Re: [Debconf-team] Authentication for food

2006-03-01 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Gunnar Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060228 12:37]: > What do you think? Do you oppose the simple trust model? I would prefer the simple trust model without food tickets; mainly because food tickets always end up not near to me, when I need them - I always forget them (and I think I'm not the

Re: [Debconf-team] Authentication for food

2006-03-01 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Meike Reichle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060228 14:39]: > My idea was the following: If we have n food tickets we'll have > to pay for n meals. However, it does not matter *who* uses a food ticket. > So if I skiped a meal and thus have an extra ticket, I can give it to > someone else, so (s)he us

[Debconf-team] On the possible extra rooms

2006-03-01 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Hi, I'm quite hurried right now, so this goes in raw, just as I talked it over in the IRC. PLEASE READ. This includes a financial decision that has to be made soon :) (09:50:14) gwolf: h01ger: (09:50:37) gwolf: h01ger: T

[Debconf-team] On the logistics for registration (and why we want the two extra rooms)

2006-03-01 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Hi again, For this mail to work, you have to be familiar with (or at least be able to view from time to time) two maps: Why two? The first map has the very handy numbers