Re: broken archives

2020-04-12 Thread Samuel Thibault
David Hoff Jr, le sam. 11 avril 2020 19:28:55 -0700, a ecrit: > At the first prompt I press the number 1 to enter the url manually. > thenI use the default of " (there is not a / > after it. > > then I enter "/dists/wheezy/non-free/". Where do you enter that? You shoul

Re: Nextcloud client accessibility

2020-04-12 Thread Patrick ZAJDA
Hi Jean-Philippe, Thanks for your answer. Is there a way to get public links or share folders using command line or do you use the web interface and only use the command line client to synchronize? Thanks, Patrick Le 08/04/2020 à 15:05, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL a écrit : Hi, Indeed, the

Re: Nextcloud client accessibility

2020-04-12 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Le 12/04/2020 à 11:52, Patrick ZAJDA a écrit : Hi Jean-Philippe, Thanks for your answer. Is there a way to get public links or share folders using command line or do you use the web interface and only use the command line client to synchronize? I dont do this so often, but I would use t


2020-04-12 Thread Constantine Ryzhikov
Hello. My name is Constantine. After installing Debian 10, I can't start Orca. I tried installing Gnome, mate, with no result. I downloaded the ISO here: Help me please! Thanks in advance.


2020-04-12 Thread Constantine Ryzhikov
Hello. My name is Constantine. After installing Debian 10, I can't start Orca. I tried installing Gnome, mate, with no result. I downloaded the ISO here: Help me please! Thanks in advance.

Re: Orca

2020-04-12 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Hi, How did you install Debian? Braille? speech? dark theme? In a graphical terminal, what is the result of orca --replace ? Regards Jean-Philippe MENGUAL Debian Developer non uploading Community team member Accessibility team member debian-l10n-french team member President of Debian France

Fwd: Debian is testing Discourse

2020-04-12 Thread john doe
Hello all, I'm posting this as it could be of interest to this list. Forwarded Message Subject: Debian is testing Discourse Resent-Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 08:45:17 + (UTC) Resent-From: Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 11:45:02 +0300 From: Reco To: debian-u

Re: broken archives

2020-04-12 Thread Samuel Thibault
David Hoff Jr, le dim. 12 avril 2020 12:23:15 -0700, a ecrit: > This brings up the prompt to please enter the host name of the mirror > from which debian will be downloaded. > I enter > > then I get the prompt: > Please enter the directory in which the mirror of the debia


2020-04-12 Thread Blaine Clark
Hello all. Noob to this list and to more-or-less, kind-a sort-a straight Debian. I recently installed LMDE 4 for my wife and myself. I was playing around with the fresh release on a Live load and my wife decided to watch over my shoulder. She said "I want that, now". Everyone knows when the wi

Re: Noob

2020-04-12 Thread Didier Spaier
Hello Blaine, For folks with low version I highly recommend using the Compiz window manager. I have no idea if/how it can be installed in LMDE. I didn't find it this repository: But I am not a Mint user myself, so it's quite possible that I miss something obvious. Else,

Re: Noob

2020-04-12 Thread Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Hi, When you install Debian, you can use the dark theme at the install time. This has 2 consequences: - it installs the MATE desktop, the most flexible desktop I know from a visual point of view - it installs the COmpiz window manager, bringing plugins for negative colours, and you can add add

Re: Noob

2020-04-12 Thread Majid Hussain
hi there, I found this article about compiz window manager when searching for you, I hope it will be of some assistence? when ubuntu installs there system, files from /etc/skell are coppied to the user directory of the user being created, so, any files changed in /etc/skell will move over to the /h