tomorrow at eleven in the morning we will meet in the hacklab to have the
DebConf12 video team meeting.
This will be the last invitation send to all three lists, in future I'll only
use debconf-vi...@l.dc.o - so please subscribe to it, if you havent done so
alreaday. Goto http://lists.de
When entering Nicaragua, you HAVE TO SPECIFY where you plan to
stay. There is a field to specify the address on you immigration card
(the one that's given to you in the plane). Do NOT say you will be
staying at UCA (as UCA is a university, and it has no lodging - it can
lead to strange questioning)
And for your convenience, we prepared a PDF you can just print and you'd
have all the information together to arrive in Managua:
The airport shuttles will be waiting for you with a "Hotel Seminole" sign.
On Sun, 01 Jul 2012 20:02:45 -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> As FĂ©lix said, the immigration staff are friendly. The immigration
> interview takes a couple of minutes and they take all the data from
> your ID - But the process is quite swift. Just be sure you give the
> requeste information.