>>>>> "Bdale" == Bdale Garbee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    Bdale> Because jstation depends on JDK 1.1, it will go to contrib
    Bdale> despite being GPL'ed itself.  This might change if a free
    Bdale> Java implementation for Debian can replace the JDK
    Bdale> dependency.  This is my first foray into the Java universe,
    Bdale> so I'm a little out of touch on the details of what's
    Bdale> available.
You could try it against Kaffe & see how things work. Japhar from
Hungry Programmers' is another alternative.  Kaffe should be in the
2.0 distribution.

If Sun ever relax their licensing on the JVM I promise to move it
to main poste-haste.

"Normality is a statistical illusion." -- me

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