[deal.II] Face and line orientation dependent dof permutations in FE_Q

2021-01-13 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear Deal.II community, I am currently fixing an orientation issue for some (non-primitive) vector elements with the help of two other Deal.II developers/maintainers. I have a quick question: On complicated meshes some faces can have a non-standard orientation or they can be rotated against the

Re: [deal.II] Face and line orientation dependent dof permutations in FE_Q

2021-01-30 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear Wolfgang, > Fundamentally, the place to look is to search through the finite element > classes where they ask for face and line orientations. It is possible that > you > don't actually have to do much there: Finite element classes generally > work in > the local (cell) coordinate syst

[deal.II] Re: Need help installing deal.ii with p4est and Trilinos

2021-02-19 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear Budhyant,, Hard, to say what should be the paths on your system. Dealing with all these large dependencies can be quite cumbersome. I would say the way you install Deal.II depends on what you want to do with it. Let me tell you how I would approach this. 1. If you just want to develop a

[deal.II] Re: Problem with Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS...?

2021-03-06 Thread simon...@gmail.com
d see DEAL_II_WITH_THREADS set up with external dependencies in the file detailed.log in the build directory. Then try to compile again. Best Simon On Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 12:19:22 PM UTC+1 hank...@gmail.com wrote: > Dear all, > > First of all, I'm really sorry if the similar erro

Re: [deal.II] Re: Problem with Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS...?

2021-03-07 Thread simon...@gmail.com
Hi, You don't need to change compiler. You just need to enable Umfpack when you install dealii. In your dealii build directory call: cmake -DDEAL_II_WITH_UMFPACK = ON .. make make install Best, Simon On Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 11:14:09 AM UTC+1 hank...@gmail.com wrote: > Dear Drs. S

Re: [deal.II] Re: Problem with Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS...?

2021-03-07 Thread simon...@gmail.com
APACK). Best, Simon On Monday, March 8, 2021 at 2:15:57 AM UTC+1 hank...@gmail.com wrote: > Dear Simon, > > Thank you for your help again. > > I tried your suggestion, but the following error message appears... > > -- This is CMake 3.10.2 > -- > -- Include > /home/

Re: [deal.II] Installing 9.2.0 with HDF5

2021-03-22 Thread simon...@gmail.com
Hi, Can you try this: cmake -DDEAL_II_WITH_HDF5=ON -DHDF5_DIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial .. Because, as far as I can tell, the "hint" that is currently in configure_hdf5.cmake isn't good enough. Best, Simon On Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 6:50:56 PM UTC+1 Curro Trigo

Re: [deal.II] point_value for a vector-valued Problem / FESystem

2023-07-20 Thread Simon Sticko
, point, value); Best, Simon On 20/07/2023 12:54, 'Jost Arndt' via deal.II User Group wrote: Dear everyone, I have trouble understanding in how to evaluate a solution at a given point correctly. Described in Step-3 for example the function point_value

Re: [deal.II] Query regarding solution of linear system in deal.ii using linear solver

2023-07-29 Thread Simon Sticko
Hi. From your attached files it looks like you have saved the matrix and rhs with quite few digits. Do you get the same result if you increase the number of digits you write to your std::ofstream object? Compare: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/manip/setprecision Best, Simon On 29/07

Re: [deal.II] try catch of "ExcDereferenceInvalidCell"

2023-07-30 Thread Simon Wiesheier
instead. In my case, aborting the program is absolutely not necessary as I would have a workaround. But, if I understand you, there is no way for me to catch the exception from my question, right? Best Simon Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb am So., 30. Juli 2023, 18:33: > > Simon, > > &

Re: [deal.II] try catch of "ExcDereferenceInvalidCell"

2023-08-02 Thread Simon Wiesheier
e catch block. Does that make sense? Or do you see a better solution, like checking cell->status() right after GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point? Best, Simon Am Mi., 2. Aug. 2023 um 18:51 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth < bange...@colostate.edu>: > On 7/30/23 11:20, Simon Wi

Re: [deal.II] try catch of "ExcDereferenceInvalidCell"

2023-08-03 Thread Simon Wiesheier
ii::ExceptionBase exception &). Given that, in my opinion "disable_abort_on_exception()" should cause any undue behavior. Best, Simon Am Do., 3. Aug. 2023 um 14:21 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth < bange...@colostate.edu>: > On 8/2/23 15:58, Simon Wiesheier wrote: > > > &

Re: [deal.II] try catch of "ExcDereferenceInvalidCell"

2023-08-03 Thread Simon Wiesheier
t arbitrary points. What other "nonmatching" facilities do you think may be helpful? As said, I have to evaluate the interpoland (first and second derivatives) at arbitrary points in real space -- as often as there are quadrature points on my geometry in each assembly. Best, Simon A

Re: [deal.II] How to compute derivatives of the composite function with the reference cell mapping

2023-08-04 Thread Simon Sticko
actually be faster to generate the quadrature in real space and then transform the quadrature to reference space before passing it to FEValues. If you want to do this the functions cell->bounding_box() and BoundingBox::real_to_unit(..) are useful. Best, Simon On 03/08/2023 23:11, Anton wr

Re: [deal.II] How to compute derivatives of the composite function with the reference cell mapping

2023-08-04 Thread Simon Sticko
iosity (and if it is not a research secret), what is your use case? Why do you need to generate many quadratures for the same cell? Best, Simon On 04/08/2023 12:39, Anton Evgrafov wrote: Dear Simon, Thank you very much for your reply. The wrapper code looks embarrassingly simple! If you ar

[deal.II] A question on licenses

2023-09-13 Thread Simon Sticko
Hi. The function GridIn::read_msh uses the Gmsh-api internally to read a mesh from file. However, Gmsh is distributed under GPL and not LGPL. Does this mean that one can not use this function if one wants to use deal.II under LGPL? Best, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at http

Re: [deal.II] "is protected within this context" error for BlockSparseMatrix iterators

2023-10-31 Thread Simon Wiesheier
Thank you for the fix! I have to stick to deal.ii 9.4.0 for a while which I installed via spack. Is there anything I can add to my user code or do I have to recompile the library with your changes? Best Simon Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb am Di., 31. Okt. 2023, 20:17: > > &g

Re: [deal.II] extract_surface_mesh() does not extract refined cells

2023-12-05 Thread Simon Wiesheier
Dear Luca, the program I provided writes the volume mesh as well as the surface mesh to vtk files. If you compare these files, for instance in paraview, you will see that the locally refined cells are not extracted. Best, Simon Am Di., 5. Dez. 2023 um 21:14 Uhr schrieb Luca Heltai : > D

Re: [deal.II] extract_surface_mesh() does not extract refined cells

2023-12-05 Thread Simon Wiesheier
ridGenerator::flatten_triangulation<2, 3, 2>(...) does not work in the presence of hanging nodes. Any workarounds for this issue? Best, Simon Am Di., 5. Dez. 2023 um 21:48 Uhr schrieb Luca Heltai : > By the way: > > Sorry if my reply was not too precise at the beginning, and if it soun

Re: [deal.II] access all elements of a row of a trilinos sparse matrix

2023-12-29 Thread Simon Wiesheier
, I decided to loop manually over the rows I am interested in. In a serial program, that worked smoothly. But if I get the gist of your message, vmult and extracting the relevant elements is the only way to do this in parallel, right? Thank you, Simon Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb am Fr., 29. Dez. 2023

[deal.II] Re: Sparsity pattern error in the context of diffuse domain with hp-capability and CIP

2024-05-03 Thread simon...@gmail.com
s not been prioritized. Best, Simon On Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 12:40:00 AM UTC+2 matthias...@epfl.ch wrote: > Dear all, > > *Background :* I am currently trying to implement a diffuse domain > formulation to solve the poisson equation whilst penalizing the jumps in > gradient

Re: [deal.II] Sparsity pattern error in the context of diffuse domain with hp-capability and CIP

2024-05-04 Thread Simon Sticko
been prioritized. Best, Simon On 01/05/2024 23:39, 'Matthias Nicola Henssler' via deal.II User Group wrote: Dear all, *Background :* I am currently trying to implement a diffuse domain formulation to solve the poisson equation whilst penalizing the jumps in gradient in very similar w

Re: [deal.II] Sparsity pattern error in the context of diffuse domain with hp-capability and CIP

2024-05-04 Thread Simon Sticko
been prioritized. Best, Simon On 01/05/2024 23:39, 'Matthias Nicola Henssler' via deal.II User Group wrote: Dear all, *Background :* I am currently trying to implement a diffuse domain formulation to solve the poisson equation whilst penalizing the jumps in gradient in very similar w

[deal.II] Re: More CutFEM examples

2024-07-14 Thread simon...@gmail.com
PDE is more accurate. The price is that the implementation is much more complicated. Best, Simon On Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 4:00:04 AM UTC+2 sk.bi...@gmail.com wrote: > Hi, > > Step-85 shows example of CutFEM for Poisson's equation. Is there a similar > tutorial for solving linear

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