Re: intent to package jstation

1998-04-15 Thread Jim Pick
Stephen Zander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Bummer! I can't help here unfortunately (I'm a jdk source licencee) but > I thought Jim Pick had expressed an intention of persuing free JVM > implementations. > > Jim? I'm freeing up the rest of this week, so I will be able to work on all my Debian

Re: intent to package jstation

1998-04-14 Thread Stephen Zander
> "Vincent" == Vincent Renardias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Vincent> No it won't AFAIK. I've orphaned it more than 1 year ago Vincent> and no-one uploaded it, so I've asked it to be removed Vincent> from the distribution (the current 0.7.1-2 package is old Vincent> and buggy) a

Re: intent to package jstation

1998-04-14 Thread Vincent Renardias
On 14 Apr 1998, Stephen Zander wrote: > Hungry Programmers' is another alternative. Kaffe should be in the > 2.0 distribution. No it won't AFAIK. I've orphaned it more than 1 year ago and no-one uploaded it, so I've asked it to be removed from the distribution (the current 0.7.1-2 package is old

Re: intent to package jstation

1998-04-14 Thread Stephen Zander
> "Bdale" == Bdale Garbee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Bdale> Because jstation depends on JDK 1.1, it will go to contrib Bdale> despite being GPL'ed itself. This might change if a free Bdale> Java implementation for Debian can replace the JDK Bdale> dependency. This is my first

intent to package jstation

1998-04-14 Thread Bdale Garbee
I intend to package 'jstation' for Debian. This is a suite of Java-based software that implements a full-featured ground station for amateur radio satellites using the Pacsat protocols. Because jstation depends on JDK 1.1, it will go to contrib despite being GPL'ed itself. This might change