
tomorrow at eleven in the morning we will meet in the hacklab to have the 
DebConf12 video team meeting.
This will be the last invitation send to all three lists, in future I'll only 
use debconf-vi...@l.dc.o - so please subscribe to it, if you havent done so 
alreaday. Goto http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf-video

Don't worry if you cannot attend yet, there will be more meetings and also 
volunteer training sessions. The first one probably on Thursday...

If you have never been involved in a DebConf videoteam, let me briefly explain 
what we do: live streaming of the two talkrooms (of scheduled events), plus 
providing recordings of this (at+during the conferance!).

Our work can be divided into three areas:

- setup of everything (cables, cameras, computers, etc + test the software)
  - tomorrow we will start preparing computers in the hacklab, from Wednesday
    Thursday on we can access the auditoriums during the day to actually set
    up things there.
  - it's definitly possible to help here, but you will need to show some 
    initiative to find areas where you can help.... attend the meetings and 
    just ask!

- life-recording crew: during the talks, maintain the equiqment, run the show.
  (=operate the cameras, the audio mixer, the video mixer)
  - for this, we will use penta to organize the shifts (so you can indicate in
    advance when you will be on duty) and we will need room coordinators (for
    half a day each for each room) making sure volunteers show up and if not,
    find someone else.
  - the training session will cover this, but it's also possible to learn by
    watching.. :)

- reviewing videos: recorded videos need reviewing before and after endcoding,
  to cut away the beginning + end (if needed), possible join videos, etc.
  All you need to do to review is watch a video and enter your findings in a
  penta web gui - which then schedules appropriate encoding and uploading
  jobs, so that the videos can go into the archive for download instantly.
  - We have documentation for this (linked from the url at the  bottom of that
    mail) and the training session will also cover this.
  - We will have two review stations in the hacklab, in case you cannot bring   
    your own computer to do this.

So, during the conf we will operate in two crews: life-recording (with two 
indipendent groups) and reviewing. 
Until Thursday we will definitly "only" do setup, which doesnt need that many 

Finally, but really important: If you haven't done so already, please add 
yourself to http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf12/Videoteam/Help - this is 
good for me to see how many volunteers we can expect and good for you as you 
can expect an extra videoteam tshirt for being on 3 life-crews or reviewing 7 
events. Or such ;-) (We also appreciate and include other contributors, like 
the networking crew!)

So, many many thanks for your help already! Having the video work distributed 
on so many shoulders ensures that everybody still can enjoy the conference 
while enabling others who couldnt travel here, to do the same. Thats totally 
awesome and certainly deserves more thanks than just a stupid^wwonderful 

/me bows. (Which is also certainly not enough... :)

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