[Debconf-discuss] Posters from german "Linuxtag"

2008-08-15 Thread Torsten Werner
Hi, I put some of our posters from the german event "Linuxtag" on a table in the hacklab in the 1st floor. Just take one if you like it. The poster symbolizes the patron that is translated into german as "Schirmherr" which means the "guy with the umbrella". :) Cheers, Torsten -- http://twerne

[Debconf-discuss] State of the Assassins game

2008-08-15 Thread Joerg Jaspert
Hi we are nearly at the end of the assassins game (time-wise). It will end tomorrow, Saturday, at 18:00 local time. We will announce the winner one hour later. We still have people playing, so in case you are still alive - do your best, you might be on the right way to win this game! BTW: In ca

Re: [Debconf-discuss] (Off-topic) Interesting national ID documents during DC8 KSP

2008-08-15 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 01:21 -0300, José Miguel Parrella Romero wrote: > Greetings, Hey! I think this message is a very good way of improving the quality of our KSP, so thanks for posting! =) Let me post my experience/knowledge about brazilian stuff: > Some brazilians used a form of national ID

[Debconf-discuss] Retractable ETHERNET cable missing from first floor hacklab

2008-08-15 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Hello, Phil Hands borrowed a retractable RJ-45 ETHERNET cable from me and attached it to a small computer in the first floor hacklab. Today that cable is missing and I need it to do some testing (and so my collection of retractable cables is complete). Please return it to maddog in the first flo

[Debconf-discuss] Reminder: Debian & LiMux BoF, today 19:00]

2008-08-15 Thread Florian Maier
Hi all! If you intend to take part at the Debian & LiMux BoF [1], please take some time beforehand to cook up ideas/rants/flames/suggestions/etc. to throw at me during the BoF. I will do a mini-introduction of City of Munich's LiMux project and talk about some things we've done so far in the Open

[Debconf-discuss] going to Manuel Tienda Leon at 18:15

2008-08-15 Thread Lucas Nussbaum
Hi, Tincho very kindly offered to accompaign those of us who need to go buy tickets/pay to confirm their reservation, and need the help of a spanish speaker. We will meet in the lobby at 18:15, and will probably share a taxi. Lucas ___ Debconf-discuss

[Debconf-discuss] Mugshots !!

2008-08-15 Thread Gabriel Falcão
Hey everyone! For those who are not following the debconf's IRC channel, i am taking mugshots from now to 19:30, So if you can, please, come to me in the 7th floor (quiet hacklab) -- :wq Atenciosamente, Gabriel Falcão ___ Jabber: xmpp:

[Debconf-discuss] LOLdebconf

2008-08-15 Thread Amaya
I have been a little overwhelmed with loldebian requests lately. I also believe people should be allowed to be creative in their own terms, not on what a (currently) reduced group of people believe to be LOLable. So please register an account on wordpress.com and I will add you to the editorial gr

[Debconf-discuss] Last(?) Debconf morning run tomorrow Saturday

2008-08-15 Thread Christian Perrier
The last running session of the Debconf Running Team will happen tomorrow Saturday at 08:00. As usual, meeting in the lobby. Don't be shy for this very last occasion, we are not competing in the Olympics and everybody able to run *and* wake up early (the most challenging, maybe) is welcome in the t

[Debconf-discuss] netconf talk post-mortem

2008-08-15 Thread martin f krafft
Hi, thanks for the interest and constructive comments I got during and after the talk. I'd love to hear more from you all. To make it a bit easier for you, I will be in the Microcine tomorrow from 16 to 17 o'clock, showing the code and answering questions. Also, this is the link to the Google test

Re: [Debconf-discuss] OpenPGP cards available as well as a CHIPDRIVE SIM Card Stick

2008-08-15 Thread Luca Capello
Hi all! Maybe a bit off-topic, but since I don't want to repeat and repeat and repeat... On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 23:12:57 +0200, Luca Capello wrote: > I brought something like 7/8 OpenPGP cards [1] together with a > CHIPDRIVE SIM Card Stick [2] (which is a resold version of the SCM > SCR3320 [3]). [.

Re: [Debconf-discuss] OpenPGP cards available as well as a CHIPDRIVE SIM Card Stick

2008-08-15 Thread Franklin PIAT
On Sat, 2008-08-16 at 04:01 +0200, Luca Capello wrote: > On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 23:12:57 +0200, Luca Capello wrote: > > I brought something like 7/8 OpenPGP cards [1] together with a > > CHIPDRIVE SIM Card Stick [2] (which is a resold version of the SCM > > SCR3320 [3]). > > Since it seems that quite