Philip Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If people really think it is necesary I can add:
>   PPP_TTYNAME=`/usr/bin/basename "$2"`

I think this is a bad idea.  Anyone who wants to do this, can, and
throwing away information in situations like this is usually a bad

Consider this (obviouly contrived) example.  Say I decide for some
really strange reason to symlink a device file into my home directory:

  (cd ~/mydev && ln -s /dev/ttyS0 .)

With the "basename" approach, you *completely* lose the ability to

  pppd /dev/ttyS0


  pppd /home/rlb/mydev/ttyS0

Note, that I'm not saying that I can come up with a good argument why
it would be important to be able to make this distinction (or to even
do what I'm depicting in the example), but I am saying that since I
can't prove to myself that the exact arguement used to invoke pppd
will *never* be crucial, you shouldn't mangle it.

Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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