
some more news from the bicycling front...

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 01:07:18PM +0200, micah anderson wrote:
> There are at least two of us who signed up on the wiki after the 15, and
> this email from Martín seems to indicate that there are three more who
> would like to join, is it too late for those of us who did not see this
> in time?

Maybe. Annette and me were at the bike shop this aftern and we
reserved the bikes for Friday evening 20:00 at the bike shop.

We also asked them for other bike shops who possibly offer bikes for
rental and they showed us the bike shop just a few meters farther, but
they only sell bikes.

We then went to the tourist office again to ask them again if they
know another bike rental, but they told us the bike shop does the
rental thing just on behalf of the tourist info.

But the guy in the tourist info phoned around a little bit and seems
to see some chance to get more bicycles. He will know more tomorrow
morning or so, and promised to write me an e-mail tomorrow
independently if he found other bikes or not.

                Kind regards, Axel
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