Hello, all
I'd like to take advantage of this evening's meeting to bring this up:
First, an update on scheduling time slots. Take a loot at
We foresee to schedule about 22 long-events and 40 short-events, but
that will depend on the proposals and
also sprach Santiago Ruano Rincón [2015-03-02 09:00
> I think this is still unclear. We need to agree on the Job Fair
> schedule. Are we going to fix on Saturday as it has been
> published? Or do we want and are we able to set it during
> hack-time during the week?
We've been unable to f
On Sun, 2015-03-01 at 09:49 +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Paul Wise [2015-03-01 08:59 +0100]:
> > I noticed that DebConf is not mentioned on the web page about how to
> > help Debian. Could someone propose a sentence or two about helping
> > Debian through DebConf, mini-DebConfs, boo
The meeting went a bit longer than our usual hour, several things got
a very heated discussion. Here are the minutes:
Important to note is that we'll be having the DC15-specific meeting on
#debconf-team only once
The DC15 budget has been getting updates as we get more sponsors and
more confirmation of how much certain expenses will be. Now it's time
to try to finalize it and get it approved.
The budget spreadsheet is located at debconf-data/dc15/budget/budget.ods
And can be viewed directly at:
On 02/03/15 21:47, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> We'll have a specific meeting to discuss any open issues, on Thursday,
> March 12th, 19:30 UTC, on #debconf-team. Please be sure to either be
> there or send any comments you have before that.
To all team leads: please, ensure you have your team's n
Hi Paul
On 2 de marzo de 2015 02:40:31 GMT+01:00, Paul Wise wrote:
>On Sun, 2015-03-01 at 09:49 +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
>> also sprach Paul Wise [2015-03-01 08:59 +0100]:
>> > I noticed that DebConf is not mentioned on the web page about how
>> > help Debian. Could someone propose a se