Re: Which 2.6 kernel for Sarge on a Via C3?

2004-11-11 Thread Cameron Patrick
Rich Walker wrote: > The C3 reports that it is a 686 without CMOV: More recent C3s do have cmov: shameless:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo processor : 0 vendor_id : CentaurHauls cpu family : 6 model : 9 model name : VIA Nehemiah stepping: 1 cpu MHz : 1000.31

Re: [Ipw2100-devel] debian, ipw2200 and wlan0

2005-02-07 Thread Cameron Patrick
David Goodenough wrote: > ifrename can of course be used to rename an interface, and it is also > worth noting that MadWifi uses ath%d, and the RealTech driver uses > ra%d. The ralink driver is changing from ra%d to eth%d as eth%d is more commonly used. Personally I use nameif to rename my devic

Re: Re: statement from one of the klik project members [was: The klik project and Debian]

2006-01-19 Thread Cameron Patrick
Kurt Pfeifle wrote: > > On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 08:34:59PM +, Kurt Pfeifle wrote: > > > And third, klik doesn't really "install". It brings exactly 1 additional > > > file (the *.cmg) onto the system. It works with "user only" privileges. > > > > Hang on. You loop-mount with user-only privileg

Re: acpi vs apm

2005-01-25 Thread Cameron Patrick
Matthew Garrett wrote: > > So the questions goes: is this a shortcoming with the HP not being > > properly supported with acpi, am I missing some command like "apm" > > which is able to do what I want or is this simply acpi not really > > having caught up with apm yet? > > acpi requires a fairly

Re: advice on a patch set

2005-01-27 Thread Cameron Patrick
martin f krafft wrote: > I am trying to package the swsusp2 kernel patch, which comes in > hundred little files. My thought was to simply concat these files > into one large patch for use with kpatches... however, this does not > work because some files are created by early patches and later > mod

Re: acpi vs apm

2005-01-27 Thread Cameron Patrick
Matthew Garrett wrote: > 1) Dealing with network interfaces and the like sensibly - at the > moment, this will often require unloading and reloading modules pre/post > suspend Yup. The hibernate package helps with this and can do quite a bit automatically by way of a "blacklisted modules" mechan

Re: Debian AMD64 Archive Move

2005-05-08 Thread Cameron Patrick
Ed Cogburn wrote: > > Note: non-free is NOT provided yet. We need to decide what we do with > > it, as we may be forbidden to distribute some of the software in it (we > > aren't Debian). > > > Wait a second, if you *aren't* Debian, it should be *easier* for you to > provide non-free, not har

Re: And now for something completely different... etch!

2005-06-12 Thread Cameron Patrick
Eduard Bloch wrote: > > Why would it have to be before the kernel? Actualy all floppies should > > Because you can do it before the kernel needs to be running (including > the whole userspace overhead needed to prompt the user to insert the usb > floppy, for example, and work with it). FWIW, the

Re: Ongoing Firefox (and Thunderbird) Trademark problems

2005-06-27 Thread Cameron Patrick
Gervase Markham wrote: > We say Debian has a reputation for shipping quality software, and we > want them to use the trademark. I would hope you guys also want to use > it, as a well-known free software brand. Why is our recognition of > Debian's quality used as a negative against that happenin

Re: Packages file under version control

2003-06-03 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 10:04:16AM +0200, David Weinehall wrote: | > However, given the packages.gz file is much smaller than the total | > files being downloaded, is it really worth it? | | When the mirrors sync, yes, when the average user runs | | # apt-get update | # apt-get -u upgrade | | N

Re: Debootstrap, Sid, and console-tools-libs

2003-07-02 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 09:57:43PM -0400, Matthew P. McGuire wrote: | | For the curious, the upgrade route failed as well, but on libpam0g not | console-tools-libs. Any work around would be appreciated. | dpkg -i libpam0g*.deb and its dependencies. I don't know /why/ this works when apt doesn't

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 12:35:06PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: | So, what other non-DFSG-free stuff is it "silly" to ban? Netscape | Navigator? Adobe Acrobat Reader? Of course not. They're software. RFCs aren't software, and so applying the Debian Free /Software/ Guidelines to them seems a

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 06:20:02PM +0100, Neil McGovern wrote: | | When the program is run, it gets put in read/write memory. | So embedded firmware running from an EPROM doesn't count as a program then? CP.

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 02:34:56PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: | The Debian Social Contract says "Debian Will Remain 100% Free Software". | If there are things "in Debian" that are "not free" or "not software", | then we may be violation of our guiding principles. The anarchism package is an e

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-03 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 02:36:48PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: | Well, once you folks have come up with a definition of "software", you | be sure and let us know. How about "anything included in Debian"? That way we won't be in danger of violating the Social Contract #1. Cameron.

Re: Please remove RFCs from the documentation in Debian packages

2003-07-04 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 11:54:17PM -0500, Joe Wreschnig wrote: | How do you show it's not software? How does it differ from software? | | What if I take the view that Mozilla is an interpreter and anarchism is | the program? Please explain how that differs from the Perl interpreter | and Perl pro

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 11:11:13AM +0200, Sebastian Rittau wrote: | > 100 million users | > 1000 installations | | I would recommend to exchange these last two lines. More installations | than users? If you read it more carefully it implies that there are 100 000 users per installation

Re: Debian 10th birthday gear

2003-07-08 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 12:12:13PM +0200, Mattia Dongili wrote: | actually they are million users :) One mellion users!!! CP.

GPU fans (was: Re: Future releases of Debian)

2003-07-25 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 12:02:09AM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote: | I was able to salvage the fan from the first and fix the | second with it. Just two weeks ago another newer video card fan | died. Wish I had a source for those thin pci card fans... There's a computer shop near me that sells them, bu

Re: Bug#202869: Should MUA only Recommend mail-transfer-agent?

2003-08-06 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 08:33:35PM -0700, Erik Steffl wrote: | >Mutt can read mail without an MTA, but cannot send mail without one. | | it does not have to be on the same machine It does in the specific case of mutt. I seem to recall Mutt's developers deciding to specifically /not/ support S

Re: Should MUA only Recommend mail-transfer-agent?

2003-08-06 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 08:04:00AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote: | > And is a much better choice than expecting every user to locally | > configure smtp settings in the MUA. Lack of direct-SMTP support in mutt | > is a good thing. | | Yeah because entering "" is just so trying for mos

Re: Bits from the RM

2003-08-20 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 12:10:18PM +0200, Michael Piefel wrote: | Am 20.08.03 um 11:08:28 schrieb cobaco: | > kde 3.2 release is slated for 8th december[1], is there any chance we'll wait | > for it, just so the outdated kde label doesn't apply again immediately after | > release? | | It's no

Re: stack protection

2003-08-23 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sat, Aug 23, 2003 at 11:36:04AM +0200, Milan P. Stanic wrote: | > Allowing the dhcp server to write to /dev/mem because it's UID 0 and Unix | > security sucks is a bug. | | The problem isn't with UID 0, but with bugs in software. No. The problem is an insecure design that forces the DHCP se

Re: "non-free" software included in contrib

2003-09-01 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 09:47:46AM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote: | > When your conclusion is at odds with reality you should rethink your | > argument... if Debian was to start classifying packages based on | > the probable or possible results of using the package, instead of | > the code in the pa

Re: IMPORTANT: your message to html-tidy

2003-09-23 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 05:09:30PM -0500, david nicol wrote: | Shamless plug: sign up for totally spam-free forwarding address | at Ewww! *recoils in disgust* "You don't pay to send, we make others pay to send to you." - if this system become widespread, then you surely /wou

Re: correct directorys for (for swap)

2003-09-28 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 09:54:03AM +0200, Robert Jordens wrote: | > the root-filesystem will now point to /usr/share/ltsp/ and mounted | > read-only by the clients | | /usr/share is for architecture independent data. As the root fs for the | clients can be regenerated, that should go into | /var/l

Re: /usr/doc symlinks

2003-10-05 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 03:25:01AM -0500, Chris Cheney wrote: | I grepped a current Contents-i386.gz for usr/doc, and after examining | the file itself I notice it is from a comment in the front of | Contents-i386.gz... ARGH!!! >From the comment at the top of Contents-i386.gz: This file

Re: Language extensions in programs under /usr/bin

2003-10-08 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 09:57:42AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote: | > That'd be /usr/share (lib is for arch-dependant data, see FHS) | | ... except that the Python policy seems to have bizarre rules about | this. I assume this is because .pyc files are placed in the same | directory as the correspondi

Re: Quote: Debian and Democracy at

2003-10-08 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 09:42:42PM +0200, Thomas Hood wrote: | On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 21:25, Daniel Ruoso wrote: | > I think this should be clearly discussed. | | Just to prevent any confusion I'll just point out that | the rant you quoted was authored by Eray Ozkural. Hmm. I've heard that name m

Re: testing packages at build

2003-10-09 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 02:15:03PM +0200, Bill Allombert wrote: | My first goal is to persuade developers that running tests is | worthwhile. For the implentation I have mainly 3 questions: | | 1) Do porters and autobuilders admins want to be able to skip the tests ? Surely skipping the tests on

Re: XMMS doesn't like itself much...

2003-10-15 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 10:15:31PM -0700, Matt Bonner wrote: | It seems that as a couple, xmms and alsa-xmms are likely to break up | soon. Can anyone help them? Or at least me? The latest xmms package has the alsa plugin included, so the alsa-xmms package is no longer needed. i.e. the couple

Re: netkit-inetd in sarge

2003-10-18 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sun, Oct 19, 2003 at 01:37:58PM +1000, Andrew Pollock wrote: | Hmm, am I the only one that thinks | | dd if=/dev/zero | nc victim discard | | is a bad thing, in an environment where the victim is paying cents per meg | for inbound traffic? I'm no so much talking about DoSing anything, but |

Re: A case study of a new user turned off debian

2003-11-04 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 03:22:10AM -0600, Chris Cheney wrote: | I refuse to use nvidia products, but I somehow doubt that boards based | on their nforce2 chipset work properly either. I have a machine using the nforce2 chipset and the Woody installer doesn't recognise its IDE controller. (Proper

Re: Exec-Shield vs. PaX

2003-11-05 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 12:28:51AM -0600, Graham Wilson wrote: | Please, guys, don't have your discussion here. I don't think we really | care about the differences between PaX and exec-shield. Debian is not, | and, to the best of my knowledge, will not, choose one for its kernels, | so there is n

Re: stable executable names

2003-11-05 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 08:47:29PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote: | Now, what's finally got to me one too many times: | * I run firebird then can't run mozilla. | * I run mozilla then can't run firebird. I've also noticed this. A quick look at the BTS shows that someone has already filed a bug on

Re: A case study of a new user turned off debian

2003-11-06 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 04:35:13PM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote: | On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 01:53:36AM -0600, Chris Cheney wrote: | > It would be helpful if Debian could even be installed on machines newer | > than about 2 years old. | | It would be helpful if people wouldn't make sweeping generalizati

Re: Exec-Shield vs. PaX

2003-11-07 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 12:15:06PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: | > I suspect we both agree that it's desirable to have thread stacks | > non-executable as well. | | on one hand you acknowledge that it's better to have non-exec thread | stacks but on the other hand you argued that | | > it's

Re: On linux kernel packaging issue

2003-11-09 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sun, Nov 09, 2003 at 02:46:38PM +0100, Eduard Bloch wrote: | Do you see now that 8 of your 10 percent come directly from the | application code and other two maybe from the optimized libc? There is | not{hing| much} we have won using an optimised kernel. But the placebo | effect has been demons

Re: On linux kernel packaging issue

2003-11-09 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sun, Nov 09, 2003 at 03:37:11PM +0100, Eduard Bloch wrote: | #include | * Michael Poole [Sun, Nov 09 2003, 09:22:13AM]: | > Eduard Bloch writes: | > | > > Do you see now that 8 of your 10 percent come directly from the | > > application code and other two maybe from the optimized libc? There i

Re: On linux kernel packaging issue

2003-11-09 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sun, Nov 09, 2003 at 05:14:44PM +0100, Eduard Bloch wrote: | That is not a summary of the thread, that is a summary of YOUR | interpretation of the thread. I won't dispute this. :-) | > Eduard: Optimising kernel code doesn't help as other hardware is the | > limiting factor. | | No. The h

Re: ITP: 1-mb-random-data -- one megabyte of pseudo-random data

2003-11-12 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 11:17:57AM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote: | Please, please, no! /dev/urandom does not reliably deliver | pseudo-random data. There is a chance that fresh entropy will arrive | in the middle of the computation and mess up with the pseudoness. No, I already covered that in

Re: Bug#220930: ITP: unace -- De-archiver for .ace files

2003-11-16 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 03:09:17PM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote: | Hmm, do you mean that *you* don't speak about de-archivers? | [ This is the first time I hear about this in 6 years ]. | | Google says: | | dearchiver 391 hits | de-archiver 1660 hits | unarchiver 1240 hits | un-archiver 1500 hi

Re: Programming first steps.

2003-11-17 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 08:49:03AM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote: | On 17-Nov-03, 05:15 (CST), Wouter Verhelst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: | > I have one grudge against python, though: its mandated indentation looks | > very ugly and unstructured to me. Kinda reminds me of COBOL (and boy, do | > I h

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces

2003-11-17 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 08:56:49PM -0500, H. S. Teoh wrote: | Nevertheless, I find 8-space indentation too wasteful, 4-space | indentation too cumbersome to type, and 1-space indentation | unreadable. Your editor should do that for you! :-) e.g. set softtabstop=4 in vim will allow you to have 4-

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces

2003-11-18 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 09:10:53AM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote: | > Please actually try to code something in Python before commenting on its use | > of spaces. It is unlike the times of Fortran: in Fortran spaces are used to | > make programs easy to read by machines; in Python spaces are used t

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces (was Re: Programming first steps.)

2003-11-18 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 11:55:01AM +0100, Julian Mehnle wrote: | Steve Lamb wrote: | > 2: Can you provide an example of such free-style coding that you speak | > so highly of? | | # Split header into separate header lines, dropping any unneeded or | # spurious header lines: | @header_lines = grep(

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces

2003-11-18 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 01:19:32AM +, Darren Salt wrote: | I find myself wondering if Duff's Device is implementable in Python... I don't think it is. Python doesn't have a switch/case equivalent. It'd have to be done with a bunch of if's or something. Cameron.

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces

2003-11-19 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 09:58:54PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote: | Cameron Patrick wrote: | >I don't think it is. Python doesn't have a switch/case equivalent. It'd | >have to be done with a bunch of if's or something. | | Well, depends. Do you consider its dictionary

Re: Tabs v.s. spaces

2003-11-19 Thread Cameron Patrick
(This is waaay off-topic but what the heck, I'll keep going...) On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 08:08:51AM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote: | Cameron Patrick wrote: | >Nope, no fall-through in that one, so it doesn't help. It /is/ nifty | >though :-) | | Uh, there was a fall through there.

Re: Bug#221709: ITP: at76c503a-source -- at76c503a driver source

2003-11-20 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 01:21:35AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: | On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 11:01:46PM +0100, Oliver Kurth wrote: | > On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 01:25:24PM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote: | > The firmware is needed. Without it, the device is completely dumb. | > But there are some devices

Re: UserLinux white paper

2003-12-03 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 08:24:09AM +0100, Bernd Eckenfels wrote: | > This is the Proprietary software model, with artificial, government | > imposed (via copyright laws) monopolies, resulting in customer lock-in | > and price maximization. | | I dont see a monopol, at least no government imposed.

Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-04 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 12:19:28PM +, Andrew Suffield wrote: | On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 12:34:22AM +0100, Raphael Goulais wrote: | > On Wednesday 03 December 2003 21:31, Zenaan Harkness wrote: | > > I agree. I would like to see .desktop standard adopted. There have been | > > a few threads I hav

Re: Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-04 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 10:04:56PM +, Andrew Suffield wrote: | > Why be gratuitously different? | | Why not? Why waste effort just to be the same as everybody else? | | It's identical to the old rpm vs. deb argument. Really? Once again, I believe that there are differences, in that it shou

Re: Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-05 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 02:36:37AM +, Andrew Suffield wrote: | Right, that's what I just described (later on). The thread had | previously been about people wanting to throw away the Debian menu | system and replace it with the .desktop one, or worse, have both | coexist. If we can convert me

Re: Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-05 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 01:17:08PM +, Andrew Suffield wrote: | Thing is, none of this matters. If upstream support .desktop files, | then we just run them through the script that converts them to Debian | menu entries while installing. dh_installmenu would be a good place to | do this. | | Th

Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-06 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sat, Dec 06, 2003 at 10:05:57AM +0100, Mathieu Roy wrote: | Sure. However, I use WindowMaker since several years now, and apart | from bug fixes, I did not notice real changes over years (the | changelog does not speak otherwise, it's almost only about bugs and | i18n updates). | | About black

Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-06 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sat, Dec 06, 2003 at 11:25:31AM +0100, Mathieu Roy wrote: | > What's your point? The window managers don't /need/ to be changed - or | > at least they shouldn't. They don't natively support Debian's menu | > system, they don't natively support .desktop files, and are unlikely to | > ever do e

Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-09 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 01:57:29PM +, Henning Makholm wrote: | > Because you gain *nothing* | | Are you claiming that everyone who says that .desktop has technical | advantages is a liar? These features actually do not exist in the | desktop format? (It may be so; I have no firsthand informat

Re: Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-09 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 05:18:21PM -0600, Billy Biggs wrote: | Agreed on that, but it's not rewriting all of the menu package, which | is what I felt your post implied. Rewriting all menu files is fairly | trivial and does not have to be done all at once. It should also be fairly easy to get i

Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-09 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 09:49:25PM +, Andrew Suffield wrote: | Alternate approaches (that involve significantly less work) That's the bit that I (and presumably others) am not convinced about. You keep making this assertion, but with little to back it up. Have you, e.g., looked at the Catego

Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-10 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 07:36:15PM -0700, Bruce Sass wrote: | > Have you quantified the "bloat" you are speaking about? Can the same | > argument not apply to any i18n effort? | | Yes, using KDE2. [...] | Yes, the same argument applies to all i18n efforts. | | I18n is great, until disk usage and

Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-11 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 04:12:58AM +0100, Moritz Moeller-Herrmann wrote: | Cameron Patrick wrote: | | > On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 01:57:29PM +, Henning Makholm wrote: | > | > | > Because you gain *nothing* | > | | > | Are you claiming that everyone who says that .des

Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-13 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 01:11:12PM +0100, Moritz Moeller-Herrmann wrote: | It is supported and used in KDE-3.2beta. KDE-3.2 should be released in | January. [...] | Again, please have a look at KDE-3.2. I am currently using the KDE CVS | debian snapshots. KDE stores all it's desktop files in /usr/

Re: Changes in formal naming for NetBSD porting effort(s)

2003-12-14 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 07:19:22PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: | Perhaps we should use the names of famous atheists and other critics of | religion. Bertrand Russell: "The Christian religion has been and still is is the chief enemy of moral progress in the world." Cameron.

Re: How to depend on Japanese fonts?

2003-12-14 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 05:20:41PM -0800, Jim Gettys wrote: | This is a fundamental change in X architecture, which has been | underway for over 18 months. And it's strongly associated with, which I'm sure will endear Andrew to the new method even more :-) Cameron.

Re: Debian packages and (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

2003-12-14 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 04:07:56AM +, Scott James Remnant wrote: | Only GNOME applications should be in the GNOME Applications menu. Why?! Cameron.

Re: Changes in formal naming for NetBSD porting effort(s)

2003-12-16 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 09:59:46AM +, Will Newton wrote: | (there are at least two ways of pronouncing Debian). ... only one of which is correct :-) Cameron.

Re: Changes in formal naming for NetBSD porting effort(s)

2003-12-16 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 12:20:00PM +0100, Mathieu Roy wrote: | Really? What makes a pronounciation incorrect? The pronounciation of | the project initiator, the context, etc... ? Okay, I was being a bit facetious there, but if you insist on taking me seriously, I suspect that the pronunciation of

Re: Changes in formal naming for NetBSD porting effort(s)

2003-12-17 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 10:24:04AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: | > Demons are evil, | | Demons don't exist. Consequently, their moral value is undefinable. I claim that their moral value /is/ definable in the context of a particular mythology even if they don't exist. In the case of the Chr

Re: Changes in formal naming for NetBSD porting effort(s)

2003-12-17 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 08:53:18AM -0800, Nunya wrote: | I don't believe in magical beings. I *do* believe some humans | intentionally set out to hurt other humans. Branden's beliefs and | sneering disdain for some of his fellow humans is quite clear. ... and in some cases justified. | Pleas

Re: Changes in formal naming for NetBSD porting effort(s)

2003-12-17 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 09:49:06AM -0800, Nunya wrote: | > | I don't believe in magical beings. I *do* believe some humans | > | intentionally set out to hurt other humans. Branden's beliefs and | > | sneering disdain for some of his fellow humans is quite clear. | > | > ... and in some cases

Re: [OT] Re: Changes in formal naming for NetBSD porting effort(s)

2003-12-17 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 01:32:41AM +, Scott James Remnant wrote: | On Thu, 2003-12-18 at 01:16, Nunya wrote: | | > Face it. You're practicing hate speech. You're not better than what | > you hate. | > | Ya know, I've always wondered something when people say things like | this... | | If I

Re: Content of CDs / DVDs

2004-10-21 Thread Cameron Patrick
Richard Atterer wrote: > All in all, IMHO generating per-user images on the fly is not really > feasible. Would it be more feasible if all of the intelligence was on the client side? The client could slurp down a Packages file, work out which packages to include and split them into CD-sized chun

Re: Work-needing packages report for Apr 11, 2003

2003-04-11 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Fri, Apr 11, 2003 at 05:23:39PM -0700, Nathan Paul Simons wrote: | | [...] Most sound cards these days don't even *come* with wavetable | synthesis, [...] | Er, the SBLive and its Creative brethren do, don't they? At least, I'm presuming that's what "sound fonts" are for. Has it been remove

Re: stop abusing debconf already

2003-04-20 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sun, Apr 20, 2003 at 08:58:14AM +0200, Marc Haber wrote: | | This has always prompted me to ask myself _why_ debconf entries are | persistent then. If I _really_ have to parse config files in my config | script to properly seed debconf to ask the right questions, then why | does debconf have a

Re: i386 compatibility & libstdc++

2003-04-25 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Fri, Apr 25, 2003 at 08:15:05PM -0500, Chris Cheney wrote: | On Fri, Apr 25, 2003 at 05:06:00PM +0200, Arnd Bergmann wrote: | > If we really want to split i386 in 'compatible' and 'fast', the i686 border | > makes sense because users who care about speed probably bought the machine | > during t

Re: Daft Internet Stuff [Re: Returning from "vacation". (MIA?)]

2003-05-18 Thread Cameron Patrick
On Sun, May 18, 2003 at 11:38:14AM +0100, Neil McGovern wrote: | These are all valid points, however, I still don't want to read HTML | e-mail in mutt. Why not? Mutt deals perfectly well with HTML e-mail if you have lynx or w3m installed on your system and have auto_view text/html in you