Bug#270460: Sarge - Installation

2004-09-07 Thread wildenrath
Package: installation-reports INSTALL REPORT Debian-installer-version: <05.08.04 ftp tu-berlin> uname -a: Date: <06.09.04 20:30> Method: How did you install? What did you boot off? If network install, from where? Proxied? Burnt CD 1, booted from that CD, missing software from de

Wheezy on laptop

2012-10-16 Thread robert . wildenrath
High! The installation of "Testing" on a laptop runs fine. After the first boot appear only a few lines and the screen becomes dark. The only tool to stop is  the power-switch.  Tests over a few month with different releases had the same result. The same releases on other PC's work fine. "Stabe