouette [2012-08-10 10:12]:
> Le vendredi 10 août 2012 à 09:23 +0200, Martin Wuertele a écrit :
> > Please explain why adding another sysv-rc drop-in replacements cripples
> > the Linux port.
> Because being able to choose between alternatives for core featur
* Marco d'Itri [2012-08-10 11:27]:
> On Aug 10, Martin Wuertele wrote:
> > > http://www.redhat.com/archives/rhl-devel-list/2008-January/msg00861.html
> > And that really explains why there is a choice for core functions like
> > kernel event handler: ude
* Marco d'Itri [2012-08-11 11:30]:
> We are not dismissing any other alternative, upstart still looks like
> an option.
> We are dismissing just openrc because its incremental benefits are
> trivial.
You don't speak on behalf of the debian project so please refrein from
using "we" - you don't
* Josselin Mouette [2012-08-10 13:27]:
> Le vendredi 10 août 2012 à 11:56 +0200, Martin Wuertele a écrit :
> > That we do no longer have glibc in the archive and we had a transition
> > to eglibc was an understandable maintainer decision.
> glibc/eglibc is not co
* Jens Link [2012-08-13 15:24]:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Jens Link
> * Package name: check_v46
> Version :
> Upstream Author : Ville Mattila
> * URL : http://gitorious.org/nagios-monitoring-tools
> * License : GPL
> Programming Lang:
* Martin Wuertele [2012-08-13 15:42]:
> * Jens Link [2012-08-13 15:24]:
> > Package: wnpp
> > Severity: wishlist
> > Owner: Jens Link
> >
> > * Package name: check_v46
> > Version :
> > Upstream Author : Ville Mattila
* Marco d'Itri [2012-09-03 18:13]:
> On Sep 03, Serge wrote:
> > * ability to easily edit content of root partition and put some additional
> > software to mount /usr
> Can you show some actual real life examples?
> > (much easier than making changes to initramfs)
> And anyway, adding pr
* Josselin Mouette [2013-05-22 15:03]:
> Le mercredi 22 mai 2013 à 08:16 +0200, Lucas Nussbaum a écrit :
> > - there are 300+ upstart job files ready to be imported from Ubuntu
> When you compare the time it takes to write an upstart job file or a
> systemd unit file, to the time it takes to
* John Paul Adrian Glaubitz [2013-05-22 20:57]:
> On 05/22/2013 07:50 PM, Martin Wuertele wrote:
> >Actually it sounds like you propose to stop developing and take
> >everything from Redhat, Lennart, Gnome because it's there and they say
> >so.
> And another o
* Josselin Mouette [2013-05-22 20:45]:
> Le mercredi 22 mai 2013 à 19:50 +0200, Martin Wuertele a écrit :
> > Seems to me that luckily not everybody agrees with that approach (CTTE
> > #681834, CTTE #688772)...
> Fortunately the CTTE failed to expose me before you
* Philipp Kern [2013-05-23 15:39]:
> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 09:22:22PM +0200, Martin Wuertele wrote:
> > Actually it's just a response to the ongoing insulting by joss to
> > variouse participants on mailinglists. As usual he has a way of mailing
> > that i find dis
* Lars Wirzenius [2013-10-25 10:01]:
> I know how to make the choice. I don't fucking want to. Unless I'm
> needing to do a customised install for particular needs, I want Debian
> to provide me with defaults that just work. I don't care if the
> default choices are the ones I would choose
* Uoti Urpala [2013-10-25 18:27]:
> Steve Langasek has been consistently posting dishonest FUD against
> systemd. Maybe you could explain that as excessive zeal following from
> valid technical considerations, but I'd consider that an excessively
> charitable interpretation for a member of a body
* Roland Mas [2011-10-18 18:46]:
> > I'm not even sure network-manager is needed on the desktop install,
> > but eh.
> $ LANG=C aptitude why network-manager
> i gnome-coreDepends network-manager-gnome (>= 0.8.999)
> i A network-manager-gnome Depends network-manager (>= 0.9)
* Josselin Mouette [2011-11-16 18:23]:
> Reality check: it is not a question of number of users, but a question
> of which package has the most stubborn maintainer…
You mean like those of a well known desktop environment wrt nm?
/me puts the mirror down
Yours Martin
* Paul Wise [2011-11-29 03:33]:
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > - Custom patch commands, as already discussed. Yes, we should get rid of
> > them, but that doesn't make it easy to convert them.
> >
> > - Conditional application of patches. Some packages have
* Roger Leigh [2011-11-29 10:04]:
> > > > - Conditional application of patches. Some packages have patches that
> > > > are
> > > > only applied on a per-architecture or per-target-distribution basis.
> > > All of these can be dealt with by rewriting the patch so that it is
> >
* Marco d'Itri [2012-03-15 14:11]:
> On Mar 15, Stephan Seitz wrote:
> > Okay, I am not a DD,
> This pretty much explains why you are not qualified to partecipate to
> this discussion.
Let me quote section 4 first sentence of the social contract: "We will
be guided by the needs of our users
* Marco d'Itri [2012-03-21 09:34]:
> On Mar 21, Svante Signell wrote:
> > And how do you expect non-experts be able to solve problems when they
> > pop up. Buying consultant services from the experts?
> Non-experts are not able to solve any problem, so this is not an issue.
But they can prov
* Uoti Urpala [2012-03-23 19:44]:
> IMO your upstart advocacy and anti-systemd FUD crosses the line between
> having your own opinions and having your own facts.
Could you please mind your words. Your style of discussion is very
There was neither FUD nor advocacy in Steves mail and no
* Andrew Shadura [2013-01-07 09:15]:
> On Mon, 07 Jan 2013 08:42:40 +0100
> Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> > My suggestion would be to, over the jessie cycle, deprecate (but still
> > read) /etc/network/interfaces and for jessie+1 just drop the file and
> > only use the .d directory.
> I don't t
* Shawn [2013-02-05 18:43]:
> socket-activation in systemd _helps_ security in that you can give an
> unprivlidged process a listening port under 1024. (using a privileged
> configuration file)
Privileged vs. unprivileged port is not really a secuitry improvement.
Yours Martin
* John Paul Adrian Glaubitz [2013-03-28 12:08]:
> On 03/28/2013 11:47 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> >Would you provide a guarantee to all users of wheezy that you will pay
> >for their laptop repair if this issue causes damage?
> > Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
* Daniel Pocock [2014-03-30 11:04]:
> I'd like to propose that Jitsi be considered as the default messaging,
> VoIP and webcam client for the next major Debian release (jessie).
> This would mean it is installed by default in a desktop install and it
> is the default handler for sip: and xmpp: UR
* Balint Reczey [2014-04-15 12:01]:
> My proposal for serving those security-focused users is introducing a
> new architecture targeting amd64 hardware, but with more security
> related C/C++ features turned on for every package (currently hardening
> has to be enabled by the maintainers i
* Asias He [2011-03-31 03:03]:
> * URL : http://code.google.com/lcrt
That gives a 404.
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* Andrei Popescu [2011-03-31 08:40]:
> apt-cache show putty
Gets the job done but is far from nice compared to SecureCRT. And the
seperation between putty, plink and pscp is for some a feature and for
some a pita, therefore an additional choice is definitely a plus.
* Ben Hutchings [2011-04-03 20:56]:
> The kernel necessarily holds the working network configuration, though
> it lacks e.g. credentials for WPA or 802.1x which are handled by
> user-space. User-space can change that state, and can read the state
> (including waiting for updates) using netlink.
* Bernd Zeimetz [2011-04-05 15:04]:
> On 04/04/2011 01:15 PM, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
> > most of the work is done by our upstreams, and by simply telling
> > them "we'll freeze PICK_YOUR_MONTH every even/odd year" will (in the long
> > term) improve quality of Debian *a lot* more than choosing
* Timo Juhani Lindfors [2011-04-15 14:18]:
> ip rule show | grep -Ev '^(0|32766|32767):|iif lo' \
> | while read PRIO NATRULE; do
> ip rule del prio ${PRIO%%:*} $( echo $NATRULE | sed 's|all|0/0|' )
> done
iface ethX inet static
address x.x.x.x
netmask x.x.x.x
* Raphael Hertzog [2011-05-01 15:40]:
> On Sun, 01 May 2011, Andreas Barth wrote:
> > * Raphael Hertzog (hert...@debian.org) [110501 08:41]:
> > > Fixing RC bugs in testing and getting new upstream versions that are
> > > ready in testing is not a burden for developers, it's what we're
> > > supp
* Lucas Nussbaum [2011-05-02 11:32]:
> How much of that would apply if we renamed testing to rolling (because
> it reinforces the PR message), but kept a symlink from testing to
> rolling?
If you want that you need a GR as it overrides a delegate decision.
And I predict I'm not the only one wh
* Jan Hauke Rahm [2011-05-02 18:23]:
> Not that I don't understand your asking for reasons but... doesn't look
> having a large user base look somehow appealing to you? I think many DDs
> care for such since working on Debian brings more fun if someone's
> actually using it.
Why do you believe t
* Jan Hauke Rahm [2011-05-02 18:31]:
> On Mon, May 02, 2011 at 06:27:02PM +0200, Martin Wuertele wrote:
> > * Jan Hauke Rahm [2011-05-02 18:23]:
> >
> > > Not that I don't understand your asking for reasons but... doesn't look
> > > having a large
* Russ Allbery [2011-05-03 01:20]:
> Lucas Nussbaum writes:
> > [ Note that my position is based on the assumption that we have a share
> > of DDs interested in rolling similar to the share of DDs interested in
> > stable releases. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to know where we
> > stand
* Cristian Henzel [2011-05-03 08:12]:
> I'm a bit new to Debian but just wanted to add my $0.02 to this discussion,
> since it's something that I personally find very interesting.
> Firstly, I think the question should be, "which users would be targeted by a
> rolling release?" I don't think ther
* Cristian Henzel [2011-05-03 10:51]:
> > Er, no. Those of us using Debian in corporate environments desire high
> > stability, long-term support and defined, not to short, periods between
> > releases. The 2 years with the security support for currently about 4
> > years from the release date on
* Clint Adams [2011-05-20 16:52]:
> Is it supposed to work with swap on an LVM volume on top of dm-crypt?
> This only works for me with uswsusp.
Works for me since Lenny.
yours Martin
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