Hi all, specifically Nattie
Please see below - great about the sign language thing as well!
Do we have expected numbers of attendees with special needs?
There is a trade-off between having the attendees comfortable but
isolated, and a bit uncomfortable but with everyone else...
I am meeting with
> Am 01.04.2016 um 11:19 schrieb Bernelle Verster :
> Please see below - great about the sign language thing as well!
Just an info which is probably not that widely known:
Sign languages are quite local, so in ZA people speak SASL (South African Sign
Foreign hearing impaired people
Nigel asked for how much money we need for DC16 travel. Obviously we
(bursaries) will spend whatever we're given, but here are some numbers
to help set that budget. I confess the modelling here is full of
ridiculous assumptions. Consider the same set of requests as for
Heidelberg, and multiply by