The DC15 budget has been getting updates as we get more sponsors and
more confirmation of how much certain expenses will be. Now it's time
to try to finalize it and get it approved.

The budget spreadsheet is located at debconf-data/dc15/budget/budget.ods

And can be viewed directly at:

Everyone is invited to look at this budget and ask for specific
expenses to be included/called out, .

We'd like to finalize the budget and send it for approval to the
chairs and the DPL by the end of next week.  Please send your comments
to madduck before then, so that he can incorporate them in the

We'll have a specific meeting to discuss any open issues, on Thursday,
March 12th, 19:30 UTC, on #debconf-team. Please be sure to either be
there or send any comments you have before that.

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