Hi again, For this mail to work, you have to be familiar with (or at least be able to view from time to time) two maps:
http://media.debconf.org/dc6/images/oaxtepec/oaxtepec_general.png http://media.debconf.org/dc6/images/oaxtepec/general_map.png Why two? The first map has the very handy numbers showing what each place is, but the second map is a bit more exact, and shows only the areas we will be working at. And beware, as more maps are coming ;-) Nadezhda's preparing yet another one with the rough distance measurements we made, and coloring the areas we will use, which will be much easier to use as a reference. I need you to locate the following points on the first map, and then find each of them in the second one: 14 - Administrative offices 16 - Work rooms 3-8 19 - Restaurant 21 - Yautepec hotel 23 - Parliamentary tower 24 - Zacatepec hotel 29 - Main auditorium So, what's the deal with registration? Originally, we had planned to hire three extra rooms in the hotel: one for the video crew, one for the servers and one for the administrative stuff (i.e. what we called "reception" in DC5). Oaxtepec hotels have all a small reception desk [1], where we planned to have the reception. There are a couple of blockers to this. Before that, check the maps, points number 14, 21 and 16. - People will arrive to the administrative offices, that's where it's more obvious for buses and taxis to drop you at. It's quite a long way from the hotels! - People will have to register _twice_: First with us (so we give them their welcome pack) and then with Oaxtepec (so they give them the key and wristband - No, we cannot do that, they have to handle it. Period.) - The two hacklabs we will be using (one of them is obscured by the wheelchair symbol) have a small cafeteria region [2] that I think we can use to hand people their registration material. We could even take over the whole coffee rest area [3] (see hacklab map [4] as well - Remember we have two of them). But I think it will be much easier for us to handle people arriving at unplanned days/hours if we have the whole stash of bags (and other administrativia) 10m away instead of 200m away in the hotel. Now, going out of the reception logistics: - I think the video guys, as well as the organization guys working inside our bunker, will appreciate being close to the hacklab, so whenever they want a bit of fresh air they can just crash with the other hackers. At DC5 I regretted I almost didn't get to enter Smökki. - It seems to me we have better power coverage there. It seems people in Oaxtepec are willing to allow us to pull a thick power cable from the auditorium, ~50m away. The room is quite large, ~120m3, so we might also not need to get cooling for the servers and be OK with just ventilation. - The cost will go up a bit, but not too much - Don't have the exact number here, but it was ~US$100 a day for each of the rooms. We will then be able to deallocate two (or were they three? One for organization stuff, one for video, one for servers?) hotel rooms, at ~US$30 a day. Ok... I have to leave _now_, so that's that. Greetings, [1] http://www.gwolf.org/index.php?photos/album/13/photo/711 [2] http://www.gwolf.org/index.php?photos/album/13/photo/684 [3] http://www.gwolf.org/index.php?photos/album/13/photo/691 [4] http://media.debconf.org/dc6/images/oaxtepec/hacklabs.png -- Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244 PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23 Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973 F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF _______________________________________________ Debconf-team mailing list Debconf-team@lists.debconf.org http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf-team