On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 01:21 -0300, José Miguel Parrella Romero wrote:
> Greetings,


I think this message is a very good way of improving the quality of our
KSP, so thanks for posting! =)

Let me post my experience/knowledge about brazilian stuff:

> Some brazilians used a form of national ID card which didn't have an
> expiration date [2] -- this is unusual since you're usually expected to
> come back in five years or so for that kind of documents. The photo in

That is a green card, our "id card". It does not have an expiration
date, indeed, and I don't think it is ever considered to be invalid in
Brazil, though the Argentinian government seems to have defined that it
wouldn't accept those if they are older than 10 years old. I know most
of us brazilians used our ids to come over to Argentina. I could not
because mine is older than 10 years, and that's why I had to use my
passport to come.

> the brazilian passport has a (prominently located) date, which usually
> isn't the same as the passport's expedition date. I was told that you
> have to take the picture before and bring it with you when you're
> getting your passport.

That's right. My original passport was green and did have that date in a
big photo; we did have to take the picture with that specific size and
with a date tag before going to the federal police to get the passport.
I had to go back and take another photo the first time I made a passport
because the photo I took had a reflection in it =/.

Since around 2007 a new passport model is being issued in capitals
(smaller cities are still issuing the old one) which are theoretically
more adequate to the international standards, and harder to falsify. The
photo is smaller, similar to some other country's passports, and is
taken with a digital camera when you go to the federal police post to
get the passport. This PDF has examples of some of the imagery used in
the new model:


My passport is the new one, because my old one expired just before the
trip to Edimburgh last year, and I had to get a new one, but I think
most of the brazilians are still using the old one.

> Thanks for Don and Anibal for taking care of the KSP, and everyone who
> participated this year!

Thanks indeed!

See you,

Gustavo Noronha Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian Project

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