hi there,
I found this article about compiz window manager when searching for
you, I hope it will be of some assistence?
when ubuntu installs there system, files from /etc/skell are coppied
to the user directory of the user being created,
so, any files changed in /etc/skell will move over to the
/home/username profile.
I hope this makes sence?

On 12/04/2020, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL <jpmeng...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> When you install Debian, you can use the dark theme at the install time.
> This has 2 consequences:
> - it installs the MATE desktop, the most flexible desktop I know from a
> visual point of view
> - it installs the COmpiz window manager, bringing plugins for negative
> colours, and you can add additional utilities such as omox to set the
> theme and tweak it.
> I dont know LMDE, but I dont think it is as accessible as MATE.
> Regards
> Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
> Debian Developer non uploading
> Community team member
> Accessibility team member
> debian-l10n-french team member
> President of Debian France non-profit organization
> Le 12/04/2020 à 22:42, Blaine Clark a écrit :
>> Hello all.
>> Noob to this list and to more-or-less, kind-a sort-a straight Debian. I
>> recently installed LMDE 4 for my wife and myself. I was playing around
>> with the fresh release on a Live load and my wife decided to watch over
>> my shoulder. She said "I want that, now". Everyone knows when the wife
>> says 'I want that' and then adds 'now', that means 'why don't I have it
>> already'! So-o ...
>> We've been Linux users since 2007. We started with Ubuntu and stayed
>> there until 2012 when they went all Unity on us, blech. We moved to
>> Linux-Mint Mate and stayed there until two weeks ago when we moved to
>> LMDE. My wife is blind in one eye and has distorted vision in the other
>> plus 'floaters'. I've just got age induced moderate low vision. She
>> prefers low contrast colors and themes which we just blunder into as
>> best we can. Does anyone on list have some off the cuff or some
>> standardized tips, hints and tweaks for us to try for low contrast?
>> One more item, is there a way to include personalized desktop settings
>> and current themes into a backup? Maybe I'll break these two questions
>> into two emails if that's better.
>> Thanks all
>> Blaine

kind regards,
Majid Hussain

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