> with a list of signs, noting the text needed as well as any arrows if
> appropriate. If the signs are too many, we can split the work.
JFTR: I'm that person.
Regards, Axel
Axel Beckert - a...@deuxchevaux.org, a...@noone.
Cool, thx!
Regards, Your recent table tennis opponent. ;-)
Axel Beckert - a...@deuxchevaux.org, a...@noone.org - http://noone.org/abe/
Debconf-discuss mailing list
on my badge, payed for my food, but was
told I need no tickets though. So do I still get my lunch and dinner
with no burger on the badge and no tickets for food?
Regards, Axel
Axel Beckert - a...@deuxchevaux.org, a...@noone.org - http://noone.org/abe/
et merchandise.
Sounds like good idea despite not being in NYC.
Just my $0.02.
P.S.: I'm more or less not subscribed to debconf-discuss during a
DebConf I don't attend.
Regards, Axel
,''`. | Axel Beckert , http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' : | D
so far.
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxche
few days.
> >>
> >> Regarding camping places, i will have to check with someone from Banja
> >> Luka and will give you an answer soon!
Any news here?
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say
On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 01:34:31AM +0100, Wookey wrote:
> +++ Axel Beckert [2011-04-29 01:41 +0200]:
> > For now we seem to be two camper vans (Wookey and me).
> Just to clarify. My camper-plan has had to be abandoned [...]
Anyway, my camper-plan has solidified :
ct, but the second line is the wrong way round,
it should be:
[1 € = 1.955 KM and 1 $ ~ 1.4 KM]
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
the same spot.
Sounds great for me. I plan to have my folding bike with me like at
DebConf in Caceres, so I'd be one of those who would go bicycling. :-)
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML
merch for sure and possibly Debian UK will bring some, too, because no
one could give us a postal address where to send the merch to in
I don't think we need a wiki page for one to two groups which will
bring merchandising stuff which very likely will be sold together
aestro card at another
ATM of the same bank (but in Bihac though).
Even the longer than four digits PIN code worked fine despite I had
problems with that in Sweden four years ago.
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No t
pretty hot here and if you wear
> closed
> shoes your feet will become smelly and debconf will stink ;)
I sweat also in my sandals. My feet sweat and stink less if I take
them off (which I also do in the hacklab).
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign
Kind regards, Axel (who is allergic to dress codes)
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber
my home bank also told me that even all ATMs which support
Mastercard also should support Maestro (and showed me basically the
same website, just not the US version).
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML
nference. So please use the lower hacklab if possible.
To clarify this confusing thread: Otavio arrived and he can't get to
the upper hacklab, so it's fairer towards him if you use the lower
hacklab instead of the upper one.
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbo
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 11:22:47AM -0300, Tássia Camões wrote:
> Le 21 juillet 2011 10:31, Axel Beckert a écrit :
> > To clarify this confusing thread: Otavio arrived and he can't get to
> > the upper hacklab, so it's fairer towards him if you use the lower
> > h
just waved that I should go on.
At the Italian-Slovenian border (i.e. a Schengenland border) there was
not even someone looking or asking for anything.
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News
paign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
/ \ I love long mails: http://email.is-not-s.ms/ | http://noone.org/abe/
x27;d like to try this, but don't have my bycicle with me :)
> Is there a bycicle rental shop around?
I'll ask some of the locals and if they don't know anything, I have a
reason for going for some exploration tour on the bike. ;-)
Regards, Axel
/~\ Pla
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 10:41:59PM +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:
> I'll ask some of the locals and if they don't know anything, I have
> a reason for going for some exploration tour on the bike. ;-)
One of the security guys downstairs told me that the Banja Luka
Tourist office
Hi together,
On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 01:29:58AM +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:
> > I'll ask some of the locals and if they don't know anything, I have
> > a reason for going for some exploration tour on the bike. ;-)
> One of the security guys downstairs told me t
Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
/ \ I love long mails: http://email.is-not-s.ms/ | http://noone.org/abe
firmed from the Talks Team, but I still
can't see it in Pentabarf, so I pinged them again.
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://
any more detailed plans yet.
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
for both more quickly
as I just came back to the venue now and later will be involved in the
Cheese and Wine party setup.
> Anyway, I've submitted the request by now
Thanks a lot!
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ /
to see some chance to get more bicycles. He will know more tomorrow
morning or so, and promised to write me an e-mail tomorrow
independently if he found other bikes or not.
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HT
on, or we will have lesser available slots :)
Feel free to request any of those slots and add me as second speaker
or so. Otherwise I'd do that somewhen later this afternoon.
Regards, Axel
,''`. | Axel Beckert , http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
/ \ I love lon
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
/ \ I love long mails: http://emai
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:03:21PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 11:22:38AM +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:
> > > If the whole trip should make any sense we should send a "delegation" (=
> > > people who might skip the last talk) to be there
will probably start between 18:00 and 19:00 and return between
20:00 and 21:00. (Details to be announced.)
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 11:22:38AM +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:
> > If the whole trip should make any sense we should send a "delegation" (=
> > people who might skip the last
a and the venue.
We though have to get back to the bicycle shop, so we not necessarily
have to pass the venue, but can also use some of the parallel streets.
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No
ds, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
/ \ I love long mails: http://email.is-not-s.ms/ | http://noone.org/a
would have
done that. Yelling was IMHO not necessary.
Hope you arrived fine anyway. :-)
Kind regards, Axel (who was still working back then and
doesn't feel guilty, except for waking up Thomas earlier by
knocking on his room door. :-)
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campa
nd regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
/ \ I love long mails: ht
e order to happen.
JFTR: It has now reached over 35 knives and so both orders will
happen. Yay!
Regards, Axel
,''`. | Axel Beckert , http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' : | Debian Developer, ftp.ch.debian.org Admin
`. `' | 1024D: F067
> during past DebConfs.
So where shall we send such quotes?
Regards, Axel
,''`. | Axel Beckert , http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' : | Debian Developer, ftp.ch.debian.org Admin
`. `' | 1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486 202E C09E 1D89 9593 0E
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
/ \ I love long mails: http://email.is-not-s.ms/ |
sing {map,tel}.search.ch)
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
/ \ I love long mails: http://email.is-not-s.ms/ | ht
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
/ \ I love long mails: http:
; b) bringing hardware capable of serious compiling, and
> c) could set me up with a schroot or two ?
Especially if it's just during DebCamp, I think we can give you a VM
on one of the two servers (the video-team one).
h01ger: Objections?
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain
nd CHF 4 to 5.
Ben Hutchings wrote:
> There is a plan to buy a large number of Swiss plugs (not adapters)
> which can then be wired onto power strips.
They arrived this morning at Le Camp. Frontdesk knows more.
Regards, Axel
,''`. | Axel Beck
s, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
/ \ I love long mails: http://email.is-not-s.ms/ |
f we can fix that with another
access point.
> Could you forward this info to those who take care of network
> issues?
Found the mail ourselves. :-)
Regards, Axel
,''`. | Axel Beckert , http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' : | Debian Developer, ftp.ch.d
of it. (And I guess
it's explained quite quickly, so I may not know everything.)
Regards, Axel
,''`. | Axel Beckert , http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' : | Debian Developer, ftp.ch.debian.org Admin
`. `' | 1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486 202E
s an option
to git-import-orig and it will make that commit an additional merge
parent, but without actually using code from that commit/branch --
just as a pointer. (So either I didn't get it right or it's really
that unintuitive.)
Kind regards, Axel
hed yet)
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.asciiribbon.org/ | a...@noone.org (Mail+Jabber)
/ \ I love long ma
the dining room and fetched it.
So the AP was already missing at that time. Others have reported that
the AP may have missed already at 10am.
Anyone knows where the missing AP has been put to during teardown?
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign
rival times, though. What's your plan, Andreas?
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.nonhtmlmail.org/campaign.html | a..
ore like (our) wasps. No idea why else
Steve thought that those are bees.
Kind regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http://www.nonhtmlmail.org/camp
7;m driving to FrOSCon tomorrow, but neither Richi nor me found a tree
branch in A001. :-(
Regards, Axel
/~\ Plain Text Ribbon Campaign | Axel Beckert, PGP: 612616B5
\ / Say No to HTML in E-Mail and News| a...@deuxchevaux.org (Mail)
X See http
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