On Thu, 18 Dec 1997, Will Lowe wrote:
> how do I do it?
Mail to either [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED], the
web bug mirror has full instructions on the bug tracking system.
Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.gate.net/~storm/
how do I do it?
| http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/
David Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> You might have a look at how Free and Open BSD do things with their
> ports system. It doesnt seem that attractive as a package management
> system (try installing Xemacs over a 28.8 on a 486;-), but it is done
> quite well, and with standard unix tools.
Brian White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is the "emacs" package being renamed into "emacs19"? (I saw several
> mentions of that name.) If so, could not both emacs19 and xemacsnn both
> "Provides: emacs"?
The new emacs package is going to be named emacs20. The older one may
or may not be renam
> I've had a look at all the current packages, details are below (some
> programs are probably fine). I think most of these packages should be
> "fixed" is someway - either:
>depending on emacs|xemacs
>description includes "does not work with Xemacs"
>description includes "already inclu
My question is, should I modify emacs to use maillock from liblockdev,
or it the emacs mechanism OK (what about NFS)?
My reading is that emacs needs to be modified, but since liblockdev
requires you to call touchlock on a regular basis, I'm worried that
the modification might be non-trivial.
Please do not blame Herbert for this, since I am responsible
for the kernel-image scripts.
>>"Arto" == Arto Astala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Arto> I upgraded to a new snapshot of hamm (1997-12-13) and dselect
Arto> naturally marked for upgrade everything I had. I also noticed
Hi there!
I was poking around the bitchx sources to see if I could make a new
package since the current one is somewhat (lightly put) outdated.
After some studying I discovered that there are many things not present
in the bitchx sources, but that are common to all irc clients. Things
like scripts
You might have a look at how Free and Open BSD do things with their
ports system. It doesnt seem that attractive as a package management
system (try installing Xemacs over a 28.8 on a 486;-), but it is done
quite well, and with standard unix tools. It has provisions for
dependencies and the like
Before Debian, I used to roll my own. I used to spend hours
and hours, chasing down sources, removing all incompatibilities I
could detect (and fix), compiling them, dealing with bad versions,
and, alas, very little of the software was truly well behaved.
I think precompil
>>"Rob" == Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Rob> Well, I don't see how to fix the "needing files that aren't
Rob> available" problem (when does this happen?), but the
Rob> multi-directory make process shouldn't be a problem. There's no
Rob> reason the hook file for tm in Guy's proposa
>>"Christian" == Christian Lynbech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Christian> I am not quite so pessimistic about the possibilities of
Christian> recompiling installed elisp files.
Please, people, do download the sources for tm and compile a
local copy before you display such unwarranted
> Philip Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > If people really think it is necesary I can add:
> >
> > PPP_TTYNAME=`/usr/bin/basename "$2"`
> I think this is a bad idea. Anyone who wants to do this, can, and
> throwing away information in situations like this is usually a bad
> idea.
Herbert Xu wrote:
> Alexander Supalov wrote:
> >
> > I saw today that Linux kernel 2.0.32 had been released as a Debian
> > package. Is it safe to upgrade the existing Debian.1.3.r4 to this
> > kernel? What about all the libc6 stuff? Should I have it installed or
> > should I better wait until the
Previously Adam P. Harris wrote:
> I think there's not really much way we can get them to get netscape to
> respect this; I don't think it's worth it to munge thru the (quite
> volatile) netscape preferences either.
We can use the automatic proxy configuration and point users at that.
We could h
[You (Adrian Bridgett)]
>We should also standardize the environment variables that are used. Once
>again, if the program doesn't support environment variables, tough -
>although of course maintainers are encouraged to "fix" the programs :-)
Maybe just enforce the standards that are kinda sorta al
Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Note, that I'm not saying that I can come up with a good argument why
> > it would be important to be able to make this distinction (or to even
> > do what I'm depicting in the example), but I am saying that sinc
Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Note, that I'm not saying that I can come up with a good argument why
> it would be important to be able to make this distinction (or to even
> do what I'm depicting in the example), but I am saying that since I
> can't prove to myself that the exact arguem
Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> No no, Linus agrees with our method.
Right, check out /usr/doc/libc6/FAQ.Debian.gz for the word from the
horse's mouth.
Also, people (rightfully) mentioned considering make-kpkg for building
your kernels. You can find it in the Debian kernel-package
Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Because the normal build process is to say make build;
And, as I just realized, this in itself could be problematic. Are we
going to add "Depends: make" to the emacs lisp packages that do this
in their postinst? I guess we could, but it seeme
Christian Lynbech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 1) generating/editing .el files (gnats and tm are examples of this) at
>build-time. This is not a problem since the generated .el file is
>installed as part of the .deb file.
This is a problem if these packages need to work with both emacs a
On Thu, 18 Dec 1997, Alex Romosan wrote:
> i have a c++ program compiled with no debug flag. when i do an ldd on
> the executable i get the following:
> ldd ./vat
> libtk8.0.so.1 => /usr/lib/libtk8.0.so.1 (0x4000f000)
> libtcl8.0.so.1 => /usr/lib/libtcl8.0.so.1 (0x400af000)
Philip Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If people really think it is necesary I can add:
> PPP_TTYNAME=`/usr/bin/basename "$2"`
I think this is a bad idea. Anyone who wants to do this, can, and
throwing away information in situations like this is usually a bad
Consider this (obvio
> This suggests to me that at least part of what the Debian developers
> are doing is somehow redundant, when it comes to well written software
> that is set up to compile of a number of systems. I did not claim that
> there are not packages that I have
Todd Graham Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Count mine as one vote for a new LOG_DEBIAN facility.
Is syslogd guaranteed to not lose events under debian?
[It has no such guarantee for the general case.]
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Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I thought that, until I noticed that libpam depends upon
> > libpam-util, which depends upon libpwdb0, which together come to
> > about 180k compressed.
> I think you should file a bug report against libpam so it doesn't
> depend on libpam-util. I don
> On 18 Dec 1997, Kai Henningsen wrote:
> > Remember there are people that can't stand Emacs.
> Strange... :)
Nothing strange. After a couple of _years_ of struggling in attempts to
learn emacs (I made about 6 attempts total) I found a *great* relief in...
vi (vim actually). I was able to ge
Philip Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is there an automatic way of setting the current version of a package into
> the
> Depends (a la ${shlibs:Depends}) ?
Not totally automatic, but you could probably do something in
debian/rules to sed (or, if you're me, perl) it out of the changelog,
I am not quite so pessimistic about the possibilities of recompiling
installed elisp files.
I see three situations where makefile do special things in order to
compile elisp files:
1) generating/editing .el files (gnats and tm are examples of this) at
build-time. This is not a problem since t
> "Rob" == Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (and others) writes:
Rob> Think multi-user system.
Point taken. I was thinking in singleuser system terms.
Christian Lynbech | Computer Science Department, Uni
Is there anyone using the Debian eperl and wml packages? I have been
experienced the same problem as Larry Gilbert's on my hamm (Debian
pre-2.0) system. ePerl segfaults and dump cores after it finishes
processing the file. WML (Website META Language) also calls its own ePerl
On 17 Dec 1997, James Troup wrote:
> you don't have to [do] a source release to do a non-maintainer release,
> just add a new entry to the changelog before you recompile.
Well, if this is so, this would be the best solution.
Just call it "dpkg-" and
> On Tue, 16 Dec 1997, Philip Hands wrote:
> > My first attempt at this was to add these lines to the scripts:
> >
> > # These variables are for the use of the scripts run by run-parts
> > PPP_IFACE="$1"
> > PPP_TTY="$2"
> > PPP_SPEED="$3"
> > PPP_LOCAL="$4"
> > PPP_REMOTE="$5"
> >
On Thu, 18 Dec 1997, Todd Graham Lewis wrote:
> Take a really close look at /etc/rc?.d, and you'll understand what's going
> on. Or if you want to cheat, read /etc/init.d/README
I used an older sysvinit, which I modified a lot... I have now upgraded...
_MUCH_ cleaner...
On 18 Dec 1997, Kai Henningsen wrote:
> Remember there are people that can't stand Emacs.
Strange... :)
Turbo_ /// If there are no Amigas in heaven, send me to HELL!
Unix _IS_ user friendly - it'
On 17 Dec 1997, Michael Alan Dorman wrote:
> This is part of an email exchange Sven and I had. Simply put, I put
> in a new alpha binary of dpkg- that represented nothing but a
> recompile to pick up new libg++, ncurses, etc. Sven suggested that
> this warranted a non-maintainer-release
> "Kai" == Kai Henningsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Kai> Remember there are people that can't stand Emacs.
Bliss. :-)
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> "Todd" == Todd Graham Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Todd> Count mine as one vote for a new LOG_DEBIAN facility.
And while we're at it, let's make one for HTTP also.
Anything else?
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On Thu, Dec 18, 1997 at 07:28:08PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> feedback to help me understand, for example, the muddle in which I remain
> until this day about Debian's adamant adherence to some kind of non-standard
> policy of setting up headers (ie., not as established by Linus). I have ha
> Is this any different from Intel packages that only make sense when
> you have specific hardware installed? We have several of those.
It's not just that you have different hardware installed, but you have
a totally different kind of computer...
> Philip Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Recommends: ppp-pam
> Recommends is for packages "found together in all but unusual
> sitations".
> It's certainly not appropriate here. I wouldn't even use Suggests.
> Just mention it in the description.
I've gone for Suggests in the packa
Philip Hands wrote:
> I thought that, until I noticed that libpam depends upon libpam-util, which
> depends upon libpwdb0, which together come to about 180k compressed.
I think you should file a bug report against libpam so it doesn't depend on
libpam-util. I don't see why a library package s
> Philip Hands wrote:
> >
> > ppp is needed for doing an install from the internet via a dialup link.
> > PAM is not needed until you want people to log into the system, so libpam
> > is a waste of space on the install disks.
> The only advantage I can see is a couple of kilobytes of space o
On Tue, 16 Dec 1997, Philip Hands wrote:
> My first attempt at this was to add these lines to the scripts:
> # These variables are for the use of the scripts run by run-parts
> PPP_IFACE="$1"
> PPP_TTY="$2"
> PPP_SPEED="$3"
> PPP_LOCAL="$4"
> export PPP_IFACE PPP
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Santiago Vila) wrote on 17.12.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 17 Dec 1997, James Troup wrote:
> > Michael Alan Dorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > This is part of an email exchange Sven and I had. Simply put, I put
> > > in a new alpha binary of dpkg- that r
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Guy Maor) wrote on 16.12.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "Gonzalo A. Diethelm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Perhaps you could point out how I could force all of those people
> > with broken mailers and/or ideas to use one of your great mail
> > clients, so I won't get four, f
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Welton) wrote on 17.12.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, Dec 17, 1997 at 09:22:51PM -0800, Guy Maor wrote:
> > According to Stevens on page 300, writev is atomic, so I would regard
> > Linux's behavior as a bug.
> On one tty I start wserv, the offending program with
On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, Brian Bassett wrote:
> I recently switched to Debian from RedHat 4.2 and the one thing that I
> think that Debian could really use is an administration tool.
Have a look at 'debian-admintool@lists.debian.org'... I have been working on
a 'debianized' version of RH's admintools
In advance I will wield my flame-resistant suit, and I feel certain that
flames will be flung, though my intentions are good. I have posted a few
other times, such unpopular ramblings. I apologize if anyone is caused pain
or distress by my innocent postings, or resents them. I am trying to get a
-- Forwarded message --
Date: 18 Dec 1997 11:16:55 +0200
From: "Harvey J. Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [comp.os.linux.announce] Linus Torvalds Receives 1997 Nokia Foundation
On 18 Dec 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> maybe it is time to bringup the discussion on this list?
The lack of an audit trail is really regrettable in dpkg. After all,
it is as much a system tool as any other program I can think of; why
it is bashful about using the system's log facility
>> Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
>> I wonder if `dpkg' tracks the installation date of a package,
>> whether it should if it doesn't, or why it doesn't if that is the
>> case.
There was some discussion on the deity list about providing
complete audit trails of package management, and it w
On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, Adam P. Harris wrote:
> Maybe I should submit this as a wishlist to the bug system, but I was
> interested in getting some comments first.
> I think that /etc/ppp/ip-up and /etc/ppp/ip-down should use
> 'run-parts' against, say, the directories /etc/ppp/ip-{up,down}.d/.
>>"Guy" == Guy Maor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Guy> Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> This will not work for packages like Gnus, bbdb, w3, hyperbole, vm,
>> and psgml, since the compilation requires selectively preloading
>> some files, or even running complex build-scripts duri
> > > I think I
> > >will also have a problem the next time I reboot because it looks as if
> > >/etc/init.d/boot will never get run.
> >
> > Doesn't matter, it isn't being used anymore. It has been replaced with
> > the /etc/rsS.d stuff.
> I begg your pardon? Isn't '/etc/init.d/boot' used an
i have a c++ program compiled with no debug flag. when i do an ldd on
the executable i get the following:
ldd ./vat
libtk8.0.so.1 => /usr/lib/libtk8.0.so.1 (0x4000f000)
libtcl8.0.so.1 => /usr/lib/libtcl8.0.so.1 (0x400af000)
libX11.so.6 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6 (0x40115
On 14 Dec 1997, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Douglas Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think I
> >will also have a problem the next time I reboot because it looks as if
> >/etc/init.d/boot will never get run.
> Doesn't matter, it isn't being used a
For the past two days, I've been sending out email with a broken From
address - using whatever dynamic IP I happened to be on at the moment.
I finally noticed it just now and fixed it. Gremlins had snuck into
my room and commented out (setq user-mail-address ...) !
So if you sent private email m
On Wed, Dec 17, 1997 at 09:22:51PM -0800, Guy Maor wrote:
> According to Stevens on page 300, writev is atomic, so I would regard
> Linux's behavior as a bug.
On one tty I start wserv, the offending program with the writev:
@chimchim [/usr/lib/epic4] $ ./wserv chimchim 9000
On another, a 'server'
Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
> I wonder if `dpkg' tracks the installation date of a package, whether
> it should if it doesn't, or why it doesn't if that is the case.
You could try the modification date of
Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 is out! ( http://www.debian.org/ )
Enrique Zanardi wrote:
> Memory penalty. As busybox and dinstall are linked together in this
> implementation, forking implies doubling the already big memory
> requirements. Perhaps we should implement a libbusybox.so ...
No it does not, thanks to Linux shared memeory.
Debian GNU/Linux 1.
I hope this doesn't bug anyone too much... I think it's relevant to
the current Emacs/XEmacs threads, and adds better information to my
last message in that thread, the one about unbundling elisp packages
from XEmacs. This arrived a while after I'd posted that.
--- Begin Message ---
There has
Steve Dunham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 1. If a user has "amaya-static" or "amaya", dselect should replace it
>with "amaya"
> 2. If the above is true, thot-common is installed; I want dselect to
>remove it (and not allow it at the same time as the new amaya).
> 3. The ftp site put
Philip Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Recommends: ppp-pam
Recommends is for packages "found together in all but unusual
It's certainly not appropriate here. I wouldn't even use Suggests.
Just mention it in the description.
On 17 Dec 1997, Guy Maor wrote:
> > download them is closing the barn door after the horses have eaten the
> > chickens.
Horses are vegetarians anyway.
Alexander Supalov wrote:
> I saw today that Linux kernel 2.0.32 had been released as a Debian
> package. Is it safe to upgrade the existing Debian.1.3.r4 to this
> kernel? What about all the libc6 stuff? Should I have it installed or
> should I better wait until the the next major Debian release
According to Stevens on page 300, writev is atomic, so I would regard
Linux's behavior as a bug.
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Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> While I agree that Gnus is the best thing since sliced bread, keep in
> mind those in other countries where net access is *much* more
> expensive.
I hardly think the duplicate messages represent a significant
percentage of their bandwidth.
> For these
James Troup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If the binary changes, the version number should change. Things
> break if you don't increase the version number (e.g. automatic
> upgrade and bug reporting) and you don't have to a source release to
> do a non-maintainer release, just add a new entry to
Philip Hands wrote:
> ppp is needed for doing an install from the internet via a dialup link. PAM
> is not needed until you want people to log into the system, so libpam is a
> waste of space on the install disks.
The only advantage I can see is a couple of kilobytes of space on the
Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Say, ferinstance, that several revisions of a package are installed
> > and there are subtly different arguments each time. Or, that package
> > installation fails, is backed out, then installed then reconfigured?
Guy Maor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> S
Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This will not work for packages like Gnus, bbdb, w3,
> hyperbole, vm, and psgml, since the compilation requires selectively
> preloading some files, or even running complex build-scripts during
> the compilation of the elisp files.
Why can't
Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Say, ferinstance, that several revisions of a package are installed
> and there are subtly different arguments each time. Or, that package
> installation fails, is backed out, then installed then reconfigured?
Several clients or servers? Clients would r
I'm intending to package xacc (X Accountant), a financial tracking
program (somewhat like quicken). It's a motif app, but works with
lesstif, and is GPLed.
Xacc uses the XbaeMatrix Motif widget (which provides a grid of fields,
like a spreadsheet), so I'm going to package that as well. Xbae
I'm preparing the new version of amaya. (I believe it's ready except
for this one final detail.)
The version I'm releasing is amaya_1.1c-1, it is going into the "web"
section of hamm (main distribution).
I want it to be an upgrade path for the following:
Well, I'm tired of this discussion. I'm also tired of downloading the
same messages over and over again. I'm unsubscribing from this
list (actually, I already did). If anybody wishes to follow up on any
topic we have touched upon, do so via e-mail.
I hope the list maintainers find a solution to th
On Thu, Dec 18, 1997 at 12:17:43AM +, Philip Hands wrote:
> This being the case I thought I'd produce two packages, ppp & ppp-pam.
> ppp will contain the current setup, compiled without PAM support, and ppp-pam
> will contain just /usr/bin/pppd, and have preinst/postrm to handle diverting
I wonder if `dpkg' tracks the installation date of a package, whether
it should if it doesn't, or why it doesn't if that is the case.
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Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
OK, after digesting the recent conversations about what needs to be
done for the various Debian emacsen (thanks everyone). I've come to
the following conclusions:
There's a substantial amount of work to do to get this problem solved
properly: to allow simultaneous install of all flavors, to supp
It seems that the only file that needs to be changed between ppp with PAM, and
ppp without PAM is /usr/bin/pppd itself.
This being the case I thought I'd produce two packages, ppp & ppp-pam.
ppp will contain the current setup, compiled without PAM support, and ppp-pam
will contain just /us
Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 17 Dec 1997, James Troup wrote:
> > Michael Alan Dorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > This is part of an email exchange Sven and I had. Simply put, I put
> > > in a new alpha binary of dpkg- that represented nothing but
> > > a re
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roman Hodek) wrote on 17.12.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> There are now some packages for m68k that make sense only on a
> specific machine type. Currently we have such packages only for Atari,
> but others can follow easily. The packages are nvram and setsccserial,
> and atari-
82 matches
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