There already are numerous htlatex-like commands and many more can be
justified. To avoid flooding the bin directory with those commands an
indirect approach is offered for invoking the commands through a mk4ht
instruction. For instance,
mk4ht oolatex ...
mk4ht mzlatex ...
That was the default behavior to deal with shortcoming of browsers,
while providing the command line option `li-' to request proper xhtml
outcome. I modified the configurations in the bugfixes distribution to
offer proper xhtml code in the default setting. -eitan
> \documentclass{article}
> $ mk4ht xhlatex file.tex
> mk4ht (2005-09-23-22:09)
> improper command: xhlatex
> option1: mk4ht #1 "#2" "#3" "#4" "#5"
> + "xh", "xhlatex", "latex", "xhtml", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate",
> + "xh", "xhtex", "tex","xhtml", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate",
> + "xh", "xhtexi", "texi",
> > > Tobias, Any chance you can provide miniature sample latex files
> > > demostarting the problems. -eitan
> >
> > See attachment.
> >
> > Tobias
> As suggested by Eitan could you please confirm that following
> line in your input:
> > \Configure{BODY}{\empty}{\empty}
> Go there and download dirs 01 and 02. Then go to each of them and try to run
> make with all those tex4ht*-targets. In directory 01 it stucks like this:
> ! Missing $ inserted.
> $
> l.120 \citepbook
> Here is as simple example as possible:
> Run these make -commands:
> make ps
> make pdf
> make html
> make splitpagethree
> When running last two command, tex4ht do not handle image embedding at
> all.
> The primitive \middle of eTeX seems to be unsupported for MathML
> output.
I modified the mathml configurations as suggested, within a separate
segment dedicated to etex. Thanks, -eitan
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAI
> >> tex4ht makes use of unicode letter when this is not needed...
In its default configuration, TeX4ht tries to address a middle road
with the objective to satisfy large assortment of users, uses, and
tools. It is difficult to argue a proper way of behavior that will be
acceptable to all. On t
Unfortunately, too many people complain about this and other similar
lack of font support problems by browsers for unicode symbols. I'll
try to `fix' the problem the coming weekend. -eitan
> > tex4ht makes use of unicode letter when this is not needed. This happens
> > when
> > the latex co
Some background information regarding the problem.
In the `old days', tex4ht provided for a given (la)tex font different
htf fonts addressing different character sets. For instance, the
(la)tex cmr family of fonts had htf fonts under the unicode and
iso-8859-1 branches. In the iso bran
I agree the ligatures shouldn't be represented by bitmaps. To deal
just with those cases a nolig file can be a copy of
stored at
augmented with entries similar to
'fi' '' 'fi' ''
I modified the bugfixes distribution to provide reduced usage of
unicode values in iso-8859-1 output. The requests are to be made
through commands similar to
htlatex file "" "iso8859/1/charset/less/!"
or by modifying the charset paths in tex4ht.env accordingly.
Currently the only cases a
Change of mind :-(
I modified the default setting to ask for a restricted usage of
unicode values. The extended support can be obtained with commands of
the form
htlatex file "" "iso8859/1/charset/uni/!"
or by introducing a corresponding charset path in tex4ht.env.
> I mod
> I was able to obtain a manuscript.sty but it does not seem to
> accept the "submit" option.
> I didn't get this bug at all.
Ditto (I was not yet on the mailing list).
> > Incorrect encoding of \oe{} in htlatex openoffice export when tex package
> > "manuscipt" is used. The follo
Tobias, I agree that there is much to be done regarding issues of
accessibility. Such issues are of great concern for me, and I'm
working on developing technologies to deal with them. It will take
some time before the new features will be incorporated into
tex4ht. -eitan
> The eccessive forma
Tobias, Any chance you can provide miniature sample latex files
demostarting the problems. -eitan
> Package: tex4ht
> Version: 20050728.2299-0ts1
> Severity: normal
> Hash: SHA1
> TeX4ht introduces some wrong paragraph end tags. Most of them I c
Juhapekka, Any chance a miniature sample latex file can be provided
which demonstrates the problem. Unfortunately, I can't afford the time
to isolate problems from files which are large in size and rely on
many imported style files. -eitan
> Package: tex4ht
> Version: 20050402.1817-1
> Severit
I modified the bug fixes distribution to handle the exhibited
problem. I wonder, however, what the objective of the configuration
It causes problems in the output. -eitan
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage[xhtml,3,index=2]{tex4ht}
> \usepackage{
The problem is in missing
import xtpipes.XtpipesUni;
at the start of
And yes, the slash is needed there.
Sorry about that. I'll fix the tex4ht distribution shortly.
> I tried compiling the java sources using the line from the README which
> wa
Looks like all the errors related to the generic notation.
Can you try compiling the file
It is the original program with the generic notation removed. It
compiles under sun's java. If so, I'll add a short perl script to the
Can you upgrade your tex4ht utility to that offered at
The output for the figure at your place produces an old element type
for figures instead of the newer type
Also, the script at your place does not activate the j
> Thanks a lot. After updating the package the image is now visible in OO
> (BTW:
> thanks to the package maintainer for!).
> However, kword is still complaining about the namespace issue -- but well,
> it is
> called oolatex and not kwlatex ;).
Any help to inst
Can you take a look at the `instructions' entry at the end of the
first paragraph in
> Reading the changelog of the package and the other bugreports I think
> the problem is that xtpipes is not included in the pack
Michael, Fixed. -eitan
> converting a minimal tex file with apacite citations using oolatex leads to
> corrupted citations in the odt file. OTOH xhlatex converts the same file
> just fine.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMA
> However, while this solves *my* problem I'm not sure whether the
> official package can take this path. Two things come to my mind:
> 1. I simply included the binary stuff, but I still do not know where the
> sources are that where used to build it.
They come from the literate sou
> oolatex seems to ignore things like \newspace and \vspace while it
> considers \hspace. Additionally it ignores \centering in floating
> figures/tables while \begin{center}\end{center} works. The is a little
> inconvenient as \centering is the default in Kile's figure wizard.
The approach i
Michael and Eitan,
> On Wed, 17 Jan 2007, Eitan Gurari wrote:
> > Looks like all the errors related to the generic notation.
> > Can you try compiling the file
> >
> >
> >
Can you try downloading
and invoke one of the listed alternatives. The perl script
should remove the generic notation from the java code.
Alternative 1
perl nogjava.per
> By the way, I did manage to compile the java code with minor
> modifications as I mentioned earlier.
Apparently I misread the posting :-( In any case, an automated process
would be useful as the java will likely change and grow in time. I'll
wait for confirmation that it works before incor
The problem is with a broken mathml engine in OpenOffice 2.
The \begin{eqnarray}a&=&b\end{eqnarray} is translated by tex4ht into
and is loaded as
matrix {a # = # b}
by OO2 into a broken display. The xtpipe phase `fixes' the problem by
producing improper mathml
> As a workaround use the tag with StarMath5 syntax as
> OO does.
> Deleting this tag looks right at the first glance as OOo saves a binary
> copy of it inside the document. But when you try to edit the formula it
> gets confused again.
Might be a good idea for simple formulas. I'm not
> [1] (./sosl70c.tavutus.tex
> ! Improper \hyphenation will be flushed.
> \protect
> \"a
> l.33 Ai-ne-jä
> r-jes-töt %
> ? X
> But there is no problem, if I run "make dvi" or "make postscript".
Fixed. -eitan
> Running "mk4ht oolatex" tries to run xtpipes, which is not included in the
> distribution.
> The corresponding part in /etc/tex4ht/tex4ht.env is
> %
> ..4om mv %%1.4om %%1.tmp
> ..4om java -classpath ~/tex4ht.dir/texmf/tex4ht/bin xtpipes -i
> ~/tex4ht.dir/texmf/te
Assuming the problem resulted from a source similar to
the related messages onto the console were similar to
System call: cp image200708/surr
How the `install' command will look like for the following case?
A file:images/a.png
A directory: /n/gold/5/gurari/WWW/temp/.
Get a variant of
cp images/a.png /n/gold/5/gurari/WWW/temp/.
where the variant command
(1) Creates the direct
> The author has bug fixes under
> Trivially applying the Debian patches to the complete fixed
> source does not work, and I'm a little affected by some of the
> bugs. I'd be terribly grateful for a bug-fix release if at all
> A run of tex4ht creates numerous intermediate files. It would be nice
> if they could automatically deleted - I suggest to do this without
> asking, but provide a commandline option for people who want to keep
> them.
I'm reluctant do provide such a feature, and rather leave it to the
> > There is an option to send output files (.html,.css,.png) files to
> > a directory other than the current directory. For example
> >
> >htlatex sample2e "" "" "-d~/home_page/test"
> >
> > will send the output files to ~/home_page/test.
> Well, it would be nice if the temporary di
Can you place on the web the following files, and provide a pointer to
their locations.
1. A COMPLETE MINIMAL MINIATURE source latex file exhibiting the problem
2. The dvi file produced by platex, before being processed by dvi2dvi
3. The dvi file produced by dvi2dvi
4. A pdf or postscri
> > mk4ht oolatex test.tex seems to produce incorrect output.
> > At least my oowriter (2.0.3) does not like the double indices $x_{i_j}$
> > without further grouping.
> > In oomath input syntax it produces x_i_j, which should be x_{i_j}.
> On Tue, 2
> Trying to translate some latex files to .odt I got the error message
> System call: java -classpath /usr/share/tex4ht/tex4ht.jar xtpipes -i
> /usr/share/texmf/tex4ht/xtpipes/ -o 0formel-m4.4om 0formel-m4.tmp
> --- xtpipes error 29 --- At content-handler="xtpipes.util.ScriptsManager,te
> tex4htformel-m2.tmp
> --- xtpipes error 29 --- At content-handler="xtpipes.util.ScriptsManager,tex4ht.OomFilter"
> lexical-handler="xtpipes.util.ScriptsManagerLH" > : While parsing file
> file:/home/schlemme/000Privat/bugs/tex4htformel-m2.tmp:
> org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type
> In the archive at
> you will find everything I have.
> I don't exactly know what is the output of tex4ht.c so I included the
> full stdout of "mk4ht oolatex 0formel" in the file 0formel.stdout and
> stderr in 0formel.err. I hope this
a. Records starting with the percentage character % are treated as
comment. On the other hand, records starting with ..4oo relate to
filenames of the form foo..4oo. So it is not clear to me why the record
%.4oo java -jar
and its replacement
..4oo jav
> kpsewhich '${SELFAUTOPARENT}'
> reports me "/",
What information is provided for the following command lines.
kpsetool -v '$TETEXDIR'
kpsetool -v '$SELFAUTOPARENT'
which t4ht
> which is consistent with the information I found in the
> internet: /usr/bin is reduche two tim
Fixed. -eitan
Junichi Uekawa writes:
> Package: tex4ht
> Version: 20070821-1
> Severity: normal
> The following sequence does not work
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{graphicx}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{titlepage}
> \title{\includegraphics[width=7cm]{im
> > c. Can you put the jar file somewhere on the web and provide a pointer to
> >it. At my place I don't (yet) have the jar-ed distribution. The script
> >instruction I provide takes the form
> >
> > .4oo java -classpath %%~/texmf-dist/tex4ht/bin xtpipes
> >
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
> foo
> \end{document}
> Compilation command and messages on terminal:
> $ mk4ht oolatex test
> System call: java -classpath /usr/share/tex4ht/tex4ht.jar xtpipes -i
> /usr/share/texmf/tex4ht/xtpipes/ -o test.4oo test.tmp
> --- xtpipe
Braun Gábor writes:
> > > \documentclass{article}
> > >
> > > \begin{document}
> > > foo
> > > \end{document}
> > >
> > > Compilation command and messages on terminal:
> > > $ mk4ht oolatex test
> ...
> > Can you create a new directory, compile the file in that directory,
> > pl
Hi Giacomo,
Can you cut the file esercizio.tex to a miniature minimal size while
still demonstrating the problem. The problem seems to be in a broken
XML code produced in early phases and then fed into xtpipes.
with a subject of "unsubscr
> We are still trying to fix this compatibility issue.
It will take some months until I'll confront the problem head on. I
intend first to learn the gij/gcj environment by using it to develop
software for another project. -eitan
with a subje
> > an error is signalled when the script invoked by oolatex try to create
> > the Pictures directory
> The problem is the the current "tex4ht.env" has a configuration which
> calls "mkdir" instead of "mkdir -p". The latter is necessary since
> occasionally, we are invoking it with an ar
> > Since tex4ht uses Perl, it should presumably depend on it.
> I will add the dependency. Note, though that "perl-base" is Essential
> and "perl-base" is all that is used.
Well, tex4ht does not use perl at all.
Only the mk4ht script uses perl. That script is not needed in tex4ht.
It ju
> A quick and easy way to fix it would be to
> rewrite htlatex in Perl, though that would pull in Perl. I presume
> there's a way of dealing with the problem in a shell script too.
> > I do not understand the precise difficulty. Could you give an
> > example?
> htlatex "an example.tex"
> > However, how about creating metacharacter-free aliases to the file names?
> That's just a workaround.
What are the drawbacks of such a workaround?
> If you look at the run-mailcap script, you'll find
> out that it does this internally. However, I doubt it will work with
> htlatex,
> > What are the drawbacks of such a workaround?
> I've explained that below, and you've agreed.
> > > If you look at the run-mailcap script, you'll find
> > > out that it does this internally. However, I doubt it will work with
> > > htlatex, as the filename can be important for fin
> Currently, this affects the .css and .tmp files generated but none of
> the other files. Perhaps this is a minor bug in the programs which it
> should be possible to fix.
A more profounde problem will occur when multi hypertex files are
created (e.g., in response to the command line option
Any concrete example of what is going wrong there, unless the problem
is with the browsers.
> intended for tex4ht would use equations. Tex4ht's MathML output doesn't come
> out right for me in either iceweasel or konqueror, which makes me think that
> [Note: I started writing this e-mail message before receiving your reply
> you sent privately, and this email message doesn't address the comments
> in your reply.]
My oversight--I meant to reply to the public domain.
> Having downloaded tex4ht source, I see that \email magic is handl
An instuction
htlatex filename "xhtml,mathml" " -cunihtf"
is already supported under the script name `xhmlatex'. See
=> XHTML with MathML
This option, however, is currently problematic for browsers. For
instance, that i
I repackaged xtpipes within tex4ht, including placing all the java
code within a jar file. In the process I renamed xttl into xtpipes.
I don't follow the logic of setting ${SELFAUTOPARENT} into a
slash '/'. For the debian distribution I think replacing
`%%~/texmf-dist' with `/usr/share/texmf'
There are some things of (la)tex which are not supported by tex4ht,
including the reported problem.
Personally, I think U_\mathrm{self} is a degraded form of math.
> This point in the manuscript is the same point where the o
> | \label{eq:20}
> | S = s_\mathrm{N} [\mathrm{N}] + s_\mathrm{U} [\mathrm{U}]
> | % S = s_\text{N} [\text{N}] + s_\text{U} [\text{U}]
> with "mk4ht oolatex mini.tex", I get:
> ! Argument of \new:mfont has an extra }.
> \par
> l.11 S = s_\mathrm{
> >_However, I forced the mathml files to have .html extension names since
> >_my Firefox Mozilla doesn't like the .xml extension names for files in
> >_frames.
> I don't like the idea of forced .html extension.
OK. I removed this enforcement. -eitan
Sorry, my mistake. Hopefully the just uploaded modified version
will do the job. -eitan
> I am not convinced this bug is fixed.
> I have unpacked the *.4ht files from directory texmf/tex/generic/tex4ht of
> the
> archive into a
> when using tex4ht with dcolumn, the representation of numbers in the
> output file is weird. The following document:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{dcolumn}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{tabular}{lD{.}{.}{2}}
> hello & 1.23 \\
> bye & 5.2 \\
> \end{tabular}
> > When processing a document that uses bibtex with mk4ht, it does not run
> > bibtex. The bibliography is only included if bibtex has been run before
> > to produce a LaTeX document.
> > When bibtex needs to be run, the TeX output and the log file contains
> > warnings like:
> >
> > Pa
> > But generating an open office document results in tiny images inside
> > the document. Reading the content.xml file inside the zip file
> > (.sxw) shows the following content:
> I have not understood your bug report. Could you please clarify the
> following points?
> a. What is t
Done. Thanks, -eitan
> +++ tex4ht.env 2006-01-26 12:07:48.0 +0100
> @@ -178,9 +178,9 @@
> G.png
> Gdvipng -T tight -x 1400 -D 72 -bg Transparent -pp %%2:%%2 %%1 -o %%3
> G.gif
> -Gdvipng -T tight -x 1400 -D 72 -bg Transparent -pp -gif %%2:%%2 %%1 -o %%3
> +Gdvipng -T tight
However, I forced the mathml files to have .html extension names since
my Firefox Mozilla doesn't like the .xml extension names for files in
> 1) Command line: mk4ht xhmlatex test.tex "xhtml,frames"
>Document types of output files:
>test.html: XHTML 1.
> Additional notes for the bug I have reported.
I didn't see that report--I guess it got rejected by my
imperfect mail filter :-(
> So the bug maybe fixed by adding \Configure{()} with similar arguments as
> those of \Configure{$} but adding two $ to enter and exit math mode.
Done. -eitan
> > java version "1.5.0"
> > gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.3.1 20080309 (prerelease)
The above posting didn't reach me for reasons I don't understand. I
can find it, however, on the web.
> > The files seems fine, until xtpipes comes into play.
> >
> > Can you copy the file
> >
> > /usr/share/tex4ht/tex4ht.jar
> >
> > and directory
> >
> > /usr/share/texmf/tex4ht/xtpipes
> >
> > to
> >
> >
> >
> > setup to public access
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