On 19/09/2023 18:48, Raghavendra Bhat wrote:
Debian GNU/Linux has become so very popular now, only for its
network-enabled access tools
and for its freedom loving community of developers, maybe mainly for
#debian for helping out
the user community still. Most of the debs are still sma
Great, may I ask you when you were born and when you started to work
with/deploy Linux?
On 19/09/2023 18:35, Raghavendra Bhat wrote:
Yes, Till Kampeter, you really are ancient, more still so serving a real
good job with the XPP
printer panel. I had deployed this with Slackware in an o
Debian GNU/Linux has become so very popular now, only for its
network-enabled access tools
and for its freedom loving community of developers, maybe mainly for
#debian for helping out
the user community still. Most of the debs are still small, packing a
The XPP tool got to be
Yes, Till Kampeter, you really are ancient, more still so serving a real
good job with the XPP
printer panel. I had deployed this with Slackware in an oceanography lab
here in Kochi, maybe was
it Bo Peep or was it Hamm or it could have still have been Slackware GNU.
Debian GNU was not
known, even
Hi, there were so many people, and especially also many Germans, so I
was confusing them.
Thanks. So you have deployed XPP as print dialog in your network?
Could you give me a short write-up about what you exactly did with XPP,
what was that environment, and why you exactly used XPP and not
During lunch one day at Debconf, I queried as to the status of XPP. I am
no German language speaker!!
de Ragu VU2RGU
On Tue, Sep 19, 2023, 4:20 PM Till Kamppeter
> Hi,
> I had some chat with some German-speaking person at lunch or dinner in
> the hotel, he is deploying printing somew
I had some chat with some German-speaking person at lunch or dinner in
the hotel, he is deploying printing somewhere, using XPP
(https://cups.sourceforge.net/xpp/) as GUI. This was the very first
CUPS-supporting free-software print dialog, made by me, and having
kicked off my career. Un