Hi Moray.

Excerpts from Moray Allan's message of Sex Dez 31 14:22:06 -0200 2010:
> > The wiki can be reached at:
> > http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf12/Bids/Brazil/BeloHorizonte
> Are the cost estimates Brazilian real or US dollar prices?

Unfortunately, they are US dollar prices.

> e.g. for the $80 per-person-per-night accommodation cost, though this sounds
> quite high either way: I've put up some price comparisons across recent
> DebConfs at http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/PriceComparison

We were aware that the prices were high, but this comparison made us realize
how much higher than expected they are.  Notice that this is the initial price
in a per-day basis.  This is the price used for someone doing a one-day
conference or staying one night at the hotel.  As DebConf (+ DebCamp) lasts two
weeks, we are expecting to get a good discount on these prices for the whole
event.  We're already working to get the "final" prices, and there's another
cheaper option that we are still considering.

We will inform you as soon as we have news on the prices.

> Could you clarify the food costs -- is it $17 for each meal or for
> both, and what is included in the $16600?

It's $17 for each meal, so:

17 * 2 * 100 + 17 * 2 * 300 + 5 * 2 * 300 = 16600


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