
It seemed during the (status/)decision meeting that the accommodation portrait 
for Montreal was not clear. First of all, McGill is our main option.
Other options are not as well documented and should be regarded as backups.

Secondly, there is enough space to host up to 1422 people in the 3 buildings 
that state reasonable prices (Royal Victoria College, New Residence Hall
and Bishop Mountain hall) at McGill. These 3 buildings are on the main McGill 
campus. This means they are at maximum of 5 minutes walk from the
conference venue. We would try to full the Royal Victoria College first since 
it is the cheapest.

We should get pictures of the rooms, bathrooms, halls and building fronts of 
all 3 residences in the next few days.

Is there something we missed? If so, please ask us for more details.

Louis-Philippe Véronneau
a.k.a pollo

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