Re: How to use Chinese in Debian Gnome Gui Desktop

2004-10-10 文章 cp
[ttf font] the use of "simsun.ttf" is not recommended because copyright issues. Howerer, there are four GPL font provided by Arphic ( # Arphic Mingti Light BIG5 (Traditional) # Arphic Kaiti Medium BIG5 (Traditional) http://

How to use Chinese in Debian Gnome Gui Desktop

2004-10-09 文章 cp
[steps] 0. locale support for chinese 1. chinese font file ("simsun.ttf") 2. font-config 3. X input method (XCIN from 4. Gnome settings [details] [0.1 modify "/etc/locale.gen"] add this line(for simplified-chinese i.e. GB2312) "zh_CN gb2312" [0.2 run "locale-gen" as roo

控制台显示中文问题; Problem about View Chinese text in Console of Debian woody 30r2

2004-04-27 文章 cp
大家好 DEBIAN woody 30r2 i386,不启动 X ,不安装 zhcon, unicon, 可以在控制台显示中文吗?比如用命令 ls, cat, editor, lynx 时可以显示中文. 我看过好多介绍,都是叫安装zhcon, unicon, cce, 等。我希望有办法可以不必安装这些软件。 我也试过使用下面方法1. dpkg-reconfigure locales2. /etc/locale.gen 增加 zh_CN GB2312; locale-gen3. 在 /etc/enviornment 设置环境 LANG=zh_CN4. ~/.bashrc 增加 LANG=zh