Deb Conf volunteers

2021-04-04 Thread Paul Sutton
Hi I am willing to help out too, experience with IRC and also thanks to LibrePlanet, mumble. I am also part of the Debian Academy team. Paul -- Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open) OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99 Pronoun : him

Re: contact Frank Barrera

2021-04-05 Thread Paul Sutton
Hi Frank Thank you for getting in touch. You can join the Debian Team mailing list from:- Hope this helps Regards Paul Sutton Mastodon: -- Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open) OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB

Basic conference promo poster

2021-04-12 Thread Paul Sutton
or replace my effort. it is in Libreoffice draw (v7) at the moment. Hope thus helps Paul Sutton (zleap) -- Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open) LibrePlanet 2021 - March 20th & 21st - Pronoun : him/his/he

Debian conference poster

2021-04-28 Thread Paul Sutton
list so others can help Poster is released under which ever license we need it, computer graphic is downloaded from open clipart. Hope this helps Paul Sutton (zleap on irc) -- Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open) OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9

Re: DebConf 21 Incident Response

2021-05-08 Thread Paul Sutton
. Paul -- Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open) OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99 Pronoun : him/his/he

Confy - Conferences schedule viewer

2021-05-08 Thread Paul Sutton
Hi Not sure if this is useful. I was given ths link at the Tech Jam (event) I am involved with. Confy - Conferences schedule viewer I am sharing anyway, in case it is useful going forward. Paul -- -- Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open) https

Re: DebConf21 online, DebConf22 in Kosovo, DebConf23 in India, DebConf24 in Israel

2021-05-14 Thread Paul Sutton
onmentally conscious. Before we shut down in the UK, I as running a code club and a local tech event, there is no reason why the same building can't host similar events and connect with other groups elsewhere in the country. So I think decentralising could work Paul -- Paul Sutton, Cert

Re: +1 (Re: The future of DebConf, online lessons from the pandemic [Was: Re: DebConf21 online, DebConf22 in Kosovo, DebConf23 in India, DebConf24 in Israel])

2021-05-15 Thread Paul Sutton
ly with Linux or free software it was mostly to do with his projects to build a gas monitoring for wood burners. We just kept an eye on the time and broke off to attend which ever talks came up that were of interest. Paul -- Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)

call for proposals page

2021-05-16 Thread Paul Sutton
h it isn't of course as it is going ahead virtually. Are call for proposals open yet ? Paul -- Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open) OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99 Prono

Debconf 21 poster

2021-07-26 Thread Paul Sutton
do at the moment. Hope this helps anyway Paul -- Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open) OpenPGP : 4350 91C4 C8FB 681B 23A6 7944 8EA9 1B51 E27E 3D99 Pronoun : him/his/he 21st Debian Conference August 22 to August 29, 2021. DebCamp from August 15 to August 21

Re: Debconf 21 poster

2021-07-27 Thread Paul Sutton
On 27/07/2021 05:13, Joost van Baal-Ilić wrote: Hi again Paul, On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 06:06:49AM +0200, Joost van Baal-Ilić wrote: On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 07:29:17PM +0100, Paul Sutton wrote: I have tried to make another update to my poster. I added a qr code, but have no way of testing it


2021-10-09 Thread Paul Sutton
just have an account on the writeAs instance. The blog was useful for putting out updates as to when events / meetings were taking place. I will try and login to IRC more often too. Paul -- Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open) Pronoun : him/his/he OpenPGP :