On 15/05/2021 10:51, Holger Levsen wrote:
On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 09:20:26PM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
To me, the hard-to-replicate parts of a debconf are about creating
shared experiences rather than the talks themselves.  It's meeting new
and old friends, sharing a meal and discussing life, the universe and
everything.  It's learning a little bit about the local area and the
culture, typically mostly during the daytrip and the evenings.  It's not
the pure information transfer during talks.

For me, it is also just setting aside the time (as you mention).  When
at debconf, the rest of the world is confined to the small screen, and
its ability to require my attention is smaller. When at home, it's the
opposite, and it's easy for something to come up that one needs to do.
I don't really think this is fixable.
^^^ *all of this*!

Thanks, Tollef.

I agree with this, I can probably say the same thing about events such as code clubs, while small scale, physically being in the same room and having conversations is important and productive.

I had a really interesting conversation at Seagl in one of the Jit.si rooms, had nothing to directly with Linux or free software it was mostly to do with his projects to build a gas monitoring for wood burners.

We just kept an eye on the time and broke off to attend which ever talks came up that were of interest.

Paul Sutton, Cert Cont Sci (Open)

LibrePlanet 2021 - March 20th & 21st - https://libreplanet.org/2021/

Pronoun : him/his/he

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