Ville Syrjälä wrote:
On Sat, Dec 02, 2006 at 02:34:25AM +0100, Denis Oliver Kropp wrote:
Attilio Fiandrotti schrieb:
Denis Oliver Kropp wrote:
Attilio Fiandrotti schrieb:
We recently received bugreports [1] [2] about this pixelformat not
being supported by DFB, and googling around
Frans Pop wrote:
On Thursday 30 November 2006 17:07, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Today, after many unlucky experiments, i tried disabling the "keyboard"
module in directfbrc, hence having linux_input manage the keyboard, as
DOK and suggested some times ago and Davide reminded me yester
Ville Syrjälä wrote:
On Sat, Dec 02, 2006 at 09:59:06PM +0100, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Ville Syrjälä wrote:
4bit sounds like vga16fb to me.
uhm.. i often noticed we also have vga16fb loaded, which usually gives
us fb1 aside fb0 by vesafb: if fb0 and fb1 were swapped could that be
tags 395257 pending
Frans just patchced this bug in r43120: it would be nice if someone
could build and test a g-i miniiso which includes rootskel-gtk from SVN,
as on PPC we had quite a few problems in the past with linux_input
module [1].
Eddy provided some useful informations for testing: with romanian (ro)
keymap the letters
a circumflex, a breve, s cedilla, t cedilla and i circumflex
can be produced respectively with
AltGr+q, AltGr+a, AltGr+s, Altgr+t, AltGr+i
I also wonder if this bug is related to DejaVu: Davide, do you t
Hi Miroslav
I believe the bugs you ran into are more similar to #401296 (G-I
interface does not work in UTF-8 mode/input handled in 8859-1) and
#394871 ( cdebconf-gtk-udeb: Dead keys do not work with French keyboard
(fr-latin9) ) than to #395257.
#395257 ([g-i] keymap change works only once), is
Hi Miroslav
I believe the bugs you ran into are more similar to #401296 (G-I
interface does not work in UTF-8 mode/input handled in 8859-1) and
#394871 ( cdebconf-gtk-udeb: Dead keys do not work with French keyboard
(fr-latin9) ) than to #395257.
#395257 ([g-i] keymap change works only once)
Today i did some tests to dig into these two bugs
#394871: cdebconf-gtk-udeb: Dead keys do not work with French keyboard
This bug is about dead keys (e.g.: "[" with fr-latin9, "'" with
br-latin1, "Pause" with cz-us-qwerty) not working in g-i
#401296: G-I interface does not work
severity 394871 minor
Christian Perrier wrote:
I really wonder if we'll make in time for Etch to fix these bugs, and if
wouldn't be better concentrating on more severe bugs, like #373253 and
#394871 is definitely not blocking. I would even call it "minor"
Ok, downgraded accordingly.
Denis Oliver Kropp wrote:
Claudio Ciccani schrieb:
Denis Oliver Kropp wrote:
Claudio Ciccani schrieb:
Denis Oliver Kropp wrote:
But pthread_cancel() also terminates the thread at mutex_lock for
example which would be bad if a lock is already taken. I'd prefer
having well chosen voluntary
Frans Pop wrote:
(Replying to the list as this does not really concern the BRs.)
On Monday 04 December 2006 15:10, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
I really wonder if we'll make in time for Etch to fix these bugs, and
if wouldn't be better concentrating on more severe bugs, like #373253
ing to DirectFB configuration file
(/etc/directfbrc) a line indicating what fb device has to be used (the
one provided by vesafb).
A miniiso [1] including this patch is available for testing.
Attilio Fiandrotti
Index: src/lib/debian-installer.d/S61c
package: cdebconf-gtk-udeb
severity: wishlist
tags: patch
GTK frontend has currently a fixed size 800x600, but on some machines
(especially PPCs) the framebuffer device has a fixed size which is
greater than 800x600, resulting in a ugly frame around the installer.
This patch takes care of maki
package: installation-report
severity: minor
tags: patch
Please, add content of /proc/fb to logs as this may help detecting
issues related to DirectFB accessing the wrong framebuffer device when
multiple framebuffer debvices are available.
Patch is attached.
Index: report-hw
Eddy Petrișor wrote:
Hash: SHA1
I have made an image for powerpc with the rootskel-gtk
from trunk which includes the fix/workaround for this bug.
I was able to type on an English keyboard after selecting:
Italian layout, then EN_US layout.
After thes
package: cdebconf-gtk-udeb
severity: minor
Currently the list of languages is diplayed via the generic handler for
single SELECT questions, which simply left-aligns text and uses variable
width fonts.
Translated language names are hence left vertically unaligned: to get
that one should write a
Otavio Salvador wrote:
Attilio Fiandrotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
The attached patch takes care of adding to DirectFB configuration file
(/etc/directfbrc) a line indicating what fb device has to be used (the
one provided by vesafb).
Nice patch. Works fine here. (but it worked
Frans Pop wrote:
On Tuesday 05 December 2006 13:08, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
GTK frontend has currently a fixed size 800x600, but on some machines
(especially PPCs) the framebuffer device has a fixed size which is
greater than 800x600, resulting in a ugly frame around the installer.
Frans Pop wrote:
On Tuesday 05 December 2006 15:59, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Translated language names are hence left vertically unaligned: to get
that one should write a specific plugin for debconf/language
I'm not sure that yet another template specific handler is what we want
Frans Pop wrote:
On Tuesday 05 December 2006 23:50, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Frans Pop wrote:
On Tuesday 05 December 2006 13:08, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
GTK frontend has currently a fixed size 800x600, but on some machines
(especially PPCs) the framebuffer device has a fixed size which
package: cdebconf-gtk-udeb
severity: normal
tags: patch
Try booting a gtk miniiso at default medium priority and you'll be
prompted for language choice
-Select "Danish", then back to main-menu
-Select "Language Selection" , pick "English", then back to main menu
-Select "Danish", then back to ma
Fabrice LORRAIN wrote:
Follow-up from #394615 sent to #401684.
using iso [1] from yesterday :
cat /proc/fb
ls -la /dev/fb*
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root4 Dec 6 20:11 /dev/fb0 -> fb/0
crw-rw1 root root 29, 0 Dec 6 20:11 0
grep -i fb sy
reassign 401685 rootskel
retitle 401685 GTK frontend should be started on x86 iff fb0 is vesa
Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Otavio Salvador wrote:
Attilio Fiandrotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
The attached patch takes care of adding to DirectFB configuration file
Eduardo Silva wrote:
--- Attilio Fiandrotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Eduardo Silva wrote:
Hi everybody,
In gtk d-i, wouldn't it be better to use size to
differentiate the "sections of text", instead of
diffent "shapes"(bold, italic, regular)?
Ville Syrjälä wrote:
On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 11:18:22PM +0100, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Holger Wansing wrote:
On another laptop I have here for some time (with Alps PS2
Glidepoint touchpad) it's completely unusable.
The cursor moves extremely slowly or doesn't move
Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Today i had the chance to test the g-i on my friend's laptop, who
yesterday reported g-i crash and swapped fb0 fb1 devices (actually he
owns a GeForce 6200 Go)
I repeated the test using the very same ISO as yesterday and, this time,
vesa was correctly mappe
Hi Philipp
We recently added support for those input devices which provide absolute
x,y coordinates (touchpads) and modified the way keyboard is handled
(disabled keyboard module).
Could you please test this miniiso [1] with your Logitech wireless mouse
and report any improvement / regression
package: cdebconf-gtk-udeb
severity: minor
tags: patch
This patch is needed to build cdebconf's GTK frontend in an X11
environment; i'm using GDK_WINDOWING_X11 as GDK_WINDOWING_DIRECTFB is
currently not available in GTKDFB 2.8.20.
I'd like this patch to be applied because
- It's necessary if
package: cdebconf-gtk-udeb
severity: minor
At every frontend_go() call the GTK frontend forces DirectFB to reload
keymap: this causes VT1 pollution and is however not really clean.
We should have something like a pipe the GTK frontend should be
listening on to reload keymap as soon as command f
FYI, today i booted the patched g-i [1] image on an old PII, 128 Mb ram,
Virge DX2: vesafb failed to start and i was prompted to enter a
different vido mode (textual only), but the patch succeeded in falling
back to NEWT frontend.
Frans Pop wrote:
On Sunday 10 December 2006 12:28, Frans Pop wrote:
On Sunday 10 December 2006 03:36, Frans Pop wrote:
Still "crashes" in the same way. The jump when I move the mouse for
the first time is _a lot_ bigger. Still completely freezes after that
and still only a grey screen with a
Eduardo Silva wrote:
--- Attilio Fiandrotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Eduardo Silva wrote:
Yes :) I think that the creator of the current
Andre Ferreira, may be wanting to do that as well,
I think the more icons done, the better :)
I guess you're ta
package: cdebconf-gtk-udeb
severity: normal
tags: patch
Suppose a SELECT question has options
and goofy (present twice in the options list) is the default option:
you'll get a crash under directfb and a warning under x11 as soon as the
question gets displayed.
The cr
package: installation-report
severity: minor
tags: patch
Please, add content of /etc/directfbrc to logs as this may help
detecting issues related to those startup scripts, both in x86 and
PowerPC, which setup directfb configuration file basing on detected
motherboard, framebuffer device ecc..
I really wonder what's the difference between the newt and gtk frontend
that causes some questions being asked by gtk frontend and not by newt.
I noticed that when a SELECT question has no options, like this
Name: test/select
Type: select
Description: Choose,man
Frans Pop wrote:
On Friday 15 December 2006 21:45, Frans Pop wrote:
I've finally been able to trace the problem to a config change in the
It's still a bit unclear how/why that option was changed.
It may have been on request of the mai
Frans Pop wrote:
clone 403268 -1
reassign 403268 rootskel
tag 403268 + pending
reassign -1 directfb
retitle -1 [G-I] Use of ps2mouse module freezes Toshiba Satellite A40
On Saturday 16 December 2006 02:45, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
I guess your hardware is a bit different from mine
Frans Pop wrote:
On Thursday 07 December 2006 15:36, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
I just rebuilt directfb udeb with Ville's patch (Thanks! :) and
uploaded here [1] a miniiso.
Of course on my laptop this works fine (also first version of Ville's
patch did) but it would be interesting if
Frans Pop wrote:
Looks like this patch also fixes a freeze of the system when a blank line
is selected in the main screen of partman.
IIRC there usually are two blank lines in partman's main screen: if one
of the twin blank lines is selected by default, this patch is needed to
avoid a crash.
Geert Stappers wrote:
Op 17-12-2006 om 09:44 schreef Christian Perrier:
Hello folks,
While trying to solve the issue with Malayalam fonts (#403404), I'm
facing a build issue with G-I:
I: library reduction pass 2
Objects: debconf anna trimtemplates nano
an-boot as this strongly impacts on g-i usability.
Attilio Fiandrotti
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Christian Perrier wrote:
This is a known problem with the graphical installer. Will probably
not be fixed for etch.
Is this because it's tough to fix or that time is limited?
I guess probably both Attilio would better answer than me on that matter.
that's a minor but annoting issue i d
package: cdebconf-gtk-udeb
severity: normal
tags: patch
Many users complained about the cursor remaining "I" shaped after
passing on a question description (that's due to a minor gtk/dfb bug
which still has to be fixed)
As a workaround, the attached patch resets the cursor to its original
following up to myself to announce that a preliminary patch (attached)
for this bug was worked out some days ago and should be soon available
in a definitive version as soon as mike emmel, gtkdfb maintainer,
reviews it.
The patch fixes the memory leaks that were experienced when destroyin
Christian Perrier wrote:
First of all, the first screen "Select your language" looks really awful.
This is being worked on but will probably not be ready for etch. Using
a fixed size is not that well adapted to complex languages rendering,
ufortunately, so another solution has to be found (and
Frans Pop wrote:
Hi Attilio,
On Monday 25 December 2006 15:45, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
As a workaround, the attached patch resets the cursor to its original
arrow shape when it moves into the main gdkwindow.
I've tested this in vmware and it does make the cursor switch back
Frans Pop wrote:
On Sunday 31 December 2006 16:58, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Yesterday i replied to this bug, but my reply never hit d-boot tough it
was recorded in the bts, maybe because of attached jpg size: it still
can be found in #404482 debian's bts page.
I saw your pings on IRC.
Frans Pop wrote:
On Monday 01 January 2007 16:59, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Ok, i have a new patch here which fixes the unreliability frans
reported and also makes the cursor arrow shaped even on a question
This patch looks a lot better. It is still possible for me to get
Frans Pop wrote:
(Leaving the BR out of this as it is not relevant for that.)
On Tuesday 02 January 2007 23:26, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
I was able to get that light grey area around the yes/no buttons with
today's gtk miniiso by going to the "abort installation" screen and
Frans Pop wrote:
On Wednesday 03 January 2007 12:09, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Applied; this reminds me there is one workaround we can get rid of now
that we've switched to GTK 2.8: see attached patchfile, i'd like to
commit this too.
Fine by me, but please do at least a full ins
Frans Pop wrote:
On Friday 05 January 2007 21:01, Roy Francis wrote:
I am using the daily-build netinst image burnt onto a CDRW using
cdrecord. Once the bootsplash is shown, I used installgui at
boot-prompt. Booting is perfect in all respects until the framebuffer
Roy Francis wrote:
On 1/7/07, Frans Pop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Friday 05 January 2007 21:01, Roy Francis wrote:
> Comments/Problems:
> I am using the daily-build netinst image burnt onto a CDRW using
> cdrecord. Once the bootsplash is shown, I used installgui at
> boot-prompt. Booting is
Roy Francis wrote:
On 1/8/07, Attilio Fiandrotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is a tipical case of vesafb not being able to start because of
unsupported video card: many video cards simply aren't supported by
vesafb, so we implemented a sw fallback to the textual frontend for
Just wanted to say the patch was eventually committed to gnome svn [1]:
i tried a backport to our 2.8.20 but was unable to due to that complex
set of patches already present :(
Would be possible building an experimental 2-8-20 udeb with this patch
to see what its effects are?
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
This page is really
outdated and I found it to be immutable.
i just updated it
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rying to re-implement the netinst build yourself, tbh - it's quite
complex already..
Good point, Attilio Fiandrotti told me that g-i can be compiled to run on X
(gtk instead of gtk-directfb), it will be interesting to see how to include
that in our live system builds, then we could "
Loïc Minier wrote:
On Mon, Jan 08, 2007, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Just wanted to say the patch was eventually committed to gnome svn [1]:
i tried a backport to our 2.8.20 but was unable to due to that complex
set of patches already present :(
Would be possible building an experimental 2-8-20
Frans Pop wrote:
On Thursday 11 January 2007 18:21, Loïc Minier wrote:
I've uploaded these debs to unstable.
OK, thanks. That means that we can get some more testing in before
requesting migration.
Let's hope that with Lenny we can switch to a truly integrated 2.10 soon.
I strongly agre
Frans Pop wrote:
reassign 405737 cdebconf-gtk-udeb
retitle 405737 G-I does not support some i810 graphics cards
On Sunday 07 January 2007 15:03, Roy Francis wrote:
If I simply insmod a precompiled i810fb.ko, will it work ?
I've been testing a bit with that, but at least on my laptop
Frans Pop wrote:
On Saturday 13 January 2007 10:42, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Since i810 isn't simply supported by vesafb, a way out for this could
be providing i810fb module in the installer/ in the kernel and loading
it at boot time when i810 chip is detected.
Tests on my laptop s
Joel Johnson wrote:
Package: installation-reports
Severity: important
Justification: after crashing, installer hangs starting partitioning task
Boot method: CD
Image version: installer build 20070109-03:51
Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2200+
Memory: 1GB
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862
Joel Johnson wrote:
Package: installation-reports
Severity: important
Justification: after crashing, installer hangs starting partitioning task
Boot method: CD
Image version: installer build 20070109-03:51
Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2200+
Memory: 1GB
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862
retitle 395489 Handler for single SELECT and MULTISELECT questions
updates debconf database even if BACK is selected
severity 395489 normal
severity 407205 normal
merge 395489 407205
Frans Pop wrote:
On Tuesday 16 January 2007 21:27, Frans Pop wrote:
The second problem _is_ in the grap
Frans Pop wrote:
On Wednesday 17 January 2007 12:45, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
As a result, the last activated option is always made default for
SELECT questions, no matter the user pressed .
This was considered a minor bug, so never spent time in fixing it:
should i do it now ?
If you
Frans Pop wrote:
On Wednesday 17 January 2007 12:45, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
As a result, the last activated option is always made default for
SELECT questions, no matter the user pressed .
This was considered a minor bug, so never spent time in fixing it:
should i do it now ?
If you
Attached is a patch that should fix SELECT
and MULTISELCT question handlers.
Moreover, the SELECT single handler no longer lets the user to unselect
all options toghether: one, at least, will be always selected.
Also, ome code cleanup was necessary, as a result from adding new setter
Frans Pop wrote:
Package: cdebconf-gtk-udeb
Version: 0.112
Severity: important
While testing the patch for #407205, I ran into a crash in the frontend
after a specific sequence in user-setup. However, the crash is not
related to the patch as I can also reproduce it with the current version
One thing i'd really like to happen before Etch is released is replacing
current "note" and "error" icons with those 3-d, " Dlg-neu" by Andre
This because i asked designer of current icons, Eduardo Silva, if he can
provide us better icons and he said he's abust ATM and suggested to pic
Frans Pop wrote:
Thanks Attilio.
The patch seems to work fine. I have seen no regressions while testing it
and the storage of selections in the debconf database seems good.
On Friday 19 January 2007 15:53, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Moreover, the SELECT single handler no longer lets
Frans Pop wrote:
On Saturday 20 January 2007 10:55, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
One thing i'd really like to happen before Etch is released is
replacing current "note" and "error" icons with those 3-d, " Dlg-neu"
by Andre Ferreira.
what's you opinion on
Frans Pop wrote:
On Sunday 21 January 2007 02:20, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
No, i'm talking about SELECT only: now there is always a row selected,
so when the user presses you always end with "xxx" as value for a
given question.
Previously the user was allowed to deselected
Joel Johnson wrote:
Package: installation-reports
Severity: important
Justification: after crashing, installer hangs starting partitioning task
Boot method: CD
Image version: installer build 20070109-03:51
Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2200+
Memory: 1GB
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862
tags 407035 patch
tags 407205 patch
Attached is a patch that sets the number of pixels the cursor can move
before dragging to a value bigger that the length of diagonal line of
screen (we currenty use vesa 800*600).
The effect is taht one can no longer drag text from the question
André Luiz Rodrigues Ferreira wrote:
Hi people!
I released new versions of uppper bar-image with red swirl. :)
Please look now:
- Idea 3
I think image 3 is the nicest of them all.
Joel Johnson wrote:
Dragging GUI elements in the graphical installer can lead to a crash of
the partitioning step. When this happens, the installer attempts to
restart the task with "Starting up the partitioner" but hangs about
mid-way through the status bar. Dragging a line ap
FYI, this bug was eventually found out to be caused by wrong gdkevents
delivery order by the gdk/dfb library and was recently fixed upstream [1].
Anyway, ATM we don't necessarily need a backport of the patch since is
was already fixed with a workaround [2] in the cdebconf GTK frontend.
reassign 385026 libcairo-directfb2
tags 385026 patch
This bug was found [1] to be not related to gtk/dfb, but to accelerated
rectangles drawing in directfb cairo backend, which was hence disabled
ATM the graphical d-i is no more affected by this bug because we started
using, as
I noticed that this bug can be reproduced the way frans suggested iff
the installer is run at priorities high or critical (low or med don't do).
Another way to reproduce this bug is entering disagreeing passwords,
pressing and then .
Anyway, i pot some test prints in the gtk_go() body and i
t gtk/x11 , a
patch [1] is needed.
Viceversa, the web frontend [2] is ready to be merged into our svn tree
and should run easily, without need for X explicit dependance, and i
wonder if this could be an option over the GTK one for desktop systems.
Attilio Fiandrotti
[1] http://bugs.debian.or
Frans Pop wrote:
tags 408437 + pending
On Thursday 25 January 2007 21:22, Mike Hommey wrote:
Everything is in the subject: the Rescue mode fails with g-i. See the
attached screenshot. Maybe it should use openvt to run the shell and
chvt to come back to g-i after the shell exits.
Robert Millan wrote:
This is the announcement of "Debian-Installer Loader", a win32 loader for
Debian Installer.
Overall, the process is very simple (it's been inspired by a similar
project with Ubuntu). D-I-L runs on the users' win32 system,
auto-detects wether the CPU supports 64-bits, picks
Mike Hommey wrote:
On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 11:47:46AM +0100, Attilio Fiandrotti <[EMAIL
PROTECTED]> wrote:
I wrote a chvt similar app some months ago, but the final choice was not
including it in the installer; anyway if someone wants it, the
sourcecode is still available as an atta
Mike Hommey wrote:
On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 06:42:15PM +0100, Attilio Fiandrotti <[EMAIL
PROTECTED]> wrote:
That's an even better approach than chvt'ing to VT2 and then back by hand.
Is this something we want to have for Etch ?
That would be nice, but not strictly necess
Lior Kaplan wrote:
Package: installation-reports
I'm attaching a few screen shots taken from g-i mini iso from using
Hebrew for installation.
During the installation I've noticed that before some of the titles
there is additiona
Lior Kaplan wrote:
Package: installation-reports
I'm attaching a few screen shots taken from g-i mini iso from using
Hebrew for installation.
This is the "write changes to disk?" question in partman. The options
are yes/no.
i just prepared a miniiso with Andre's rootskel-gtk, it's here
I like this :)
André Luiz Rodrigues Ferreira wrote:
Hi Frans!
As we argue, did you look my package (changing the artwork) for
Is here:
Frans Pop wrote:
On Sunday 28 January 2007 18:42, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Yep, and even useful for other purposes when gtk/dfb is used.
Is this something we want to definitely put efforts on for Lenny?
Well, we definitely want some form of shell support from the frontend
(that is also
Lior Kaplan wrote:
Package: installation-reports
I'm attaching a few screen shots taken from g-i mini iso from using
Hebrew for installation.
During the installation I've noticed that before some of the titles
there is additiona
Frans Pop wrote:
On Saturday 03 February 2007 11:21, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
It's not correct, however, that the white rectangle remains there after
a mouse click or after the cursor has left the radio button.
Yes, that _is_ correct. How else do you explain my screenshot [1] where
Frans Pop wrote:
On Saturday 03 February 2007 11:04, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
I'm unsure about this, is the "select a keyboard layout" a good test
Sure, why not?
what package does provide this question?
I just proved this is definitely a g
Lior Kaplan wrote:
Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
It's not correct, however, that the white rectangle remains there after
a mouse click or after the cursor has left the radio button.
Have you looked on the pictures attached to the initial bug report? It
clearly show the rectangle remains
Lior Kaplan wrote:
> Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
>>First, we must check whether this is related to the italic text styling
>>or not.
> I didn't notice any italic style changes.
>>I prepared an ISO [1] which contains the attached patch: Lior, c
reassign 409418 libgtk-directfb-2.0-0
severity 409418 minor
merge 409418 388668
tags 388668 fixed-upstream
Lior Kaplan wrote:
Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
Lior Kaplan wrote:
Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
This was a bug in gtk/dfb i recently patched upstream in gnome svn (btw,
it was the
Lior Kaplan wrote:
Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
What you should test using the miniiso is if you can still get the text
under the progress bar to move to the center of the screen.
I noticed we leak a lot of memory during progressbar runs, so i'm really
wondering if 409412 and memory leak
Did you boot your host machine with an active framebuffer device?
Vern Sun wrote:
I've tried to follow the instructions found here:, but I'm not winning. I've
built the images. I have a problem starting the graphical installer. It does
Vern Sun wrote:
Yes. I appended "video=vesa vga=791" to my kernel comand line.
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet
splash video=vesa vga=791
I can run dfbterm fine on my system.
I think some more error output is needed; are you running debconf as root?
Vern Sun wrote:
are you running debconf as root?
I am not sure. I just follow the guide:
---8< --
#chrooting inside d-i/build/tmp/gtk-miniiso/tree/
sudo chroot ./ sh
#creating all device files needed to access the framebuffer
cd /dev
mknod fb0 c 29 0
mknod tty c 5 0
mknod tty0 c 4 0
Geert-Jan Hut wrote:
Package: debian-installer
Severity: minor
There are a number of screens where the back button is greyed out,
like in the screen about participating in the package usage summary, and
in the software selection screen. This way you can only proceed
forward in the program. Thi
Geert-Jan Hut wrote:
Package: debian-installer
Severity: wishlist
When working through input and selection fields in the gui installer
with a keyboard, is used to go to the next field. I would like to
use - to do the same, but in the reverse direction.
I'll try to implement this functionali
Geert-Jan Hut wrote:
Package: debian-installer
Severity: normal
I used the debian-installer a number of times, and at one time I was
working with it's partitioning resizing functionality. I hit the back
button before I did anything permanent, but at that moment my system
froze. Only a hard re
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