I've apply to deal with those photos of dormitory, but there were some
delay because when I had time, a girl who suppose to show me
everything and she knows the dormitory the best because she's living
there during the semesters :) and when she had time I didn't, and so
on. You've also said
P.S. Sorry for typos or dropped letters/words, I'm typing from my phone.
On 3/31/11, Bojana Borkovic wrote:
> @Adnan
> I've apply to deal with those photos of dormitory, but there were some
> delay because when I had time, a girl who suppose to show me
> everything an
We've already done that, I think over a month ago or even more. We've
visited the tourist bureau, gathered all the brochurs and maps, scanned
everything and sent it to Vedran Omeragic.
On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Darjan Prtic wrote:
> @Dejan
> Great work. Looks really nice atm.
. Can someone just point me
out three proposed designs (I know there are 3 different t-shirt colors), so
we can ask in print shops and they could propose us the price for the print
and a t-shirts. We we'll ask for the bas as well. There gonna be a logo on
the bags as well?
2011/7/10 Bojan
2011/7/10 Leandro Gómez
> On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 1:48 PM, ValessioBrito wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I started to create the layout of the sponsors on t-shirt.
>> Two proposal: http://valessiobrito.info/tmp/layoutsponsors.png
> I really like number one.
I agree, it looks more organize
2011/7/10 Gunnar Wolf
> Holger Levsen dijo [Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 01:54:07PM +0200]:
> > > , so we can explore all
> > > the details about the print in several print shops here, and then
> decide
> > > which one is most apropriate to do the printing. Can someone just point
> me
> > > out three pro
We've checked t-shirt printing in one more shop here and they said they can
finish printing in 10 days, the price is 6.5 KM per t-shirt, I don't know if
ATV is included. Anyway, they said they can do the printing of the bags,
they just need to order them, I don't know how much they're gonna cost.
I've got answer from one of the shops I've e-mailed. They said they can do
the printing in 7 days time, price would be 6.2 KM per t-shirt. Regarding
bags, they can get so many of them in such a short time, but if we can
arrange bags on our own, they would do the printing, and the price would be
-- Forwarded message --
From: Bojana Borkovic
Date: 2011/7/14
Subject: Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf11-localteam] T-shirts
To: Valessio Brito
Guys, no one is answering me anything about the t-shirts?
Anyway, 3rd shop just sent me their offer. Price of t-shirt (160g) is 6.80
I'm forwarding you Aleksandar's e-mail regarding his meeting today with Mr
Sankovic from the tourist board of Banjaluka, about the Day trip,.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Aleksandar Milic
Date: 2011/7/14
Subject: Re: Day trip planning
Hi everyone,
I was in TOBL, and met with
Just to let you know that I've tried to find them at my faculty (Faculty of
Electrical Engineering), and they say they don't have any, at least the ones
I've asked. It's a holiday season right now, and even if there are some in
the building I probably couldn't get them because the responsible perso
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