can do
later using the Control: pseudoheader.
That said, the critique is received, and I've been very, very slowly
working on rewriting the entire system to address some of these issues.
[Being a parent has made my Debian time very precious, however, so
keeping things running has taken preceden
that it completes correctly, and have sent
a few test messages.
Don Armstrong
Vimes hated and despised the privileges of rank, but they had this to
be said for them: At least they meant that you could hate and despise
them in comfort.
've just assumed that anyone using that package was running
unstable or running debbugs out of git.
Don Armstrong
A people living under the perpetual menace of war and invasion is very
easy to govern. It demands no social reforms. It does n
or nnn@ was really just a case of that happening for free
when I enabled it for submit@.]
Don Armstrong
Any excuse will serve a tyrant.
-- Aesop
Bugs that are fixed in testing, unstable (and experimental) but not RC
severity (serious and above) are archived if they have been closed for
more than 28 days.
Don Armstrong
Rule 30: "A little trust goes a long way. The les
don't plan on implementing or
accepting a patch to do nosubmitter unless someone can convince me
[Submitter is a currently non-optional field; if a bug does not have a
submitter, the BTS will not accept the bug. Making it optional would be
more work than adding the control command.]
information; that will get fixed up when the package actually
transits is ACCEPTED.
Still unresolved is how this intersects with the search that people use
to reassign bugs against outdated packages to the current package (or
close bugs in removed packages).
Don Armstrong http
solverConfiguration, and instead not configure any nameservers.
Then, if someone tries to resolve without any configured nameservers,
NoNameservers will be raised, which is the same thing that happens if
there are no good nameservers, and is less inconsistent with the
previous behavior.
Don Armstrong
o that if dnspython fails?]
That seems like the right default unless you really, really need to talk
to a full-fledged DNS server directly.
Don Armstrong
He quite enjoyed the time by himself in the mornings. The day was too
early to have started
what is in To/Cc when
processing e-mail, and only pays attention to the SMTP RCPT TO and MAIL
Normally -done messages include the done address in the To: header, so
it's pretty obvious which message actually caused a bug to be closed,
but it is not required.
Don Armstrong
ation in systemd is just to add
ExecStop=/bin/sleep 1
[This is to avoid `service connman stop; service connman start;` being
> I don't know of a way to ask firmware if something is still winding
> down
If someone figures out how to do this, you'd
d enough, and those generally don't involve
Don Armstrong
I made a bunch of stickers
to put on rooftops, and in secret tunnels.
"If you are reading this,
then you are awesome"
-- a softer world #569
ely. The existing newcomer tag view in the BTS
could be a start:
[This was my hope when I introduced the newcomer tag, but I'd like
nothing more than someone to take it and run with it.]
Don Armstrong
I wo
saying so early, clearly, and publicly.
The question is what (if anything) do any of us want to do to provide
resources to provide that support.
We do not have unlimited maintainer time; triaging is sad, but it
produces better outcomes.
Don Armstrong
But that's not documented at all.
Would a sentence: "Use the help tag in addition to the wontfix tag if
you would still accept a patch that fixed this issue." to the wontfix
description be useful?
Don Armstrong
when an upload has been made to Debian, and subsequent upload requires
changing the source package.
Don Armstrong
Something the junk advertisers don't seem to understand: we live in an
information super-saturated world. If I don'
e BTS might get a hiccup. For that reason I originally proposed
> doing this with the salsa issue tracker.
Even if you use the same version, so long as you mark the bug as fixed
in the version where it was uploaded everything should work properly.
Don Armstrong https://w
the BTS; I'd just need someone to propose how this would work, and a
link format that seems sensible.
Don Armstrong
But if, after all, we are on the wrong track, what then? Only
disappointed human hopes, nothing more. And even if we p
t with an appropriate
error message. [This could be exploited, but it'd chop out a great deal
of spam.]
Don Armstrong
Have you ever noticed: the most vocal superpatriots are the old men
who send young men out to die.
-- Harlan Ellison "Basilisk" (_Deathbird Stories_ p73)
On Tue, 27 Feb 2018, Georg Faerber wrote:
> On 18-02-21 10:53:49, Don Armstrong wrote:
> > Speaking on behalf of owner@, we're always looking more assistance in
> > creating better SA rules. Our configuration is publicly available.[1]
> > [I've just started moving
Wouldn't this normally be handled by having postfix delay mail delivery
if clamsmtp wasn't operational? So the ordering of postfix/clamsmtp
startup is less important.
Perhaps even better would be to have clamsmtp do socket activation, so
the sockets existed before either postfix or
some staging directory
or tarball, and just restoring them if the package is reinstalled
without an intervening purge. [Or whatever other creative solution the
dpkg developers decide is the best course of action.]
Don Armstrong
nothing ex
ningful for foo. [For example, apache operates
this way.]
1: Though this sort of guarding is easy for Xsession.d, I'm certain that
there are configuration systems where this is not easy to implement.
Don Armstrong
Whatever you do wil
far down my debbugs TODO list.
Don Armstrong
For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing
continued to happen.
-- Douglas Adams
configuration is publicly available.[1]
[I've just started moving it from alioth to salsa, so the git urls will
change slightly.]
Don Armstrong
[I]t's true that some of the most terrible things in the world are
done by people who think
ges as spam, but fully automating the
process would be great.
Don Armstrong
Identical parts aren't.
-- Beach's Law
Package: wnpp
Owner: Don Armstrong
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: libtest-postgresql-perl
Version : 1.23
Upstream Author : Toby Corkindale Kazuho Oku Peter Mottram plus various
reported time?]
Don Armstrong
If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
-- Lowery's Law
fixed. So RMs should
continue to remove early, and remove often. [When this has happened with
my packages (see lilypond), it's resulted in more people helping with
the maintenance of them, and brought some issues to a wider audience.]
Don Armstrong https://www.donar
with an empty equivs package which satisfied the build-dependency.
That could help give the involved parties (which does not include me) an
idea of whether implementing such a feature was a worthwhile expenditure
of their energy.
Don Armstrong https://www.donarmstr
am configuration file,
which is what new patches are needed to support. This is pretty classic
bitrot of an underused/under-tested execution path.
All of that said, if you are interested in Debian supporting a nosystemd
build profile, continuing to escalate conflicts with other developers is
not he
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Don Armstrong
* Package name: autorandr
Version : 1.2
Upstream Author : Phillip Berndt
* URL :
* License : GPL-3+
Programming Lang: Python
Description : Automatically
ails to this address. I did not subscribe to this
For lists, please just forward these e-mails to
Don Armstrong
There are two types of people in this world, good and bad. The good
sleep better, but
it as a wishlist bug, make the best case
you can for it in one message, and hope for the best.
Don Armstrong
Rule 6: "If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to
enough of it."
-- Howard Tay
On Tue, 11 Jul 2017, Bjørn Mork wrote:
> Previously I could ask a user to do e.g. 'ifconfig wwan0'. Now?
sudo ip link; sudo ip addr;
and probably also:
sudo iw dev|awk '/^phy/'|xargs -IIFACE sudo iw IFACE info
Don Armstrong https://www.donarms
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> On വെള്ളി 10 ഫെബ്രുവരി 2017 09:36 വൈകു, Don Armstrong wrote:
> > I wonder if this was a case of the code not being sufficient
> > description? [IE, code and a good text description would be accepted,
> > but code only was not?]
was a case of the code not being sufficient
description? [IE, code and a good text description would be accepted,
but code only was not?]
Don Armstrong
Rule 6: "If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to
enough of
development and keeping my packages in some semblance of shape.]
Don Armstrong
He was wrong. Nature abhors dimensional abnormalities, and seals them
neatly away so that they don't upset people. Nature, in fact, abhors a
lot of things, inc
> At least that was the case when I benchmarked on Lintian in 2.5.10 (2
> releases ago).
Neat. I'd love a perlio layer which enabled me to do something like:
open($fh,'<:anyuncompress:encoding(UTF-8)',$file) [...]
too, as the archive has moved away fro
on hacking this out, I've been working instead
on making this whole code section use a real database, which it really
should have been doing the entire time... but it still needs to work in
the meantime.
Don Armstrong
Science is a way of try
-e' instead, because foolish people
> sometimes run scripts by saying `bash /path/to/script' or `sh
> /path/to/script'. (This doesn't seem to be a problem in debbugs.)
Yeah, the -e was inherited, but it has both as you note.
Don Armstrong https
On Sat, 31 Dec 2016, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Don Armstrong writes ("Re: Migration despite an RC bug?"):
> > I'm still not quite sure how the script was failing. The outer shell
> > invocation which calls a perl script to do the versioning database
> > update is
king the perl script do all of the logic which was
in the bash script originally so if it fails, it should at least do so
Don Armstrong
He was wrong. Nature abhors dimensional abnormalities, and seals them
neatly away so that they d
On Sat, 17 Dec 2016, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 10:51:49AM -0600, Don Armstrong wrote:
> > That was me; sorry about that. Presumably you got all of the copies
> > because they were to different aliases which eventually ended up hitting
> > you.
had to unarchive a slew of bugs which were archived because of a
versioning screwup.]
Don Armstrong
PowerPoint is symptomatic of a certain type of bureaucratic
environment: one typified by interminable presentations with lots of
fussy little
atus file:-
will give you the unique email addresses. [Well, realname + e-mail addresses.]
Don Armstrong
If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
-- Lowery's Law
av in the BTS, but we are using it for Debian
mailing lists.
[I'd certainly accept a patch to enable clamav; I personally haven't had
time to readdress using it.]
Don Armstrong
Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so fa
t up. [And/or write additional tools to make things easier.]
Don Armstrong
unbeingdead isn't beingalive
-- e.e. cummings "31" _73 Poems_
ly marked as
open in stable, which reflects the current status.
Someone who wants could potentially upload a backport, but that's in no
way a requirement.
Don Armstrong
As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both
Control: affects -1 reportbug
On Tue, 13 Sep 2016, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 03:24:49PM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
> > Package:
> I think this is the wrong package and should rather be handled by
> reportbug… controls whe
ate with
debian-user or another mailing list to figure out the appropriate
package and/or pseudopackage.
Does anyone have a strong objection to this?
Don Armstrong
"A one-question geek test. If you get the joke, you're a geek: Se
for quite some time, I see no reason why you could "join the team",
and then basically take over the maintenance of this package.
Gregor made the last upload of this package, so that might be one person
who could sponsor it. Otherwise, I'd suggest following the normal
o be sure that somebody takes
> care of their interests.
Policy is not a tool to beat developers with; it's a method of
documenting convention so that we can build a distribution of packages
which interact. Like most documentation of convention, it tends to lag
behind when convention chang
e slightly more punitive
with some of the rulesets that we have in place.
Don Armstrong
What prison taught me was that some people are born into a life where
they're going to be subjected to intense life experiences and personal
tragedy on
otection in the
US, so the licensing terms can largely be ignored. However, that may not
be true of other jurisdictions.
Don Armstrong
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
-- Frederick Douglass
itecture buildds update the versions, fixing
whatever bugs are causing them not to be updated.
Don Armstrong
[I]t's true that some of the most terrible things in the world are
done by people who think, genuinely think, that they're doing it for
the best, especially if there is some god involved.
-- Terry Pratchett _Snuff_ p185
rt of worked, but the feedback wasn't the kind I was looking for.
Thank you for your apology, changing the name, and most importantly,
your continuing work in this area (and the work of everyone else who has
contributed to making the debian-live, cdimage, and debian installer
projects succ
on a machine and not on another without to
> much hassle or cumbersome
man systemd.preset; should do what you're looking for.
You can then systemctl enable unit; later.
Don Armstrong
He was wrong. Nature abhors dimensional abnormali
o is really important,
and requires source code. I mean, we're still working with upstreams who
write C code, and that's been non-controversial for decades.
Don Armstrong
As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression
made clear that DFSG #2 required
all programmatic works to have source code, and also strongly recommend
that manufacturers and distributors provide all source code, but that
also didn't succeed.
So while some time has passed since then, I'm not sure that voting will
actually produce a very
On Thu, 16 Jul 2015, Don Armstrong wrote:
> This is why I said "if they're necessary, then they're necessary".
Here's a set of default icons which can trivially be expanded to avoid
shipping those icons and downloading them:
for icon in ebay google wikipedia bing;
On Thu, 16 Jul 2015, "IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU)" wrote:
> On 07/16/2015 08:29 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
> > On Thu, 16 Jul 2015, Simon Richter wrote:
> >> > The problem is that the icons are displayed in the search field
> >> > dropdown, which sho
hen I lament
the fact that so much leakage of information seems to be necessary in
order to use most modern devices... that ship has sailed, and we're just
fighting a rearguard action now.]
Don Armstrong
There is no mechanical problem so diffic
ons when the site is actually visited? [Does it already try
to update the icons when it visits one of the configured sites?]
Since I haven't read the code,[1] this might be too much work, but I was
thinking about shipping 1x1.png for those icons, and then having them be
updated if and when a use
are not named identically to one of the binary packages produced.]
We don't need more crazy cases where src:A produces bin:B and src:B
produces bin:A.
1: For example, they're currently producing bin:foo8, and are eventually
going to be producing bin:foo9, then calling
be involved to help clarify
communication, but anyone can do that, really.
Don Armstrong
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.d
imagine I'm the only one who would find such a tool
> handy.
I'm not aware of one, but I'd certainly be willing to help someone do
the retrieving usertags bit of it.
Don Armstrong
I have no use for "before and after&qu
There's no point in marking bugs in psuedo packages jessie-ignore;
they're ignored for the purpose of releasing jessie anyway.
Don Armstrong
He wore trifocals. There was stratigraphy even in his glasses.
-- John McPhee _Annals of
On Thu, 12 Feb 2015, Adam Borowski wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 07:50:56AM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
> > : "…" U2026 #
> That's a bad idea as another default combination is a prefix of that:
>which gets y
your system-wide
compose file) suitably filled out, you can type Multi_key . . . to
generate ….
: "…" U2026 # HORIZONTAL
The advantage of using XCompose is that many of the keybindings actually
make some sort of logical sense, like multi+<
nfirmation step, so
> couldn't complain. Or better, the reply to the confirmation message
> could contain a private key that could be used by reportbug to insert
> a X- header identifying the author of the next bug reports.
Something along these lines is what I'm planning on
been regressed in.
That will cause the bug to be reopened if that version is later than the
latest fixed version. If necessary, you can also reopen it directly,
Don Armstrong
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you really want to
On Mon, 19 Jan 2015, jnqnfe wrote:
> I think that Ideally the BTS should offer per-bug subscription
> functionality, like bugzilla.
We do, but because it's not directly integrated into the BTS, the BTS is
unaware of who is subscribed.
Actually fixing this is on the gigantic todo lis
I don't know what to do about contributors to a bug being e-mailed as
well, but maybe even they should also be e-mailed by default... but I've
been making the perfect the enemy of the good for too long here, I think.
Don Armstrong http://www.donarmstrong
install a lot of them.
Plus, the overhead of having a separate package is an order of magnitude
larger than an extra line or two in the description field.
Don Armstrong
Filing a bug is probably not going to get it fixed any faster.
-- Anthony Tow
ly the best of bad options.
1: By that I mean if we're going to make an arbitrary line in the sand
in policy, it should be based on bytes, not lines.
Don Armstrong
Three little words. (In
st/someone would have
to be the maintainer, and deal with triaging those bugs.
Don Armstrong
Herodotus says, "Very few things happen at the right time, and the
rest do not happen at all. The conscientious historian will correct
these def
ed, and the code that linkified was too brittle.]
Don Armstrong
[I]t's true that some of the most terrible things in the world are
done by people who think, genuinely think, that they're doing it for
the best, especially if there
ersonally warned him in regards to his recent content-less postings to
-devel in a private e-mail which was Cc:'ed to listmaster.
If anyone wishes to discuss this further, please e-mail me (or privately. I will not reply further
Don Armstrong
On Mon, 17 Nov 2014, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Le samedi 15 novembre 2014 à 16:16 -0800, Don Armstrong a écrit :
> > The technical committe was asked in #746578 to override the ordering
> > of the alternative dependencies on systemd-sysv and systemd-shim to
> > prefer the in
strongly about this, and wants to further discuss the rationale, feel
free to discuss this on or similar.
1: Yes, I have my own RC bugs that I should be fixing instead of
complaining about motes elsewhere.
Don Armstrong http://www.donarmstrong
maintainer is distinct from Steve as tech-ctte
> member).
We actually discussed this in the bug log.[1] An RC bug against
systemd-shim is the appropriate technical means of making sure that a
buggy systemd-shim is not allowed into the release.
possible, please contact or
myself (dondelelcaro) in #debbugs on
Don Armstrong
No amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free
[...] You can't conquer a free man; the most you can
Don Armstrong
If you have the slightest bit of intellectual integrity you cannot
support the government. -- anonymous
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-devel-req
d --exclude to (c)debootstrap.
This sounds like #668001. Try applying the patch there, and see if that
Don Armstrong
Let the victors, when they come,
When the forts of folly fall
Find thy body by the wall!
-- Matthew Arnold
ut the issue, and set follow up directly to
-vote. Perhaps just adding a note to suggesting that as a
possibility would be enough.
Don Armstrong
It seems intuitively obvious to me, which means that it mi
e is spam after accepting it, we discard it. To
do otherwise would result in back scatter.
Contact or if you
suspect a message was discarded in error with the Message-Id, relevant
logs, time the message was sent, etc.
Don Armstrong
chance to futz with
the clamav configuration on and
Don Armstrong
-tommorow is our permanent address
and there they'll scarcely find us(if they do,
we'll move away still further:into now
-- e.e. cumm
1: Escaped to avoid triggering the decoder myself; see the Content field
of the url above if you don't want to run echo.
Don Armstrong
Have you ever noticed: the most vocal superpatriots are the old men
who send young men out to d
ackage were the
> name of the pseudo-package is the same as the name of the mailing list
> (like
Yes. This is actually an oversight on my part; the reply link on the BTS
should be changed to have this.
I'll try to get to that soonish.
Don Armstrong
the BTS uses it to
figure out what bug you replied to if you send a mail to
Don Armstrong
I leave the show floor, but not before a pack of caffeinated Jolt gum
is thrust at me by a hyperactive girl screaming, "
led), and wamerican (1M installed) to optional.
This would also require some work besides just changing priority, as
whatever package is in standard should not depend on dictionaries
common, and manage the symlink itself; wamerican currently does this.
Don Armstrong
he git repository.
Don Armstrong
The smallest quantity of bread that can be sliced and toasted has yet
to be experimentally determined. In the quantum limit we must
necessarily encounter fundamental toast particles which the author
will unflinc
ious why this would be a problem.
Because you're a Debian Developer and might want to upload a package to
the archive without downloading the uploaded tarball which substantially
duplicates what you have in your source tree? Or you're collaborating
with someone and need to
ges; could you (and/or debian-cd) address this?
Specifically: 1) Would you want the default CD/DVD image to use a GNOME
even if GNOME was unable to fit on a single image? 2) Would the GNOME
team consider a less-complete DE for cases where image size is a
Don Armstrong
essage informs the
reporter that they can reopen the bug once they have provided more
information and the initial bug report is content-less.
Don Armstrong
America was far better suited to be the World's Movie Star. The
world's tequila-a
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014, Eric Cooper wrote:
> What about making it into a user's install-time decision, rather than
> a developer's packaging-time decision?
Any user who wants to can override the rename by using dpkg-divert.
Don Armstrong http://www.donarmstr
ional" functionality if the required build dependency is not
present, and still let the build complete.
Don Armstrong
Mozart tells us what it's like to be human, Beethoven tells us what
it's like to be Beethoven, and Bach tell
ing so privately is
almost always acceptable, and using changelogs and the BTS to do so is
also almost always OK.
As Neil notes, I would avoid sending messages just containing thanks to
the mailing lists unless you're also adding new content to the
Don Armstrong
While I don't see a problem with adding this particular fix to scowl (it
really is Multi-Arch: foreign), we should just fix this archive-wide
once and for all.
Don Armstrong
[T]he question of whether Machines Can Think,
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