Re: Published: blog post about DebConf19 Open Day - translations welcome

2019-07-20 Thread Carlos Filho
I translated the blog news into Brazilian Portuguese, follow it below, could someone upload it to the debian blog, or help me upload it? *DebConf19 convida você para o Dia Aberto do Debian na Universidade Federal de Tecnologia do Paraná (UTFPR), em Curitiba* DebConf, a conferência anual para con

Re: DebConf19 publicity coverage - blog post about DebConf19 starts

2019-07-21 Thread Carlos Filho
Laura follows the translation in Portuguese. If there is any change in the original text let me know. Título: DebConf19 começa hoje em Curitiba Slug: debconf19-starts Data: 2019-07-21 14:30 Autor: Laura Arjona Reina Tags: debconf19, debconf Status: rascunho DebConf19, a 20º Conferência Anual do D

Re: DebConf19 publicity coverage - blog post about DebConf19 starts

2019-07-21 Thread Carlos Filho
2019 às 10:37, Laura Arjona Reina escreveu: > Hi Carlos > > Thanks! > > I'm working to add the translation to the blog. > > Meanwhile, I point out some paragraphs that changed, below: > > > El 21/7/19 a las 14:11, Carlos Filho escribió: > > Laura follows th