Re: Question about security

2004-11-13 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi there! * Roberto Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041114 03:55]: > If I believe I have found a security vulnerability in a package what is > the proper course of action to follow? Please contact the security team. Please read the Debian security FAQ [1] especially [2] and [3] for furhter details.

Re: Bug#283578: ITP: hot-babe -- erotic graphical system activity monitor

2004-12-02 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Tollef Fog Heen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041202 10:24]: > | Are there any such FPS' in Debian? nethack is there, but the > | violence is imagined, not in your face. > lxdoom is in main. quake2 and -data are in contrib. Did anyone mentioned "overkill" yet? Okay, it's not a FPS but it's quite bloo

Re: Bug#283578: ITP: hot-babe -- erotic graphical system activity monitor

2004-12-02 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041130 11:46]: > Should this be moved to debian-legal? No, to -curiosa. SCNR, Alexander

Re: ITP: -- almost a clone of Street Puzzle Fighter

2004-12-05 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Gürkan Sengün <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041206 01:15]: > * Package name: > Version : 0.9.1 > Upstream Author : Banlu Kemiyatorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > * URL : > * License : GNU GPL > Description :

Re: info

2004-12-13 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi there! * Sucha Lohtia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041213 10:50]: > gut morgen. > ich suche eine software programme name ist FEDORA CORE 3 (Punjabi sprache) > wenn sie haben bitte sagen sie mir. First you should know, that this is an english mailing-list

Re: info

2004-12-13 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Moin! * Sucha Lohtia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041213 12:42]: > Thankyou very much SIR. You are welcome :) Yours sincerely, Alexander PS: Here are the missing smilies for my last mail: ;) ;-) :-)) :) :P PPS: Oh, by the way: A more meaningfull subject would be great next time ;-)

Re: Fwd: greek translation in DDTP

2004-12-13 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Serafeim Zanikolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041213 21:21]: > Anyone (with the appropriate permissions) that could help with setting up the > greek language for DDTP? (Michael Bramer hasn't responded to the following > email yet) [..] > Date: Sunday 12 December 2004 01:54 AFAIK grisu is often quit

Re: updated debian development diagram -- comments?

2005-01-05 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi Kevin! * Kevin Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050103 07:08]: > I have updated my diagram on the debian developement model. Any comments > appreciated! What is the target group of your diagramm? Since I don't think people without deeper knowledge of Debian will find your diagram easy to understan

Re: updated debian development diagram -- comments?

2005-01-07 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi Kevin! * Kevin Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050106 05:52]: > > What is the target group of your diagramm? > I wanted to visualize the deb lifecycle for my understanding of 'the > debian way'. So I was the 'target'. I asked for comments here and there > to fill in missing bits. And once I did it

Re: updated debian development diagram -- comments?

2005-01-07 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050107 19:46]: > Yes, a legend for the acronyms would be fine. Oh, I just saw, that your diagramm has a legend. I'm wondering, why I didn't noticed it the other day.. Yours sincerely, Alexander signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Re: dpkg-sig support wanted?

2005-11-23 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [051123 19:11]: > > So, most of the DD's do not care about security at all. > I think that DD's do not use dpkg-sig and debsigs because they believe them > to be hard to use and not supported by the infrastructure or by policy. ... or not even know about them. I

Re: Automatic closing of bugs

2005-12-01 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Peter Samuelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [051202 00:33]: > This has been suggested before; the standard counterargument is "what > about closing an ITP?" Then why not make a check (source package of bug and changelog are the same) or (bug to be closed is an ITP)? Yours sincerely, Alexander --

Bug#344496: ITP: squirrel -- the squirrel programming language

2005-12-22 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: squirrel-lang Version : 2.0.5 Upstream Author : Alberto Demichelis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : * License : zlib/li

Re: How to Increase Contributions from Volunteers

2006-01-02 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Lars Wirzenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060102 10:21]: > (No, I don't really think titles will attract most of the productive > kind contributors to Debian. Sorry.) Being one of those who contributed a lot, I disagree a bit. I would say, that having a title would be a "nice to have": You cou

Re: For those who care about their packages in Ubuntu

2006-01-14 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Raphael Hertzog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060114 09:57]: > You're only one inside Debian and you can't generalize your personal > opinion on the whole project. Neither can you. Yours sincerely, Alexander -- signat

Re: Bug#353545: ITP: wormsofprey -- Worms like multiplayer, realtime game

2006-02-20 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Oya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060220 03:04]: > * Package name: wormsofprey [..] > Description : Worms like multiplayer, realtime game > This is another multi-player, real-time clone of Worms just like Liero and > NiL. > You control a little worm and try to score as many frags a

Re: New

2006-03-07 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060307 02:04]: > Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > donated by Schlund + Parner where it is hosted as well. It is a > > DualCore Opteron and only runs this service for Debian users and > > developers. > > I think/hope it should read "runs only this service".

Re: Bug#291796: ITP: planetpenguin-racer -- another 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin

2005-01-25 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050124 13:37]: [ ITP of a new tuxracer ] > > It is based on the GPL version of TuxRacer. [..] > > Oliver, as the current maintainer of tuxracer. Would you like to > > comment an my intentions? Any hints or usefull suggestions? > If this is a fork and tuxr

Re: debconf5 registration is open

2005-01-29 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Tollef Fog Heen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050129 12:13]: > | go to and register. > On the registration page, under Accomodation in Helsinki, one of the > options are «Lodging at HUT, with my BF/GF/wife/family». Does this > cost anything? Should my girlfr

Re: german debian mirror with 700mb paris.avi file...

2005-01-30 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi Markus! * Rechberger Markus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050130 16:44]: > if someone's bored and looking for a 700mb paris.avi file ... > > forward it to the maintainer of that ftp if you know who it belongs > to... if possible Thanks for the note. As far as I know he is

HOWTO Help (was: Debian DPL Debate Comments)

2005-03-22 Thread Alexander Schmehl
< cc-ing to -doc, since most part of the mail is more relevant there > Hi! * Nico Golde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050318 18:59]: > [...] > > I've been thinking of contributing to Debian for a long time since I > > started > > using it. The problem is that I've not been able to find a good > > com

Re: HOWTO Help (was: Debian DPL Debate Comments)

2005-03-23 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Frans Pop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050322 22:25]: > > AFAIK we don't have a good "What you can do to help us" documentation > > (please correct me, if I am wrong). > How about ? > Which is linked from the main page (bottom left: "Help Debian") I think it

Re: dpatch and patching debian/rules

2005-03-30 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050330 14:08]: > It seems tha dpatch cannot be trivially used to patch debian/rules > when the patch target is called implicitly. Just out of curiosity: Why do you need to do this? Yours sincerely, Alexander signature.asc Description: Digital signatur

Re: dpatch and patching debian/rules

2005-03-30 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050330 16:09]: > Just out of curiosity: Why do you need to do this? Sorry, was out of synch and just got your other mail. Yours sincerely, Alexander signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Re: lintian & linda (was: Automatic testing of Debian packages)

2005-04-12 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050412 08:31]: > >Guess some people have preferences for either languages or other. > The reason: "I just rewrite an application because the language it is > written in." sounds a very stupid reason to me. It doesn't for me after I heard, that foo was orhpaned.

Bug#311479: ITP: Nexuiz -- 1st person 3d shooter

2005-06-01 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: Nexuiz Version : 1.0 Upstream Author : Nexuiz Team * URL : * License : GPL Description : High End 1st person 3d shooter (copy past

Re: Example where testing-security was used?

2005-06-01 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Romain Francoise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050531 15:49]: > Speaking of prospective ports, what would be the feasibility of keeping > testing frozen after sarge releases, do whatever toolchain updates are > needed to support amd64 via t-p-u, and release etch as a "sarge+amd64" > release in, say, 3 mo

Bug#313595: ITP: htpdate -- daemon to synchronize the local time via HTTP from a webserver

2005-06-14 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: htpdate Version : 0.8.2 Upstream Author : Eddy Vervest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : * License : GPL

Re: Question regarding "offensive" material

2005-06-15 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Ralf Hildebrandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050615 12:51]: > I'm asking for guidance regarding this bug: > #313492: xscreensaver/GLSnake has sexually inappropriate imagery Interessting... my I report the wishlist bug, that it should be possible with GLSnake to show a specific - uhm - thing? >

Re: debian security archive/updates b0rken???

2005-06-28 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Nico Golde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050628 11:18]: >,3672,2326362,00.html > The article on says that ca. 100 million user in > Germany changed to Ubuntu because of problems with Debian. Wow, till know I thought we had only 82 Million germans...

Re: md5 sum mismatches and mirror syncs

2006-08-11 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060811 13:22]: > Shouldn't we switch to using/advocating a smarter algorithm like > the one debmirror or anonftpsync use, which is to push new package > files to the archive, then synchronise indices, then delete obsolete > package files? We used someth

Re: Help with menu (Was: Bug#389932: wish: gnumed --debug should open terminal window)

2006-09-28 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060928 16:09]: > is there any relieable way to force opening a terminal from a menu > entry and call a programm from this terminal to make sure that > console output will be visible? > > I never succeeded to find this out. :-( Regarding Debians menu syst

Re: Professional Developer Wanted

2006-10-01 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Stephen Yorke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [061001 23:46]: > Does anyone on these lists know of any REAL GOOD resources to look for > someone with HIGH caliper Debian Development skills? Yours sincerely, Alexander -- http:

Re: Some packages need a new maintainer

2006-03-29 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi Florian! * Florian Ernst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060329 20:00]: > hexedit - view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII I use that very often, so I'll take it. > ht - Viewer/editor/analyser (mostly) for executables And I use that from time to time, so

Re: Some packages need a new maintainer

2006-03-30 Thread Alexander Schmehl
retitle 312078 ITA: ht -- Viewer/editor/analyser (mostly) for executables owner 312078 ! thanks Hi! * Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060329 20:51]: > * Florian Ernst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060329 20:00]: > > The following packages are up for adoption, if you want

Re: deb src

2006-04-08 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Linas Zvirblis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060408 13:45]: > --- translation --- > Good afternoon! Could you please tell me where to find diff.gz for a > collection of gcc 4.0.1, glibc 2.3.5, MySQL 5.0.12? Is there such place > where all diff.gz, for all versions of source code, are kept? >

Re: deb src

2006-04-08 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* krot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060408 20:22]: > Good afternoon! Prompt where it is possible to find diff.gz for > assembly gcc 4.0.1, glibc 2.3.5, MySQL 5.0.12? There Is such resource > where are stored{kept} all diff.gz for all versions of source codes?

Re: Using defoma for building package ?

2006-04-28 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * artefact <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060428 11:06]: > I am packaging a game, Wormux. This game use the font DejaVuSans which > is already a Debian package. How can I use Defoma (I think this is the > tool to use for this) to get this font path when building my package so > that it could depend on

Re: For those who care about Debconf but couldn't make it

2006-05-14 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Ben Hutchings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060513 01:38]: > At the appropriate time, point your media player at > or > depending on the session > venue. We have multiple servers so you can also use >

Re: someone using apmd on ppc please test patch for #222635

2006-07-21 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi Aníbal! * Aníbal Monsalve Salazar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060721 01:42]: > Someone using apmd on ppc please test patch for #222635 [0]. Works. I could reproduce the bug with 3.2.2-6, I couldn't reproduce it any longer with a patched 3.2.2-7: = [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/apmd-3.2.2$ apm -m On-l

Re: xfce-goodies - help needed; Rudy Godoy MIA?

2005-01-19 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Andrew Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050119 09:42]: > > Ok, since you're one of the administrators of [0], would you mind > > adding Simon, Rudy and me to the project? We can coordinate the work > > there. > > [0] > Sure, I just need a list of your Alioth l

Bug#291796: ITP: planetpenguin-racer -- another 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin

2005-01-23 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: planetpenguin-racer Version : 0.2.3 Upstream Author : Crew / Volker Stroebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : * License : GPL Description : another 3D rac

Re: console mode(probally off)

2003-06-02 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030603 01:06]: > > How to start debian direct on console mode, > Eh? I thought Debian always started in console mode unless you both > installed > xdm (or the gnome/kde equivalent) and enabled it. Which is the case, if he choosed "desktop environment

Re: console mode(probally off)

2003-06-02 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030602 13:09]: > How to start debian direct on console mode, One possibilitie is to remove all display manager packages: apt-get remove --purge xdm kdm gdm wdm (Perhaps you didn't installed all of them.) The other possibillitie would be to dea

Re: Juridical prosecution

2003-07-05 Thread Alexander Schmehl
e. Install a new page (even an empty one would do it). Yours sincerely Alexander Schmehl

Re: debconf 2005 in Vienna, Austria

2003-07-29 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030729 14:43]: > > I'd like to start organizing the debconf for the year 2005 in Vienna, > > Austria. Why that early announce? So we have time enough to find > (...) > Even if you are stepping in our idea of making it in Madrid, Vienna is >

Re: Packaging a PostScript resource

2005-08-10 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Dear Terry, * Terry Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050810 16:36]: > Okay. I've created a Debian package for Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript at > > Are there any DDs willing to examine this and, if all is well, upload it >

Re: Packaging a PostScript resource

2005-08-11 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Terry Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050810 17:37]: > > Documentation in /usr/lib/foo? > Sorry? I don't understand what documentation you mean. The .ps file _is_ > the resource. Ah, okay. Sorry, I missunderstood that. Yours sincerely, Alexander -- http://www.catb.o

Re: Dogme05: Team Maintenance

2005-08-16 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Dear Wolfang, * W. Borgert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050814 16:15]: > as a conclusion of many discussions at DebConf5, I propose to > maintain all packages by teams. [..] Do you realy think you can enforce teamwork? I don't think so. Either some people will work together as a team or individuals wi

Re: Dogme05: Team Maintenance

2005-08-16 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Florent Bayle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050816 16:20]: > And why not also using popularity-contest (eg. if a package is used by more > than X users, it should be maintained by a team). And what, if a package maintained by a single person (who is doint a good job) is get's a growing userbase an

Re: wnpp situation

2005-09-12 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Nico Golde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050913 00:47]: > Especially the RFPs. What about closing an RFP bug > automatically after the third semi automatic notice mail > which is sent to the BTS entry? What is the purpose of this mail? Either there is someone interested in packaging it, or you won't

Re: wnpp situation

2005-09-13 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050913 02:46]: [ long RFPs ] > Or don't even open RFP bugs in the first place because they're > thoroughly useless? Do you have a proposal for a better way on how our users can request / suggest software to be packaged? I don't think RFPs per se are useles

Re: wnpp situation

2005-09-13 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* David Moreno Garza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050913 19:11]: > > Perhaps we should have some voting mechanism, to let users tell us > > which missing packages are most wanted? > Probably something like a rfp-request-seconded tag on the bug could > work. Although rfp-request is somehow redundant. Curre

Re: wnpp situation

2005-09-13 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Wouter Verhelst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050913 21:35]: [ vote for RFPs ] > > Currently everyone interested in such a package could send a "me too" > > mail to the report... > That isn't going to do much good if nobody ever reads them. > > For a "me too" thing to be useful, it needs to be immediatel

Re: Bug#323227: new list: debian-planet to distribute postings; archive to enable searching

2005-09-14 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Tollef Fog Heen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050914 10:47]: > | Maybe, if you don't want your output to be found on the Internet, you > | should not make it available on the Internet? > I think there is a difference between putting it all in one place with > a public archive and having the content availa

Re: Request: Source for parts of GNU/Solaris

2005-11-07 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Erast Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [051108 01:48]: > > ( nor your patched debhelper (4.9.3elatte) as requested in my > > other mail. > I'm personally working on it, and I will not commit those changes until > they will be tested. Rememer, these all binaries are under development,

Re: getting unstable lintian & linda into stable

2005-11-11 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Nico Golde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [05 15:28]: > So what about a special exception which provides updated > lintian & linda packages for the stable distribution? > Is it technical possible? I mean becaused it should be > fixed. Curently it's quite easy to run unstables lintian, debootstr

Re: rebuilding the archive in a dirty chroot: results

2008-02-05 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Lucas Nussbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080205 21:57]: > I did another rebuild. Thanks to the Debian GNU/kFreeBSD cabal, the > results are available on If you want shell access, read > . If web access is enough, go to >

Bug#465660: ITP: extreme-tuxracer -- Arcade game featuring tux the penguin, snow ice and fishes

2008-02-13 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: extreme-tuxracer Version : 0.4.0 Upstream Author : Pawel Drewniak, Guillaume Martres and others * URL : * License : GPL (

Re: Bug#465660: ITP: extreme-tuxracer -- Arcade game featuring tux the penguin, snow ice and fishes

2008-02-14 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080214 08:43]: >> Description : Arcade game featuring tux the penguin, snow ice and fishes > Thanks for your work on it. Could you please clarify whether it > is just an alternative to ppracer or whether it is a replacement? ppracer is upstream dead

Re: Bug#465660: ITP: extreme-tuxracer -- Arcade game featuring tux the penguin, snow ice and fishes

2008-02-14 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080214 06:54]: > > Description : Arcade game featuring tux the penguin, snow ice and > > fishes > At least uncapitalize "Arcade". "At least"? You have further improvements? Sounds "3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin" better for y

Re: Extending fortunes-debian-hints package

2008-02-26 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Kartik Mistry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080226 05:09]: > Great idea. Please check: > > and get started! I am new to wiki, so improve my formatting too :) You might want to "subscribe" to that wiki page, so you'll get notified via email, when someone m

Re: NewInEtch / NewInLenny

2008-04-29 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080429 18:55]: > There used to be but it's gone > without a trace, [..] There are still some Translations:

improving package descriptions (was: Bug#409367: ITP: iceape-locales -- language packs for Iceape)

2007-02-06 Thread Alexander Schmehl
[ removing -wnpp and the bug report from the CC list ] * Mike Hommey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070205 23:34]: > > > Is there any particular reason for iceape-l10n-* being a better > > > name then iceape-locale-*? > > consistency. end users and dumb people like me like it when they don't > > have to

Re: edit patches in dpkg configuration file dialog

2007-03-06 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Matthias Julius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070306 19:16]: > Although this clutters up /etc they could be saved as *.dpkg-last or > so. New packages' conffiles can be saved as *.dpkg-new just like dpkg > currently does if one chooses not to install the new file. Before a > new version is install

Re: Pushing multi-arch media (Re: blockers for 64-bit adoption)

2007-04-09 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Andreas Barth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070409 10:00]: > > I think we should push the multi-arch media. Particularly, the > > x86/amd64/powerpc one can boot something like 99% of all the hardware > > debian will ever run on, without the user having to care about what arch > > his PC or Mac is, s

Re: The number of etch installations is rocketing...

2007-04-13 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Roberto C. Sánchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070413 00:27]: > > The only caveat I can think of (but there might be others) is that it would > > not be possible to properly count installations that are using > > corporate (or ISP's) caching proxies (in somecases those are transparent to > > the en

Re: Announce:

2007-05-12 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Yves-Alexis Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070509 23:12]: > > What do you think? > > We think this is one of the available ways for a best desktop > Hmh, a nice idea would be to add preview thumbnails next to each item, > because clicking on each one to see full screenshot can be quite > an

Re: Reasonable maximum package size ?

2007-06-05 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070605 17:42]: > Moving game data elsewhere would require some way for games in main to > depend on data elsewhere. That's one of topics the pkg-games team is planing to adress during a BoF at DebConf7 (beside some other stuff). Hints welcome ;) Yours

Re: adding desktop files to misc packages

2007-07-14 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070713 22:54]: > This division, while not IMHO technically very nice, helps the > consistency and usability of the desktop environments, since the most > accessible menu items are those from the desktop files for that > particular desktop environment. To find

Re: [updated] Mass bug filing: Dependency/file list predictability

2007-07-20 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Steinar H. Gunderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070720 10:22]: [..] > Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >ht Could it be, that you are now filtering to strict? I could swear, that when I looked at the list yesterday I saw fillets-ng which had a new lib according to the

Re: Forming a new linux Distrbution

2007-10-16 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Dirk Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [071015 21:11]: > > Just name three valid reasons > > to start a distribution from scratch. > 1. It is the home exercise in "Operating Systems" until next week. Uhm... Your exercise is to build a complety new Linux Distribution by next week? Wow... that's

Re: reporting BTS spam easily from Mutt

2008-01-08 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! Am 8.1.2008 schrieb "Kumar Appaiah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: [ reporting spam to listmasters and bts admins ] >I think a single keystroke can be scripted for this. I'll try later >tonight, though someone else is welcome to do this ahead of me. :-) Would be cool, if your script would then auto

Re: reporting BTS spam easily from Mutt

2008-01-08 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Am 8.1.2008 schrieb "Javier Fernandez-Sanguino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: >I do not suggest you report automatically, as you will not review >false positives. That wasn't my plan; acutally listmasters strongly discourage from doing so. Problem was, that I sorted spam to one directory, and was to lazy

Re: downloading selected source packages automatically

2004-10-05 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* ROBERTOJIMENOCA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041005 16:00]: > So I download the source package (dsc, diff.gz & tar.gz), dpkg-source > it, apply my patches, dpkg-buildpackage > -rfakeroot, install it and mark it for hold so when upgrading a newer > version isn't installed. I didn't tried it myself, but


2004-10-05 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* SAVERIO FERRARO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041005 18:49]: > I HAVE SOME PROBLEMS WITH THE CONFIGURATION OF THIS PRINT. > HOW HAVE I TO DO? Tell us your problem, and we might be able to help. Oh, and in case you didn't noticed: Your caps-lock key seems to be broken. Yours sincerely, Alexander si

Re: ITP: cddb.bundle -- CDDB Bundle for GNUstep

2004-10-08 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Jeff Teunissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041008 10:11]: > > (b) what can be regarded as most useful for our users (I, at lest, > > think it is, and some other people will as well, I hope). > > I don't really see how it's useful -- it doesn't matter what libs are used > by an app. In my

Re: Need a debian packager for kftpgrabber

2004-10-12 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Noèl Köthe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [041012 11:18]: > > > > Anyone that can join the project as a packager? > > #kftpgrabber on > best would be to send a RFP like described on > Vince Tantardini <[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Request for Clue: i18n of fortune-esque things

2003-04-29 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030423 23:38]: > I just had the idea of translating these hints myself and thus I talked > with Grisu about using the DDTP server for this purpose. He promised > to think about this ... Well, did I missed something, hasn't anybody translated them, yet? I was