8-dot and 6-dot braille embossing

2024-12-02 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi With the current cups-filters, is it possible to mix 8-dot and 6-dot braille (here: contracted and computer braille)? As far as I can tell, the backend table is either 6 oder 8 dot, so I assume it is not possible. How is the format conversion performed when embossing for instance a HTML docume

Flatpak Accessibility

2024-10-04 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi I've just described how to make Flatpak applications (that have a GUI) accessible in the Debian Wiki: https://wiki.debian.org/accessibility#Flatpak_Accessibility Please feel welcome to correct the information, if necessary. Thanks Sebastian signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: pipewire and pulse in trixie

2024-08-20 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Keith Barrett schrieb am 20.08.2024, 14:40 +0100: >It appears that pipewire is now standard with mate. > >I was having issues switching from Orca to speakup so I attempted to remove >pipewire. > >When doing this, pulseaudio was installed instead, there does not seem to be >an option to remove p

Re: Dialog for dpkg-based package configuration

2024-02-09 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 08.02.2024, 21:35 +0100: >Sebastian Humenda, le jeu. 08 févr. 2024 17:56:54 +0100, a ecrit: >> On my system for daily use, I can use dialog-based configuration UIs just >> fine >> (BRLTTY). It was installed using the accessible Debian instal

Dialog for dpkg-based package configuration

2024-02-08 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi On my system for daily use, I can use dialog-based configuration UIs just fine (BRLTTY). It was installed using the accessible Debian installer. An example is `dpkg-reconfigure locales'. However, in a cloud setting, I am working with temporary containers that I set up using a script. When inst

Re: Accessible terminal output

2024-01-29 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Niels Thykier schrieb am 29.01.2024, 14:50 +0100: >Christian Schoepplein: >> Hi Nils, >> >> [...] >> >> Piping output into a pager is very uncomfortable for screen reader users >> IMHO. [...] >> >> Ciao, >> >>Schoepp >> > >Thanks for the hint, Schoepp. Just as a second confirmation, I

Re: orca 46 alpha

2024-01-21 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 21.01.2024, 11:43 +0100: >Sebastian Humenda, le dim. 21 janv. 2024 11:33:42 +0100, a ecrit: >> Samuel Thibault schrieb am 20.01.2024, 23:35 +0100: >> >I have uploaded orca 46 alpha to experimental. It is notably said to >> >have

Re: orca 46 alpha

2024-01-21 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 20.01.2024, 23:35 +0100: >I have uploaded orca 46 alpha to experimental. It is notably said to >have improved performance a lot through using cache.o Sounds great, thanks for giving the opportunity to test it out. Are there any minimum required software versions of in

Embossing via cups, braille translation does not work

2023-12-18 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi I have my Index Everest V5 set up using cups filters and can emboss successfully. However, selecting the translation table as German grade 2, the document is still printed in US-american grade 0. Where can I access the logs to see where the translation possibly fails? In /var/log/cups/{error|ac

Re: Location of liblouis translation tables

2023-10-25 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel sorry for the other message. All the ethernet replugging (due to trying to debug the printer) and I overlooked that I didn't fetch your e-mail: Samuel Thibault schrieb am 25.10.2023, 14:22 +0200: >Sebastian Humenda, le lun. 16 oct. 2023 02:16:34 +0200, a ecrit: >> An

Re: Location of liblouis translation tables

2023-10-25 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi I have figured out that the cups-filter seems to internally use grep to find the corresponding liblouis translation table. The standard is to use the locale, which is in my default de_DE. Since the table is named `de-g0*`, it doesn't find it. Explicitly selecting a language helps. I should prob

Location of liblouis translation tables

2023-10-25 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi I've set up the cups filters to print with my Index Everest V5. The Cups interface shows an error when I try to print: "Could not find LibLouis table with locale de_DE" I've installed these packages: liblouis-bin liblouis-data liblouis20 liblouisutdml-bin liblouisutdml-data liblouisutdml9 liblo

Re: Bug#1030682: edbrowse: new version available

2023-02-07 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 07.02.2023, 0:50 +0100: >> [1] http://cdn.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc/lang/quickjs/ >> >> (I suppose I can do the initial packaging, but not sure I’d >> be willing to maintain it. And even if I would, I’d need a >> sponsor still.) > >That's

Re: tty13-24

2022-12-20 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Sébastien Hinderer schrieb am 21.12.2022, 6:07 +0100: >I was not aware that it was possible to have so many virtual consoles >but I find it great. […] >Am I correct to assume that this is somehow due to systemd? Do those of >you who have so many consoles available also use it, or not? GRML ha

Re: Embossing 8 dot Braille

2022-05-11 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Rich Morin schrieb am 10.05.2022, 10:31 -0700: >> On May 10, 2022, at 03:06, Sebastian Humenda wrote: >> >> Oh, so I would need to convert my computer braille to graphics before >> printing >> it? Never mind then and thanks for looking it up. > >FWIW, I w

Re: Embossing 8 dot Braille

2022-05-10 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 08.05.2022, 18:07 +0200: >Sebastian Humenda, le jeu. 05 mai 2022 18:51:23 +, a ecrit: >> Now I am trying to print some "verbatim" text, ideally as 8 dot >> computer braille: >> >> $ lp -d EverestV5 -o "LibLouis=de-de

Embossing 8 dot Braille

2022-05-05 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi I have set up the Index Everest V5 over Ethernet for embossing. Embossing a document with lp works. Now I am trying to print some "verbatim" text, ideally as 8 dot computer braille: $ lp -d EverestV5 -o "LibLouis=de-de-comp8" myfile.txt The embosser announces an error about an unknown escape

Re: Braille embossing on Debian Bullseye

2022-05-05 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hello Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 05.05.2022, 13:22 +0200: >(it could be useful to check whether Windows has troubles too). It works with Windows, but on Windows I have to use Microsoft Office and some proprietary plugin and I find it cumbersome to boot a windows machine for the purpose of

Re: Braille embossing on Debian Bullseye

2022-05-05 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hello Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 25.04.2022, 1:00 +0200: >Sebastian Humenda, le jeu. 21 avril 2022 07:03:38 +, a ecrit: >> Samuel Thibault schrieb am 18.04.2022, 19:06 +0200: >> >Sebastian Humenda, le lun. 18 avril 2022 18:46:24 +0200, a ecrit: >> >&

Re: Braille embossing on Debian Bullseye

2022-04-21 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 18.04.2022, 19:06 +0200: >Sebastian Humenda, le lun. 18 avril 2022 18:46:24 +0200, a ecrit: >> Samuel Thibault schrieb am 18.04.2022, 18:18 +0200: >> >> >Uh, perhaps there is a low-level communication problem, was that throug

Re: Braille embossing on Debian Bullseye

2022-04-18 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 18.04.2022, 18:18 +0200: >> >Uh, perhaps there is a low-level communication problem, was that through >> >USB or Ethernet? >> >> It is connected via USB. > >I had had issues with USB connectivity on the Everest V3/V4 of our >university, we even had to replace

Re: Braille embossing on Debian Bullseye

2022-04-18 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 18.04.2022, 16:57 +0200: >Sebastian Humenda, le dim. 17 avril 2022 20:51:04 +0200, a ecrit: >> E [16/Apr/2022:15:11:58 +0200] [Job 12] Job submission timed out. >> E [16/Apr/2022:15:11:58 +0200] [Job 12] Aborting job because it has no files. &g

Braille embossing on Debian Bullseye

2022-04-17 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi all I am trying to set up my workstation to print/emboss braille over my Index Everest V5. I installed the printer, thanks for the straight-forward and well-integrated experience! However, I have a few issues. 1. Printing Graphics I have tried to print the Debian logo from debian.org using `

Re: Iggdrasil, a new amazing screenreader

2021-12-30 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi all Samuel Thibault schrieb am 30.12.2021, 8:10 +0100: >D.J.J. Ring, Jr., le mer. 29 déc. 2021 21:56:55 -0500, a ecrit: >> Also with Slint, arguably the most accessible of them all, you have the >> choice >> of various screen readers in console: >> >> espeakup (Console screen reader connecti

Re: Problems when using brltty in the terminal

2021-05-09 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samue Samuel Thibault schrieb am 08.05.2021, 20:28 +0200: >Sebastian Humenda, le sam. 08 mai 2021 16:50:56 +0200, a ecrit: >> Why is this a problem? Ora has in >> non-terminal windows a priority and will outrule BRLTTY on the at-spi bus. > >Not on the at-spi bus, but on th

Re: Problems when using brltty in the terminal

2021-05-08 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Christian Schoepplein schrieb am 08.05.2021, 16:20 +0200: >But it seems, and that is totaly not understandable for me, that the brltty >also is able to read things in ghe graphical environment. Wehn I open the >application menu for example with Alt + F1 the entries are also outputed by >the

Re: MATE Terminal Emulator Accessibility: it won't let users scroll upwards to review

2021-04-25 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi again Samuel Thibault schrieb am 24.04.2021, 23:59 +0200: >D.J.J. Ring, Jr., le mer. 21 avril 2021 02:25:24 -0400, a ecrit: >> Unless there is a way to make MATE Terminal Emulator more accessible, but I >> don't think there is. > >With Braille is, you can use brltty to access it, by running: >

Re: MATE Terminal Emulator Accessibility: it won't let users scroll upwards to review

2021-04-25 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 25.04.2021, 11:00 +0200: >Didier Spaier, le dim. 25 avril 2021 10:53:19 +0200, a ecrit: >> Le 25/04/2021 à 10:38, Sebastian Humenda a écrit : >> > Is there a way to silence Orca to prevent "double" screen reading? >> >&g

Re: MATE Terminal Emulator Accessibility: it won't let users scroll upwards to review

2021-04-25 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Didier Spaier schrieb am 25.04.2021, 10:53 +0200: >Le 25/04/2021 à 10:38, Sebastian Humenda a écrit : >> Is there a way to silence Orca to prevent "double" screen reading? > >I'd try this: in the Orca preferences GUI, tab Speech, uncheck "enable >Speech

Re: MATE Terminal Emulator Accessibility: it won't let users scroll upwards to review

2021-04-25 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hello Samuel Thibault schrieb am 24.04.2021, 23:59 +0200: >D.J.J. Ring, Jr., le mer. 21 avril 2021 02:25:24 -0400, a ecrit: >> Unless there is a way to make MATE Terminal Emulator more accessible, but I >> don't think there is. > >With Braille is, you can use brltty to access it, by running: > >br

Re: Switching off monitor

2021-03-31 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi again Sebastian Humenda schrieb am 31.03.2021, 21:12 +0200: >>> sudo bash -c "setterm -blank < /dev/tty1 > /dev/tty1" >>I forgot: add TERM=linux After searching the web for a bit, I stumbled over brightnessctl: $ sudo apt install brightnessctl $ brightnessctl

Re: Switching off monitor

2021-03-31 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 31.03.2021, 20:43 +0200: >Samuel Thibault, le mer. 31 mars 2021 20:39:36 +0200, a ecrit: >> Sebastian Humenda, le mer. 31 mars 2021 20:34:44 +0200, a ecrit: >> > I'm working on the console (TTY) and am using Tmux, hence neither xset no

Re: Maximize battery life / Performance

2021-03-31 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Jonesy Cee schrieb am 31.03.2021, 14:49 -0400: >I am running Ubuntu Mate. I am totally blind and use orca. Is there anything >I can do besides using the setting to disable animations and turning my >brightness down to increase performance of my computer or increase the >battery life being that

Switching off monitor

2021-03-31 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi all Up to now, I have used either `vbetool dpms off` or `xbacklight -set 0` to turn off the display. On my system with a fresh install of Bulseye this fails: $ sudo vbetool dpms off mmap /dev/zero: Operation not permitted Failed to initialise LRMI (Linux Real-Mode Interface). $ sudo xbackligh

No BRLTTY with Bulseeye RC3

2021-03-25 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi I've downloaded the RC3 of the installer from https://chuangtzu.ftp.acc.umu.se/cdimage/bullseye_di_alpha3/amd64/iso-cd/debian-bullseye-DI-alpha3-amd64-netinst.iso After the installation, BRLTTY was not started. Loggining into the system, I found out that brltty was not installed, or at lea

Re: Orca 40.beta in experimental

2021-02-23 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi mattias jonsson schrieb am 23.02.2021, 19:02 +0100: >how to install the new at-spi2? Add experimental to your sources.list, see https://wiki.debian.org/DebianExperimental Then: sudo apt update sudo apt install orca/experimental at-spi2-core/experimental @Samuel, works fine for me on Debian

Re: Thunderbird wil become a webbased application in near future :-(

2021-02-08 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Christian Schoepplein schrieb am 08.02.2021, 11:26 +0100: >regarding to a presentation at FOSDEM 2021 it is planed to make Thunderbird >more and more a webbased application based on Electron. I have only read secondary sources, but AFAIU it is going to be web-based as the Firefox GUI already i

Re: Audio problems with Debian, speech output and the latest VMware Workstation release :-(

2020-06-05 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Christian Christian Schoepplein schrieb am 05.06.2020, 11:41 +0200: >On Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 10:50:31AM +0200, Sebastian Humenda wrote: >>Christian Schoepplein schrieb am 05.06.2020, 9:44 +0200: >>>I unfortunatly have to use Debian in a virtual machine on a Windows

Re: Audio problems with Debian, speech output and the latest VMware Workstation release :-(

2020-06-05 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Christian Christian Schoepplein schrieb am 05.06.2020, 9:44 +0200: >I unfortunatly have to use Debian in a virtual machine on a Windows 10 >system. The virtualitation software I am using is VMware Workstation 15. > >Since the latest update of VMware Workstation to the version 15.5.5 the sound

Re: Graphics (braille) embossing

2020-05-23 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 22.05.2020, 18:12 +0200: >Sebastian Humenda, le ven. 22 mai 2020 17:32:04 +0200, a ecrit: >> Do you have a clue about the last lines: >> >> :2: invalid literaryTextTable >> Finish read_configuration_file >> Starting new

Re: Graphics (braille) embossing

2020-05-22 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 22.05.2020, 15:49 +0200: >> I had the impression that it simply ignored settings that I have set in the >> printer tab of my text editor (pluma), but I need a more reliable way to test >> this. When I print from pluma, it always inserts the path to the file at

Re: Graphics (braille) embossing

2020-05-22 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel I am warming up this rather old thread, since I finally got around to experiment a bit. >Sebastian Humenda, le jeu. 20 févr. 2020 08:39:04 +, a ecrit: >> There is software for Windows, not part of the standard embosser driver, >> which >> can print SVG an

Re: Graphics (braille) embossing

2020-02-20 Thread Sebastian Humenda
aille embossing is done transparently and can be done even with HTML. How good is the interpretation of the layout? How would I adjust settings such as the language to emboss? Ideally, I could define this for each printer job. >Sebastian Humenda, le jeu. 20 févr. 2020 08:39:04 +, a ecrit: &g

Graphics (braille) embossing

2020-02-20 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi all As the subject says, I would like to do (braille) graphics embossing. I have access to an Index v5 embosser and am trying to print simple black/white images. I know that there is Dotify, but as far as I understand, it is only concerned about printing braille text. There is software for Wi

Re: brltty 6.0 available in buster-backports

2019-10-26 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 25.10.2019, 12:04 +0200: >For people interested in it, brltty 6.0 will be available in >buster-backports within a few hours. Thanks for this. I was waiting for the "speak indentation" feature in BRLTTY 6.0 without the need to self-compile BRLTTY for Buster. T

Re: Speakup, orca and brltty

2019-09-11 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Fran, Fran Torres schrieb am 11.09.2019, 9:56 +0200: >exist's a versión of installer with speech and braille? No, unfortunately not. If you plan to use your system with speech and braille, choose the braille installer (without speech). If you install a graphical user environment such as MATE

Re: Java applications accessibility

2019-08-31 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 31.08.2019, 21:30 +0200: >I have had a closer look at mediathekview. > >Sebastian Humenda, le jeu. 15 août 2019 14:57:42 +0200, a ecrit: >> After I had started the application and waited for Mediathekview to load its >> data, >> I got a f

Re: Orca Wiki Page

2019-08-31 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 31.08.2019, 12:02 +0200: >Sebastian Humenda, le sam. 31 août 2019 11:49:49 +0200, a ecrit: >> Samuel Thibault schrieb am 30.08.2019, 14:53 +0200: >> >Thinking about it: we should probably put these subpages in a >> >accessibility/ na

Re: Orca Wiki Page

2019-08-31 Thread Sebastian Humenda

Orca Wiki pPage

2019-08-30 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi all I revised and updated the Wiki article on Orca in Debian: https://wiki.debian.org/Orca It would be great if you could have a look and edit, enhance or criticise the page. Cheers Sebastian signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: Espeak female

2019-08-17 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Vojtěch šmiro schrieb am 16.08.2019, 9:52 +0200: >Is some way to use espeak Female in Jessie? How can I see it in Orca? I am afraid that you cannot select the female version from orca. However you can configure speech-dispatcher to use Espeak's female variant by default. You can configure thi

Re: Java applications accessibility

2019-08-15 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hello Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 15.08.2019, 12:03 +0200: >Samuel Thibault, le mer. 07 août 2019 14:08:26 +0200, a ecrit: >> Sebastian Humenda, le mer. 07 août 2019 13:58:13 +0200, a ecrit: >> > For Mediathekview, the story is a bit disapointing. It reads buttons >>

Re: Java applications accessibility

2019-08-07 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Adrian Adrian Orjales schrieb am 07.08.2019, 13:07 +0200: >Have you enabled java access bridge? AFAIU this is done by enabling the ATK adaptor in /etc/java/*/accessibility.properties. Do you mean something else? Cheers Sebastian signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: Java applications accessibility

2019-08-07 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 07.08.2019, 13:04 +0200: >The details are in 900912, but basically java-atk-wrapper was considered >too unstable to be enabled by default. With the rework I mentioned, I >believe it is way more stable, but we need wide testing to be sure of >this and convince M

Re: Java applications accessibility

2019-08-07 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 05.08.2019, 9:32 +0200: >Sebastian Humenda, le lun. 05 août 2019 08:53:57 +0200, a ecrit: >> I've got only one java application on my machine which is Mediathekview. I >> remember that it used to be accessible, but it remains quiet. >

Re: Java applications accessibility

2019-08-04 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 02.08.2019, 19:55 +0200: >I have uploaded version 0.35.0 of java-atk-wrapper in Gnome and >Debian. This includes a huge pile of fixes and revamp, notably achieved >by Giuseppe Capaldo, here to thanked. Thanks four your work! I've got only one java application o

Re: Accessibility options in Debian

2019-07-23 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Aaron, Aaron schrieb am 22.07.2019, 14:36 -0400: >Thanks for the suggestions. I tried installing Orca on a Raspberry Pi >the other day, but it seemed to have trouble with the Pixel desktop. I >was a little concerned after reading that Orca is tightly integrated >with the Gnome desktop, but more

Re: your mail

2018-12-08 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Adrian Adrian Orjales schrieb am 08.12.2018, 10:15 +0100: >I am spanish, so sorry for my bad english...😉 No need to apologize. A lot of us are non-native :). >i am blind, and I have installed debian using the onboot install with speak >synthesis option. Doing that, when the installation succes

Re: Using Mbrola with BRLTTY

2018-07-28 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Halim Sahin schrieb am 28.07.2018, 10:10 +0200: >On Fr, Jul 27, 2018 at 03:17:30 +0200, Ali Gürler wrote: >> is there any chance to use the mbrola voices with BRLTTY? >Yes if you write a speech-dispatcher generic module for txt2pho and mbrola >and add it to speechd.conf What about using espeak'

Orca Plugins

2018-05-13 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi All the "Simple Orca Plugin System" has just landed in unstable. It contains two default plugins, one to read the clipboard (using Caps+c) and another to get the current workspace number (Caps + x). There are more plugins, but I wanted to check with you whether you find the plugin system useful

Re: pulseaudio and espeakup

2018-05-04 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Christian Schoepplein schrieb am 04.05.2018, 13:17 +0200: >Am 2018-05-04 10:25, schrieb Sebastian Humenda: >> Could we get a similar behaviour for brltty(-espeak)? In the current >> setup, I >> have to disable pulse completely, just to be able to use sound both on >>

Re: pulseaudio and espeakup

2018-05-04 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 03.05.2018, 23:57 +0200: >john doe, le mer. 02 mai 2018 10:06:42 +0200, a ecrit: >> On 5/2/2018 1:40 AM, Samuel Thibault wrote: >> > I'm afraid the only solution we have is that both espeakup and >> > speech-dispatcher just release the audio device when they think the

Re: Running speech-dispatcher as a systemwide service

2018-03-21 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Ali Gürler schrieb am 21.03.2018, 13:46 +0100: >I installed gdm3 and mate-desktop, but in some cases I would like to >use speech-dispatcher without starting a graphical desktop. When I press >STRG+Alt+F2 I get the login prompt, but at this point there is no voice >speaking. What screen reader a

Re: Potentially broken repositories on Salsa

2018-03-14 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 14.03.2018, 21:51 +0100: >Andreas Tille, on mar. 13 mars 2018 13:59:30 +0100, wrote: >> > > a11y-team/dotify-api does not seem to have dir debian >> > > a11y-team/odt2braille does not seem to have dir debian >> > > >> > > I just wanted to make you aware that somethin

Re: Evince, again not accessible?

2018-02-11 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi I'm having this issue from time to time as well. Using Alt+Tab into another Application and back, Arrow keys and pressing F7 multiple times will eventually lead to some result, with no particular order guaranteeing a success. I'm aware that this is a very vague description, but I was unable to

Re: pulseaudio and espeakup

2017-12-29 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 30.12.2017, 1:11 +0100: >Incompatibility between Espeakup and Pulseaudio is a recurring issue As a side note, a similar problem occurs with brltty-espeak. Most media players will spawn Pulse these days and this leads to BRLTTY not emitting speech anymore; the same i

Re: Installing Debian - accessibility question

2017-12-15 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Egon, Mate and GNOME are both fine and both have things which do and which don't work. I tend to use Mate, but that's because I like the interface. I think nearly all media are accessible (except for the tiny business card one, if it still exists). I usually go for a mate CD. Instructions for

Re: Question request and feedback

2017-12-15 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 15.12.2017, 9:54 +0100: >Sebastian Humenda, on ven. 15 déc. 2017 09:12:52 +0100, wrote: >> I'm guessing that expert mode allows to deselect accessibility, even >> though it was active during installation. > >No, I'm just wonder

Re: Question request and feedback

2017-12-15 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi john doe schrieb am 14.12.2017, 13:33 +0100: >On 12/14/2017 12:47 PM, Sebastian Humenda wrote: >> john doe schrieb am 14.12.2017, 11:34 +0100: >> > On 12/14/2017 11:17 AM, Samuel Thibault wrote: >> > > john doe, on jeu. 14 déc. 2017 08:55:34 +0100, wrote: >

Re: Question request and feedback

2017-12-14 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi john john doe schrieb am 14.12.2017, 11:34 +0100: >On 12/14/2017 11:17 AM, Samuel Thibault wrote: >> john doe, on jeu. 14 déc. 2017 08:55:34 +0100, wrote: >> > I find myself installing Debian for sited users. >> > They don't need the accessibility feature to be installed or enabled at >> > boot

Re: Brltty 5.5 in sid, and experimental change in experimental

2017-11-09 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi all, Samuel Thibault schrieb am 05.11.2017, 18:06 +0100: >Samuel Thibault, on dim. 01 oct. 2017 23:12:43 +0200, wrote: >> I have also uploaded a version 5.5-3 to experimental, which moves the >> brltty binary from /sbin to /bin, just like upstream does. Normally the >> compatibility symlink pu

Re: When will a working version of fenrir screen reader come back to testing?

2017-10-23 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Doug Doug Smith schrieb am 22.10.2017, 22:24 -0400: >Ok, here is a good one.  I wonder when fenrir screen reader will be making a […] > >I am using kali linux which is a debian derivative and it is based on >testing.  I would like to get my command line side of things talking again as I don't h

Re: progress beeps in orca that comes with debian 9 also known as stretch

2017-08-02 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Mark Peveto schrieb am 01.08.2017, 19:14 -0500: >Is anyone aware of how to make the progress beeps work in orca besides totally >pulling pulse audio out of the system? >Taking pulse out was going to be my first choice, but sincd spd-conf doesn't >work, I can't do that.\ From the other message

Re: brltty is speaking wire booting but not after

2017-07-13 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Ali Gürler schrieb am 13.07.2017, 12:12 +0200: >Hello Samuel, I hope you don't mind if I answer instead. >I installed debian 9.0.0 on a new system from netinst iso image. After that, >I installed brltty-espeak and uncommented the line for using espeak in >/etc/brltty.conf. I forgot: Befor that

Re: brltty 5.5

2017-06-06 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Samuel Thibault schrieb am 22.05.2017, 2:11 +0200: >So I have uploaded brltty 5.5 in experimental, so people can try it out. Thanks, works fine. Cheers Sebastian -- Web: http://www.crustulus.de (English|Deutsch) | Blog: http://www.crustulus.de/blog FreeDict: Free multilingual dictio

Re: live system during install and debian mate

2017-04-04 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 04.04.2017, 10:19 +0200: >Sebastian Humenda, on mar. 04 avril 2017 09:53:08 +0200, wrote: >> Samuel Thibault schrieb am 04.04.2017, 9:42 +0200: >> >> i am downloading the debian 8 latest live. the problem now, using the cd >> >> in

Re: live system during install and debian mate

2017-04-04 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 04.04.2017, 9:42 +0200: >> i am downloading the debian 8 latest live. the problem now, using the cd >> installer, 650 mb, > >I don't understand why you are talking both about the live image and the >installer image. They are completely different. Either you boot on

Re: Updating gnome-orca to version 3.24

2017-04-03 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi TheSuperGeek schrieb am 02.04.2017, 17:05 -0400: >I'm new to packaging and i saw that Orcan wasn't at the latest version in >debian sid. So i propose for learning packaging to propose a patch to update >it. Please fetch the latest sources using e.g. debcheckout. If you have something ready, jus

Re: Bug#852149: Re : Re: Firefox-ESR Crash in Stretch when exiting Browser with Orca running

2017-03-14 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 14.03.2017, 22:52 +0100: >Testers: Ping? I had a similar issue, but didn't experience it for quite a while now. I just tried it a few times with given package and so no problem with it. Thanks Sebastian signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#854295: brltty-espeak: crashes while emitting speech

2017-03-01 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 28.02.2017, 23:28 +0100: >Sebastian Humenda, on lun. 27 févr. 2017 14:30:19 +0100, wrote: >> Sebastian Humenda schrieb am 20.02.2017, 11:13 +0100: >> Ok, seems hard to reproduce. Here's another bt. >Does the change at least reduce the frequenc

Bug#854295: brltty-espeak: crashes while emitting speech

2017-02-27 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Sebastian Humenda schrieb am 20.02.2017, 11:13 +0100: >>Ok, we can wait more, no pb :) >No crashes, I think it's safe. Ok, seems hard to reproduce. Here's another bt. Thanks Sebastian === Thread 8 (Thread 0x7f6285632700 (LWP 16207)): #0 0x7f629273e536 in futex_absti

Bug#854295: brltty-espeak: crashes while emitting speech

2017-02-20 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Samuel Thibault schrieb am 13.02.2017, 10:52 +0100: >Sebastian Humenda, on Mon 13 Feb 2017 10:47:33 +0100, wrote: >> I haven't encountered any issues yet. It is rather hard to say whether it is >> fixed, because the bug is hard to reproduce. However, there have been no >&

Re: looking at debian

2017-02-18 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hello Mark Peveto schrieb am 18.02.2017, 4:45 -0600: >I'm thinking about working with debian on one of my machines, but I'm totally >blind, and need a talking installer. I'm hoping someone could send me a >direct link to one, and instructions to get going. Have you tried searching for "accessibl

Bug#854295: brltty-espeak: crashes while emitting speech

2017-02-13 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hello Samuel Thibault schrieb am 12.02.2017, 12:15 +0100: […]0 >> > >Sebastian Humenda, on Sun 05 Feb 2017 21:02:37 +0100, wrote: >> > >> I'm not sure whether the issue is actually in BRLTTY or espeak-ng, but >> > >> I couldn't enc

Bug#854295: brltty-espeak: crashes while emitting speech

2017-02-09 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 08.02.2017, 23:49 +0100: >Sebastian Humenda, on Sun 05 Feb 2017 21:02:37 +0100, wrote: >> I'm not sure whether the issue is actually in BRLTTY or espeak-ng, but >> I couldn't encounter any issues while using speech-dispatcher with >> es

Re: SV: SV: latest stretch installer and braille

2017-02-07 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi mjonsson1...@gmail.com schrieb am 06.02.2017, 16:25 +0100: >Yes the baum are connected to the vm I have no more ideas, especially because I'm not a VM user myself. Could you write the image to a USB flash drive and start the installation from there? You don't need to do the full install (to not

Re: SV: latest stretch installer and braille

2017-02-06 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi mjonsson1...@gmail.com schrieb am 06.02.2017, 14:55 +0100: >Booting up the vm with the stretch dvd mounted >And baum supervario2 connected from usb Have you actually enabled pass-through for your braille device? It could be that the VM doesn't know about your device. Sebastian -- Web: http://

Re: latest stretch installer and braille

2017-02-06 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi mjonsson1...@gmail.com schrieb am 06.02.2017, 14:42 +0100: >Seems it are broken What exactly is broken? Could you please describe the steps you've taken and what the outcome was? Then we can try to find a solution. Cheers Sebastian -- Web: http://www.crustulus.de (English|Deutsch) | Blog: h

Bug#854295: brltty-espeak: crashes while emitting speech

2017-02-06 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 06.02.2017, 0:21 +0100: >Could you install: [...] >brltty-dbgsym > >> #0 0x7f3fec3c7540 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libasound.so.2 > >and libasound2-dbgsym libasound2 was already installed, do you have any idea why the symbols don't show up? The full BT

Bug#854295: brltty-espeak: crashes while emitting speech

2017-02-05 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Package: brltty-espeak Version: 5.4-6 Severity: important Hi Every now and then, BRLTTY crashes. It looks as if there is an issue while emitting speech using espeak-ng. I'm not sure whether the issue is actually in BRLTTY or espeak-ng, but I couldn't encounter any issues while using speech-dispat

Re: [HEADS-UP] Please test Re: Speech overlapping with espeak-ng

2017-01-23 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 23.01.2017, 15:43 +0100: >Sebastian Humenda, on Mon 23 Jan 2017 14:41:23 +0100, wrote: >> At the moment, I feel as if a really small cancel pause would be the option I >> could live best with. > >Just to check, did you try just plain 0 cancel pa

Re: [HEADS-UP] Please test Re: Speech overlapping with espeak-ng

2017-01-23 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Øyvind Øyvind Lode schrieb am 23.01.2017, 14:12 +0100: >I've upgraded both brltty and espeakup (remotely via ssh since I'm at work >now). >I'll help you out test later today. Please also upgrade brltty-espeak. >What exactly should I test? - Do you realize some kind of overlap when typing qu

Re: speech-dispatcher and RC bugs

2017-01-23 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Luke Yelavich schrieb am 18.01.2017, 13:31 +1100: >On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 08:48:10AM AEDT, Samuel Thibault wrote: >> That being said, I find #838665 a bit abusive. I actually had to >> re-read several times "software that imports all installed Python >> modules": how can that be a good idea?!

Re: speech-dispatcher and RC bugs

2017-01-18 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 17.01.2017, 22:48 +0100: >That being said, I find #838665 a bit abusive. I actually had to >re-read several times "software that imports all installed Python >modules": how can that be a good idea?! Now, that being said, AIUI >speechd_conf is not a python module tha

Bug#848016: WIHCTIG

2017-01-08 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Eric, bitte nutze g zum antworten. Samuel hat das auch so gemacht. die Googlemail-Adresse ist für private Zwecke und hat auf dem Bugtracker nichts verloren. Nun ist es zu spät - bitte aber für die nächsten Male. Grüße Sebastian signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Re: orca on debian stretch testing

2017-01-06 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Samuel Thibault schrieb am 06.01.2017, 0:45 +0100: >Sebastian Humenda, on Thu 05 Jan 2017 20:56:20 +0100, wrote: >> >I just installed Debian testing using the net installation iso for the >> >week of November 28th, 2016 and the only major issues I found is that if you >

Re: orca on debian stretch testing

2017-01-05 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Nick Nick Gawronski schrieb am 05.01.2017, 13:07 -0600: >I just installed Debian testing using the net installation iso for the >week of November 28th, 2016 and the only major issues I found is that if you >press a key espeakup lags around a little behind of when you press the key. Thanks for t

Switching off a (laptop) monitor

2017-01-04 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi all, on my previous laptop, I used `sudo vbetool dpms off` to switch off the monitor. which worked fine. On my Thinkpad, this doesn't work reliably anymore: after I have switched off the monitor, I cannot switch it on again. On the other hand, I cannot switch it off after it was in sleep mode.

Re: Using espeak with brltty-espeak driver

2017-01-02 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Ali Gürler schrieb am 02.01.2017, 14:39 +0100: >I installed a basic debian system without a graphical desktop >environment. Now I would like to use the espeak synthesizer with >brltty. So I installed alsa-base, alsa-utils, espeak and >brltty-espeak. With the command ># aplay >I get a sound out

Re: x server crashes

2016-12-13 Thread Sebastian Humenda
Hi Keith Keith Barrett schrieb am 13.12.2016, 17:06 +: >Debian Stretch with mate desktop. > >After updating system on 12th November, xserver is crashing. > >I use startx to start the gui. [...] >Is this a known issue? You have to provide more information, otherwise it is hard to figure out whe

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