Re:Re: Concerns about Security of packages in Debain OS and the Operating system itself.

2022-06-29 Thread Ravi Dwivedi
ndependent developers keeping an eye on them. > this makes debian pretty much the only distro that could be trusted to remain true to humanity and to its principles and its charter. even when some of them (you know who you are) are when it comes down to it not very nice people, they can at l

Grub on Compact Flash, Plzzzzzzz

2009-05-18 Thread Ravi
nstall --root-directory=/media/CF /dev/sdc It says /boot/stage2 could not read correctly.. Please help me, I'm struggling for this for long time with regards Ravi

Grub on CF card

2009-05-17 Thread Ravi
help me, I'm struggling for this for long time with regards Ravi


2003-08-28 Thread Ravi Lohia
  Ravinder Lohia 305, Vastu Shilp, Opp. Parsi Colony, Pump House, Andheri(E), Mumbai- 400093 Ph- 022-28215733 RESUME   Work Experience :   10 years   March, 2003- Present   :   Nutek India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India.