
Debian GNU/Linux has become so very popular now, only for its
network-enabled access tools
and for its freedom loving community of developers, maybe mainly for
#debian for helping out
the user community still.  Most of the debs are still small, packing a

The XPP tool got to be popular and liked for its nifty size.  It still

On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 5:26 PM Till Kamppeter <till.kamppe...@gmail.com>

> Hi, there were so many people, and especially also many Germans, so I
> was confusing them.
> Thanks. So you have deployed XPP as print dialog in your network?
> Could you give me a short write-up about what you exactly did with XPP,
> what was that environment, and why you exactly used XPP and not
> something else.
> I would like to put this into my September News post on OpenPrinting.
>     Till
> On 19/09/2023 16:25, Raghavendra Bhat wrote:
> > During lunch one day at Debconf, I queried as to the status of XPP.  I
> > am no German language speaker!!
> >
> > de Ragu VU2RGU

Raghavendra Bhat
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