Louis-Philippe Véronneau dijo [Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 01:13:32PM -0500]:
> Hi!
> We received some quotes from one of our caterer options. The Nest
> (McGill’s student-run café) quoted 20 CAD$ per day per person for 3
> meals a day. Just to be clear, this means about 6,66 CAD$ per meal
> per perso
It seemed during the (status/)decision meeting that the accommodation portrait
for Montreal was not clear. First of all, McGill is our main option.
Other options are not as well documented and should be regarded as backups.
Secondly, there is enough space to host up to 1422 people in the 3 b
To be able to anwser to this question ( "If we use someone else's
infrastructure, how easy / flexible can that be handled, regarding routing /
firewall / ip-range / public access / other stuff?" ), McGill's IT department
needs precise infos.
Would more experienced people be kind enough to g
Heh, well infos keep pouring.
We cannot get the cafeteria as an eating space if we do not cater The Nest.
Since their prices are quite nice and it would be wa more trouble
catering our other options, we decided not to ask them for quotes.
If needed (backup?) we could get other caterers and u
We received some quotes from one of our caterer options. The Nest (McGill’s
student-run café) quoted 20 CAD$ per day per person for 3 meals a day.
Just to be clear, this means about 6,66 CAD$ per meal per person, or 5,34 USD$
per meal per person at current currency rates.
We have ask for a
On 2015-01-28 00:09, Tassia Camoes Araujo wrote:
> Hi Pollo,
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 01:14:18PM -0500, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:
>> Do you mean without hacklabs during Debconf, or these 3 rooms + the hacklabs
>> during Debconf?
>> If you meant the latter, this means we would not h