2002-08-18 Thread UNIVER-EMERITO
Att:Sr.Rector: Gratamente nos dirigimos a vds.para invitarles y comunicarles la concesion del grado de Gran Emerito por su vinculacion durante tantos años a la difusion y defensa de la medicina naturista. Por medio de JOSE FRANCISCO BLAZQUEZ de University Techn

Re: Potato 2.2r7 on ATARI TT030

2002-08-18 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden
Hi, On Sun, 18 Aug 2002, Thomas Scherk wrote: > What must I do to upgrade the system to kernel 2.2.19-6? Is there any HOWTO? I once did this for my TT. First, the kernel-sources have to be patched, then compiled. It takes a couple of hours (over night). > The ATARI doesn´t boot Debian directly