Hi Andrew.
Excerpts from Andrew McMillan's message of Dom Jan 02 20:20:59 -0200 2011:
> On Sun, 2011-01-02 at 10:44 -0200, Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva wrote:
> >
> > > Could you clarify the food costs -- is it $17 for each meal or for
> > > both, and what is included in the $16600?
> >
> > It's
On Sun, 2011-01-02 at 10:44 -0200, Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva wrote:
> > Could you clarify the food costs -- is it $17 for each meal or for
> > both, and what is included in the $16600?
> It's $17 for each meal, so:
> 17 * 2 * 100 + 17 * 2 * 300 + 5 * 2 * 300 = 16600
Hi Marco,
That's fo
Hi Moray.
Excerpts from Moray Allan's message of Sex Dez 31 14:22:06 -0200 2010:
> > The wiki can be reached at:
> > http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf12/Bids/Brazil/BeloHorizonte
> Are the cost estimates Brazilian real or US dollar prices?
Unfortunately, they are US dollar prices.