update-menus and similar programs

1997-11-30 Thread Adrian Bridgett
update-menus forks to the background and waits for dpkg to finish before continuing to work. This is a useful function that could be useful for other programs (for instance scripts that build automated indexes of other kinds). Is there a cunning way to achieve this at present? If not, is there any

too many directories in /usr/doc?

1997-11-30 Thread Adrian Bridgett
Section 2.1.6 of the policy states: Every package must be accompanied by a verbatim copy of its copyright and distribution license in the file /usr/doc//copyright (see section 5.6, Copyright information' for details). I'm taking over maintaining the linux-gazette packages from Chri

Re: "purity" package

1997-11-30 Thread emaziuk
On Sun, Nov 30, 1997 at 02:07:00PM +0200, Kai Henningsen wrote: .. > There are some valid arguments why showing violence is bad. No there ain't. There are some valid arguments why people who can't control their violent tendencies/sexual urges should be taken out and shot. (sorry, couldn't resis

Re: about CFLAGS

1997-11-30 Thread Francesco Tapparo
On Sun, Nov 30, 1997 at 02:19:24PM +0100, Santiago Vila Doncel wrote: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > > Francesco Tapparo: > > I'm packaging scwm: my problem is that the makefiles of this program don't > > work if a set CFLAGS externally (e.g. with: make CFLAGS="-O2 -g -Wall"). The > > make

Priorities before hamm release

1997-11-30 Thread Alex Yukhimets
Hi. After RedHat 5.0 got released we noticably increased reatre of package conversion and this is extremely good. The sooner hamm is relesed the better. But we might consider other opprtunities to *increase* our "market share" in current situation. The problem with RH 5.0 is that there are not tha

Re: about CFLAGS

1997-11-30 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Francesco Tapparo wrote: > Santiago Vila Doncel wrote: > > Did you try CFLAGS="-O2 -g -Wall" ./configure? > > Yes, so the pakage compile perfectly: thanks. Now I think that this is the > right method of set the variables. However, I fail to see why make

dpkg-ftp question

1997-11-30 Thread Leland Olds
Is there a version of dpkg-ftp that fixes bug #10792 ? (The symptom is that dpkg-ftp prepends dist/ instead of the correct path to the files it's trying to download.) Or is there a work-around for this? If not, what is the recommend path for upgrading to hamm? Note: I followed the instructio

RFC: Deb 2.0 testing process

1997-11-30 Thread Brandon Mitchell
Hello everyone, The testers are starting to think about how to organized the 2.0 testing effort. One idea that the testers seemed to like is to create a checklist for checking each package. Before we just checked to see if the packages installed and if the entire system seemed to work correctl

Re: too many directories in /usr/doc?

1997-11-30 Thread James A . Treacy
> I'm taking over maintaining the linux-gazette packages from Christian > Schwarz, and I would prefer to just have /usr/doc/lg/copyright, rather than > having one in each /usr/doc/lg-issueXX directory. There will not be anything > else in /usr/doc/lg-issueXX as the issues are installed in /usr/doc/

Re: not a first amendment question

1997-11-30 Thread bruce
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kai Henningsen) > I'm _seriously_ offended by this. The idea that the bible (or quake) has > more redeeming features than purity is ridiculous. You're being sarcastic, right? > By the way, why the move to -devel? I didn't do it. Bruce -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM

Re: be careful with Replaces, please

1997-11-30 Thread Yann Dirson
Greg Stark writes: > > We've got be be a little more careful with the Replaces header. I just > installed the libc6 version of comerr, and dpkg helpfully deinstalled > e2fsprogs. That's perfectly normal if you previously had e2fsprogs <= 1.10-6, which does contain libcom_err ! You should pr

Re: be careful with Replaces, please

1997-11-30 Thread David Gaudine
On Sun, 30 Nov 1997, Yann Dirson wrote: > Greg Stark writes: > > > > We've got be be a little more careful with the Replaces header. I just > > installed the libc6 version of comerr, and dpkg helpfully deinstalled > > e2fsprogs. > > That's perfectly normal if you previously had e2fsprogs

dpkg --compare-versions

1997-11-30 Thread Marco d'Itri
I need to run some commands in the postinst of ifmail only if the user is upgrading a previous. I tried: if [ "$1" == "upgrade" -a -n "$2" -a "$2" != "" ]; then if dpkg --compare-versions $2 le 2.12tx8.6; then [...] fi fi but it does not works, I think the first test is wrong. Does someone ha

Re: be careful with Replaces, please

1997-11-30 Thread Raul Miller
It occurs to me that one avenue for a safe upgrade to hamm might be a jumbo-package. This would basically be a hand crafted .deb that contained (and provides) all the relevant sensitive packages. The downside is that this approach is laborious to implement. The upside is that this approa

Re: be careful with Replaces, please

1997-11-30 Thread Scott K. Ellis
On Sun, 30 Nov 1997, Yann Dirson wrote: > Greg Stark writes: > > > > We've got be be a little more careful with the Replaces header. I just > > installed the libc6 version of comerr, and dpkg helpfully deinstalled > > e2fsprogs. > > That's perfectly normal if you previously had e2fsprogs <=

Re: about CFLAGS

1997-11-30 Thread Richard Braakman
Santiago Vila Doncel wrote: > Francesco Tapparo wrote: > > Santiago Vila Doncel wrote: > > > Did you try CFLAGS="-O2 -g -Wall" ./configure? > > > > Yes, so the pakage compile perfectly: thanks. Now I think that this is the > > right method of set the variables. > > However, I fail to see why

Re: dpkg-ftp question

1997-11-30 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Leland Olds ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > Is there a version of dpkg-ftp that fixes bug #10792 ? > > (The symptom is that dpkg-ftp prepends dist/ instead of the correct > path to the files it's trying to download.) > > Or is there a work-around for this? I don't know if this is The Right Way, b

Re: be careful with Replaces, please

1997-11-30 Thread David Gaudine
On Sun, 30 Nov 1997, Scott K. Ellis wrote: > BTW, is there a particular reason that e2fsprogs got renamed to > e2fsprogsg? This seems to be the biggest chance to completely screw over > someone's system in all of Debian now. It wasn't just renamed, it was split into e2fsprogsg and e2fslibsg. (

Re: be careful with Replaces, please

1997-11-30 Thread David Gaudine
On Sun, 30 Nov 1997, David Gaudine wrote: > It wasn't just renamed, it was split into e2fsprogsg and e2fslibsg. I meant to add "I think". The above is what I see from the descriptions that dselect shows me. dselect also lists the old package as "required base", which was a bit unnerving when


1997-11-30 Thread Michael Stone
I tried to file these at www.debian.org, but the server said that the bug tracking page was an unknown URL (it seems to be other URLs, too, like the packages page.) I tried the german mirror but the timestamp said Oct 31 so I decided to send a mail to the list and find out what's going on. since I

Debian GNU/Linux Logo chosen

1997-11-30 Thread Bruce Perens
We've been having a logo contest for a long time. It failed to generate a consensus on a logo for the project. It got to the point where people were clamoring for me to hire a commercial artist and get the job done. I went over the candidates in the logo contest, and found one that was probably as

Re: be careful with Replaces, please

1997-11-30 Thread Greg Stark
Yann Dirson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Greg Stark writes: > > We've got be be a little more careful with the Replaces header. I just > > installed the libc6 version of comerr, and dpkg helpfully deinstalled > > e2fsprogs. > > That's perfectly normal if you previously had e2fsprogs <= 1.10-