Re: [deal.II] fourth-order referential deviatoric tensor Dev_P: why is 'S' used in the definition?

2022-08-08 Thread Simon Wiesheier
fferent results if the fourth order symmetric unit tensor 'S' is used to define 'P' . The same holds also for doing the double contractions with P_T. Correct? Best Simon Am Mo., 8. Aug. 2022 um 12:54 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth <>: > On 8/7/2

Re: [deal.II] FEInterfaceValues and hp::FECollection

2022-08-09 Thread Simon Sticko
local matrix to the global matrix. Best, Simon On 09/08/2022 00:58, Marco Feder wrote: Dear all, I'm using an hp::FECollection object to describe different FE spaces in my grid. In particular, I'm in the following scenario: x- - - - - -x |             | |     0      | |     

Re: [deal.II] Re: interface between dealii and matlab for data transfer (using mex files?)

2022-08-15 Thread Simon Wiesheier
Simon Bruno Turcksin schrieb am Mo., 15. Aug. 2022, 14:24: > Simon, > > You could just write/read files to transfer the data and you can launch > your deal.II code from Matlab using > This way Matlab > does not need to know anyt

Re: [deal.II] Re: interface between dealii and matlab for data transfer (using mex files?)

2022-08-15 Thread Simon Sticko
Hi, I have done the mex-coupling with dealii before. As Bruno said, it is easiest to mex with cmake. Example in attached zip. Hope it helps. Best, Simon Sticko On 15/08/2022 15:05, Bruno Turcksin wrote: Simon Le lun. 15 août 2022 à 08:52, Simon Wiesheier

Re: [deal.II] interface between dealii and matlab for data transfer (using mex files?)

2022-08-18 Thread Simon Wiesheier
Hi Andreas, Hi Simon, your approaches work for me. Thank you for pointing out! Best regards Simon Am Di., 16. Aug. 2022 um 11:10 Uhr schrieb 'Andreas Hegendörfer' via deal.II User Group : > Hi Simon, > maybe you can solve your problem with Matlab's C++ interface ( >

Re: [deal.II] get the partition of the system matrix A associated with the unconstrained dofs

2022-08-19 Thread Simon Wiesheier
e unconstrained entries of the rhs, right? But I will also have to deal with inhomogeneous constraints, in which case it makes a difference. That said, is there a way to leave the components of the rhs corresponding to unconstrained DoFs unchanged? Best Simon Am Fr., 19. Aug. 2022 um 01:41 Uhr s

Re: [deal.II] get the partition of the system matrix A associated with the unconstrained dofs

2022-08-19 Thread Simon Wiesheier
tem_matrix , thence calling the invert function. But I am not sure if this is the right way to go. -Also, after calling constraints.distribute_local_to_global(), does it make sense at all to compute an inverse matrix, given that some rows and columns were set to zero? Thank you again! Best Simon

Re: [deal.II] get the partition of the system matrix A associated with the unconstrained dofs

2022-08-22 Thread Simon Wiesheier
tangent_matrix" How can I fix this? Best Simon Am Mo., 22. Aug. 2022 um 08:45 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth <>: > On 8/19/22 13:14, Simon Wiesheier wrote: > > > > I also need the system matrix A for a second purpose, namely > > to compute

Re: [deal.II] visualizing a finite element field: different piecewise constant values within cells

2022-08-26 Thread Simon Wiesheier
class, which says: 'This class currently only supports witing the particle position and their ID and does not allow to write the properties attached to the particles'. Given that, I can not write the properties (thus the qp values) to file, can I? Best Simon Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb

Re: [deal.II] visualizing a finite element field: different piecewise constant values within cells

2022-08-28 Thread Simon Wiesheier
ve to pass const std::vector< std::vector< BoundingBox <>< spacedim > > > & , is it? Best Simon Am Fr., 26. Aug. 2022 um 14:39 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth <>: > On 8/2

Re: [deal.II] automatic differentiation of pde solution wrt design variables in dealii

2022-09-01 Thread Simon Wiesheier
for instance, is not templatized anyway to work with AD). Best Simon Am Do., 1. Sept. 2022 um 06:36 Uhr schrieb Praveen C : > It depends on what kind of problem you have, linear or nonlinear, > steady-state or transient. > > For example, in case of a linear BVP you may have > &

Re: [deal.II] large condition number after solving linear systems

2022-10-13 Thread Simon Wiesheier
. Do you have a recommendation how to scale the parameters? Best Simon Am Do., 13. Okt. 2022 um 18:38 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth <>: > Hi Simon, > > > To this end, I am solving n linear systems, where n is the number of > > parameters: >

Re: [deal.II] large condition number after solving linear systems

2022-10-14 Thread Simon Wiesheier
hree old parameters {0, 20,000, 300,000} and your proposed method produces the new set of parameters {5,000, 40,000, 90,000}, it may happen that my pde solver does not converge anymore. Also, the old ranking (0 < 20,000 < 300,000) has to be retained during scaling. Best Simon Am Do., 13. Okt

Re: [deal.II] large condition number after solving linear systems

2022-10-15 Thread Simon Wiesheier
ion algorithm, right? Best Simon Am Fr., 14. Okt. 2022 um 22:27 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth <>: > > Simon: > > > If J has full rank, this means that none of the 8 columns is linearly > > dependent > > on another column or, equivalent

Re: [deal.II] large condition number after solving linear systems

2022-10-16 Thread Simon Wiesheier
One last thing: " Or you live with the ill-conditionedness. " I plan to work with the correlation matrix (related to the inverse of J^t J). If J has condition number about 1e13, do you think I can work on J^t J without getting into numerical problems? Best Simon Am Mo., 17. Okt. 202

Re: [deal.II] large condition number after solving linear systems

2022-10-17 Thread Simon Wiesheier
ch. If you want to solve a linear system with it, that might be a different story. " I do not plan to do anything else than computing (J^t J)^-1 and some matrix multiplications with it. Based on what you said, this should not cause any undue problems, right? Best Simon Am Mo., 17. Okt. 20

Re: [deal.II] Re: measuring cpu and wall time for assembly routine

2022-10-19 Thread Simon Wiesheier
60/2.5e6 seconds about 64 microsecends. Best, Simon Am Mi., 19. Okt. 2022 um 15:08 Uhr schrieb Bruno Turcksin <>: > Simon, > > The best way to profile a code is to use a profiler. It can give a lot > more information than what simple timers can do. You say that you

Re: [deal.II] Re: measuring cpu and wall time for assembly routine

2022-10-19 Thread Simon Wiesheier
rent for all (2.5 million) quadrature points, which is why I create the FEValues object so many times. Do you a different suggestion to solve my problem, ie to evaluate the finite element field and its derivatives at 'p'? Best, Simon Am Mi., 19. Okt. 2022 um 16:17 Uhr schrieb Bruno Turcksi

Re: [deal.II] Re: measuring cpu and wall time for assembly routine

2022-10-20 Thread Simon Wiesheier
This huge gap between cpu and wall time has to be related to what I do with FEValues or FEPointEvaluation as cpu and wall time are nearly balanced if I use either neither of them. What might be the problem? Best Simon Am Mi., 19. Okt. 2022 um 22:34 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth < bange...

Re: [deal.II] Re: measuring cpu and wall time for assembly routine

2022-10-20 Thread Simon Wiesheier
other to way to implement my problem. Best Simon Am Do., 20. Okt. 2022 um 11:55 Uhr schrieb Simon Wiesheier <>: > Dear Martin and Wolfgang, > > " You seem to be looking for FEPointEvaluation. That class is shown in > step-19 and provides, for simple

Re: [deal.II] Re: measuring cpu and wall time for assembly routine

2022-10-20 Thread Simon Wiesheier
. One question: are you running in release or debug mode? " I use FE_Q<1>(1) with a MappingQ<1>(1) and FE_Q<2>(1) with a MappingQ<2>(1). I am running in release mode. Best, Simon Am Do., 20. Okt. 2022 um 16:53 Uhr schrieb Peter Munch <>: &

Re: [deal.II] Re: measuring cpu and wall time for assembly routine

2022-10-20 Thread Simon Wiesheier
used. Maybe you can identify a problem in my code. Thank you! Best, Simon Am Do., 20. Okt. 2022 um 17:02 Uhr schrieb Martin Kronbichler <>: > Dear Simon, > > When you use FEPointEvaluation, you should construct it only once and > re-use the same obje

Re: [deal.II] Re: measuring cpu and wall time for assembly routine

2022-10-21 Thread Simon Wiesheier
9.3.2 Best, Simon Am Do., 20. Okt. 2022 um 18:11 Uhr schrieb Simon Wiesheier <>: > " When you use FEPointEvaluation, you should construct it only once and > re-use the same object for different points. Furthermore, you should also > avoid to create &

Re: [deal.II] Re: measuring cpu and wall time for assembly routine

2022-10-22 Thread Simon Wiesheier
Yes, the issue is resolved and the computation time decreased significantly. Thank you all! -Simon Am Sa., 22. Okt. 2022 um 12:57 Uhr schrieb Peter Munch <>: > You are right. Release 9.3 uses the slow path for MappingQ. The reason is > that here > htt

Re: [deal.II] Re: measuring cpu and wall time for assembly routine

2022-10-23 Thread Simon Wiesheier
1.2 million times. Best, Simon Am Sa., 22. Okt. 2022 um 17:09 Uhr schrieb Peter Munch <>: > Happy about that! May I ask you to post the results here. I am curious > since I never actually compared timings (and only blindly trusted Martin). > > Than

Re: [deal.II] Re: measuring cpu and wall time for assembly routine

2022-10-23 Thread Simon Wiesheier
Sorry, I was wrong. Of course, it is the other way round. The fast one is 3 times faster. -Simon Am So., 23. Okt. 2022 um 10:37 Uhr schrieb Peter Munch <>: > Now, I am lost. The fast one is 3 times slower!? > > Peter > > On Sunday, 23 October 2022 at

Re: [deal.II] large condition number after solving linear systems

2022-10-24 Thread Simon Wiesheier
anyway, it seems that I have to scale my parameters already before I compute the J^T J. The best alternative to linearly scale the parameters p_i is to normalize them according to -1 < p_i < +1 . Right? Best, Simon Am Mo., 17. Okt. 2022 um 16:20 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth < bange...@colos

Re: [deal.II] collect2 linking error when executing make

2023-01-03 Thread Simon Wiesheier
I started from an empty source directory with only a CMakeLists.txt file. I do not need hdf5. At least I was not aware that I had it on my old computer. Is there a way to work around the issue? Best Simon Timo Heister schrieb am Di., 3. Jan. 2023, 20:19: > Simon, > > Make sure th

Re: [deal.II] collect2 linking error when executing make

2023-01-04 Thread Simon Wiesheier
I called cmake as follows $ cmake -DDEAL_II_WITH_HDF5=OFF . and get the additional lines //No help, variable specified on the command line. DEAL_II_WITH_HDF5:UNINITIALIZED=OFF in my CMakeCache.txt file. However, after $ make the error message is unchanged. Best Simon Am Di., 3. Jan. 2023 um

Re: [deal.II] collect2 linking error when executing make

2023-01-05 Thread Simon Wiesheier
r user project. > > On Wed, Jan 4, 2023 at 4:48 AM Simon Wiesheier > wrote: > > > > I called cmake as follows $ cmake -DDEAL_II_WITH_HDF5=OFF . and get the > additional lines //No help, variable specified on the command line. > DEAL_II_WITH_HDF5: UNINITIALIZED=OFF in

Re: [deal.II] writing data to a file changes program output although this file is never used

2023-03-29 Thread Simon Wiesheier
r local_dof_indices(...); -> cell->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices); gobal_index = local_dof_indices[i]; Could the missing reference symbol & be an explanation for why I observed the undefined behavior of my program? It clearly changes something, but I do not really understand why that might be

Re: [deal.II] writing data to a file changes program output although this file is never used

2023-03-31 Thread Simon Wiesheier
without TBB enabled? Best Simon Bruno Turcksin schrieb am Do., 30. März 2023, 20:18: > Hello, > > Usually when I have this kind of bug, there are two possibilities: > 1. I am using an un-initialized value > 2. I am writing out of bound > > What I do is using valgrind with my c

Re: [deal.II] writing data to a file changes program output although this file is never used

2023-03-31 Thread Simon Wiesheier
a tough one (at least for me). If someone of you (Wolfgang, Bruno, Daniel,...) were willed to have a look at my code, I would reduce the issue to a minimal working example and upload all source files here or sent it do you directly. I would highly appreciate that since I do not want to extend my cod

Re: [deal.II] Re: Linking error when compiling examples: error: cannot find -lhdf5-shared

2023-04-17 Thread Simon Wiesheier
In case you do not need hdf5, you can install dealii without hdf5 enabled as spack install dealii~hdf5 which worked in my case. Best Simon Am Mo., 17. Apr. 2023 um 12:03 Uhr schrieb Amit Sharma <>: > There is some issue with dealii-9.4.0 with spack. I

[deal.II] Initialization of iterative solver

2019-09-18 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear deal.ii community, I have a quick question: Suppose I know a vector that is close to the solution of my linear system. Is there a method to initialize an iterative solver with this vector? Best, Konrad -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum opt

Re: [deal.II] Initialization of iterative solver

2019-09-18 Thread Konrad Simon
> > Yes, you just set the solution vector to your best guess before you pass > it to the solver. But you'll find that in practice, this rarely reduced > the number of iterations by any significant amount :-( > Many thanks, Wolfgang. Now, I also saw that in the source code of solver_cg.h. I re

[deal.II] Configuration of PETSc

2019-09-20 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear deal.ii community, I am using deali.ii with PETSc and Trilinos. However, when I am using the PETSc PreconditionILU I get an error that suggests that a solver package is missing (with Trilinos it works). Petsc's PreconditionAMG works fine (although not very efficiently for my problem). Do

[deal.II] Re: deal.II for Inverse problems in non-linear elasticity

2019-09-20 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi Prashant, > I am trying to solve an Inverse Cauchy problem in 3D nonlinear elasticity. > I have observed displacement data at partial boundary as well in partial > regions inside the body, and want to reconstruct the traction field. From > documentation of deal.II, I understood how tangent

[deal.II] Re: Configuration of PETSc

2019-09-20 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi Toni, Seems like I missed that little note in the documentation. Thank you :-) Best, Konrad -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message because you are subscribe

[deal.II] Issue with boost serialization and spack?

2019-09-28 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear deal.ii community, I am having a little problem and I was wondering if this issue is known. I installed deal.ii on our cluster and all dependencies build nicely with my chosen compiler (gcc v7.3). BLAS and LAPACK are being built as well as openmpi (the versions on the cluster are not suit

[deal.II] Re: Issue with boost serialization and spack?

2019-09-30 Thread Konrad Simon
Thank you, Denis. I use a pretty stupid (but simple) workaround: I setup and compile deal.ii myself since all dependencies are compiled and use the cmake command used by spack. That works. And I do not get the serialization error. However, now my code runs on the machine I installed it on. But

[deal.II] Re: Issue with boost serialization and spack?

2019-10-02 Thread Konrad Simon
> > Thank you, Denis. I use a pretty stupid (but simple) workaround: I setup >> and compile deal.ii myself since all dependencies are compiled and use the >> cmake command used by spack. That works. And I do not get the serialization >> error. >> > > > now that is strange. Are you sure you pick

[deal.II] Re: Issue with boost serialization and spack?

2019-10-02 Thread Konrad Simon
> > >> I guess I have a clue why I get the error. My backend nodes run on a >> different architecture. The openmpi version (i.e. mpirun) is the correct >> one. This is made sure in the slurm script. >> > That's always a pain to deal with. If you can, I would get an interactive > session on a co

[deal.II] Re: Issue with boost serialization and spack?

2019-10-02 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi Denis, I don't have the build folders any more so I can not post the error log. But the error (using spack) occurred with both boost versions. I will post something once I will find a solution. At any rate, thank you for your help. Best, Konrad -- The deal.II project is located at http://

[deal.II] Re: How to use CellId class

2019-10-20 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi Zhidong, I don't know what exactly you want to do but I found it quite useful that the CellId class has an order relation. That makes it usable in a std::map. Use the CellId (you can retrieve it through cell-->id() if cell is a cell accessor like the one you use to loop over all your cells)

[deal.II] Evaluate shape functions for an element on a given cell in a triangulation

2019-10-20 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi deal.ii community, I have a little implementation problem to bug you with... Is there a way to evaluate a given shape function on a given cell like a normal Function or TensorFunction? I need to do many computations on a coarse cell that itself is meshed. I have an implementation but it is

[deal.II] Re: How to use CellId class

2019-10-22 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi Zhidong, On Monday, October 21, 2019 at 1:42:30 AM UTC+2, Zhidong Brian Zhang wrote: > > Thank you very much for your prompt reply, Konrad! > > My confusion is the output of cell->id(), for example, > 0_3:000 > 0_3:200 > 0_3:003 > 0_3:006 > 0_3:406 > 0_3:606 > 0_3:206 > 0_3:007 > 0_3:407 > 0_3:

Re: [deal.II] Evaluate shape functions for an element on a given cell in a triangulation

2019-10-27 Thread Konrad Simon
Many thanks, Wolfgang. -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To unsubscribe from t

[deal.II] cmake with library and executables

2019-11-08 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi deal.ii community, Little cmake question: I set up a user project with include, test, doc and source directory. I am collecting some code in a library and then I link a few application files to the library. I followed the guidelines of the documentation and everything is fine. Now one little

[deal.II] Question about postprocessing

2019-11-09 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi deal.ii community, I also have a little question about postprocessing in different spaces. I am post processing two solutions of the same problem but solved in two different (pairs of) spaces. One quantity, for example, is called u and is either in H(curl) or in H(div) depending on the form

[deal.II] projecting function onto TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector

2019-11-24 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi all, I am having a little problem with projecting a function onto (parts of) FE spaces. I am getting the error The violated condition was: (dynamic_cast *>( &(dof.get_triangulation())) == nullptr) Additional information: You are trying to use functionality in deal.II that is curre

[deal.II] Re: Bug Report in GridTools::get_active_neighbors()

2019-11-28 Thread Simon Sticko
ve to specify it after the function name, as * for example in * @code * GridTools::get_active_child_cells > (cell) * @endcode */ template std::vector get_active_child_cells(const typename MeshType::cell_iterator &cell); The same note should maybe be added to get_active_neighbors for clarity.

Re: [deal.II] Re: Bug Report in GridTools::get_active_neighbors()

2019-11-29 Thread Simon Sticko
Hi, Fixed in #9108, already merged in. I should probably have written that here for completeness. Sorry. Best, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message

Re: [deal.II] Re: FE_Q

2019-11-30 Thread Simon Sticko
stated earlier. Best, Simon -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To unsubs

[deal.II] Re: cmake with library and executables

2019-12-20 Thread Konrad Simon
Hello deal.ii community, I am posting again (sorry) with a bit more info since I did not find the mistake in my cmake setup. I have essentially the following project structure: project/source project/include project/doc project/test. In project/ I have this CMakeLists.txt: ##

Re: [deal.II] Re: cmake with library and executables

2019-12-24 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi Wolfgang, On Tuesday, December 24, 2019 at 5:59:31 PM UTC+1, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote: > > > Konrad, > your email has no question :-) Is your problem that you can't call 'make > -j8' > and your question how to make that possible? If so, what happens if you > try? > What is the error message

Re: [deal.II] Re: cmake with library and executables

2019-12-25 Thread Konrad Simon
Many thanks, Matthias! Works! Best, Konrad On Wednesday, December 25, 2019 at 2:07:41 PM UTC+1, Matthias Maier wrote: > > > On Fri, Dec 20, 2019, at 13:07 CST, Konrad Simon

[deal.II] ParameterHandler question

2020-01-26 Thread Simon Gauvin
Is there any workaround? I was thinking maybe just using JSONs instead of a prm would work. Thanks for your help! :) Simon -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message be

[deal.II] Interpolating to globally refined distributed mesh

2020-02-18 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear deal.ii community, I am trying to interpolate a distributed solution vector onto a globally refined distributed mesh. Actually I need to globally refine more than once but I believe I can iterate this procedure (is there a more efficient way? The finite element can be vector or scalar valu

[deal.II] Re: Interpolating to globally refined distributed mesh

2020-02-18 Thread Konrad Simon
Add-on: The problem is in the function RefineInterpolate::refine_and_interpolate_on_distributed_mesh() -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message because you are su

[deal.II] Re: Interpolating to globally refined distributed mesh

2020-02-18 Thread Konrad Simon
Add-on: The problem is in the function RefineInterpolate::refine_and_interpolate_on_distributed_mesh() -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message because you are su

[deal.II] Re: Interpolating to globally refined distributed mesh

2020-02-19 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear deal.ii community, I solved it, sorry for bugging you with it but simple mistakes can bug you for long... I simply forgot to re-distribute the dofs for the finite element after refining the mesh. Ooofff :-/ Best, Konrad -- The deal.II project is located at For ma

[deal.II] Installation with spack - no access to adol-c

2020-03-17 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi all, A colleague and myself had problems to install dealii 9.1.1 via spack. Quick question: Did anyone have problems to install deal.ii via spack lately? I see that it depends on the development version of adol-c but this one requires a gitlab account and access to adol-c. Does deal.ii v9.1.

Re: [deal.II] Installation with spack - no access to adol-c

2020-03-18 Thread Konrad Simon
Jean-Paul, thanks a lot. Works! :-) Cheers, Konrad -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group"

[deal.II] Evaluating FE-solution on distributed mesh, semi-Lagrangian method

2020-05-11 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear all, I am currently working on a semi-Lagrangian method for an advection-diffusion equation. During runtime I must evaluate the (known) FE-solution at a previous time step but the mesh is distributed. Problem: It can well be that I must evaluate the solution at a point that is in a cell

[deal.II] Re: Evaluating FE-solution on distributed mesh, semi-Lagrangian method

2020-05-12 Thread Konrad Simon
Thank you, Bruno. What is sometimes done for semi-Lagrangian methods is that one defines a halo region around the locally owned cells (like ghost cells) that contains information from previous time steps and then limits the time step so that one never leaves the halo region when asking for info

Re: [deal.II] Re: Evaluating FE-solution on distributed mesh, semi-Lagrangian method

2020-05-14 Thread Konrad Simon
to change the code. If that's the way you > want to go, I am sure that someone will be able to provide you with > some guidance. > > Best, > > Bruno > > Le mar. 12 mai 2020 à 06:04, Konrad Simon > a écrit : > > > > Thank you, Bruno. What is somet

[deal.II] Re: Resolving with different RHS

2020-06-02 Thread Simon Sticko
:// Best, Simon On Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 12:04:38 PM UTC+2, Andreas Kyritsakis wrote: > > Dear all, > > I have a problem where a Poisson-like equation has to be solved again and > again in many time steps. At each timestep the LHS remains

[deal.II] Re: How to get normal / tangential vectors at nodes, not at quadrature points?

2020-06-05 Thread Simon Sticko
you need that isn't a problem. Best, Simon On Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 8:09:08 PM UTC+2, Lex Lee wrote: > > Hello Deal.II Users, > > > I am working on setting a constraint: (V - v_s ) \cdot n = \phi_f (v_f - > v_s) \cdot n on three vector variables at the interface with af

[deal.II] Re: Error calculating shape gradient

2020-06-10 Thread Simon Sticko
t. It should probably be similar as in step-8. Best, Simon On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 8:29:03 AM UTC+2, A.Z Ihsan wrote: > > Hi all, > > i am getting this error while calculating the local cell matrix for my hp > fem application > > dealii::Tensor<1, spacedim>

[deal.II] Re: Error calculating shape gradient

2020-06-10 Thread Simon Sticko
} which makes sense for a scalar problem, like the Poisson equation. But if you solve for displacement in a material the solution has dim components: u = (u_x, u_y, u_z) so you want to use a FESystem element with dim components: fe_collection.push_back(FESystem(FE_Q(deg), dim)); Best, Simon

Re: [deal.II] How to transform points on faces from unit cells to real cells?

2020-06-22 Thread Simon Sticko
to get the location of the support points in real space: quadrature_point() get_quadrature_points() Best, Simon On Monday, June 22, 2020 at 10:53:10 PM UTC+2, Lex Lee wrote: > > Hello Doug, > > > Thanks for your help. > > However, I need to say, I just had done exactly what

Re: [deal.II] How to transform points on faces from unit cells to real cells?

2020-06-22 Thread Simon Sticko
(quadrature_points_no)); Depending on how your code looks, this might be an easier solution. Best, Simon On Monday, June 22, 2020 at 11:17:35 PM UTC+2, Lex Lee wrote: > > Doug, thanks for sharing me your ideas and the discussion. -Lex > > > On Monday, June 22, 2020 at 2:13:25 PM UTC-7

[deal.II] Re: error while installing dealii

2020-06-24 Thread
will fix the problem. If I'm not mistaken, at least 3GB is needed to compile dealii, so maybe < 4GB would be a good choice. Best, Simon On Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 1:03:16 PM UTC+2 wrote: > 1. While running *make* command, after 4 to 5 hours i'm getting er

[deal.II] Re: Non Homogenous Boundary Conditions on a Cylinder

2020-06-26 Thread Simon Sticko
values.quadrature_point(q_point); const double neumann_value = boundary_condition.value(point); cell_rhs(i) += (neumann_value * fe_face_values.shape_value(i, q_point) * fe_face_values.JxW(q_point)); Does that answer your question? Best, Simon On Friday, June 26, 2

[deal.II] Re: Non Homogenous Boundary Conditions on a Cylinder

2020-06-30 Thread Simon Sticko
make sense to set it to something different than 0. Note that, right now you are calling the function NeumannBoundaryCondition::value with a single argument (of type Point<3>). This means that you get the default argument for component: component=0. Best, Simon On Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 2:59

[deal.II] Re: Non Homogenous Boundary Conditions on a Cylinder

2020-07-01 Thread Simon Sticko
Hi, > and the code seems to be working fine! Is there anything that I am > missing in your opinion? No. If you're happy, I'm happy. Best, Simon On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 7:51:11 AM UTC+2, Samuel Rodriguez wrote: > > Hi Simon, > > I am a slow learner but you wer

[deal.II] Re: Regarding configuring with UMFPACK for Quasi-Static Strain Compressible Elasticity program

2020-09-12 Thread Simon Sticko
make the installation process easier here: Best, Simon On Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 1:42:29 PM UTC+2, Animesh Rastogi IIT Gandhinagar wrote: > > Attached is the detailed.log file. > On Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 4:39:21 PM UTC+5:30 An

[deal.II] Re: Multi-physics implementation

2020-09-22 Thread
/ Get the heat values at the quadrature points using heat_fe_values std::vector heat_values(heat_element.dofs_per_cell); heat_fe_values.get_function_values(heat_solution, heat_values); // Assemble the system using fe_values here ... } Best, Simon On Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Re: [deal.II] Re: Evaluating FE-solution on distributed mesh, semi-Lagrangian method

2020-09-27 Thread Konrad Simon
always) p will be in a ghost layer. ) Any way to get the actual MPI rank of the owner? Any help would be much appreciated. Best, Konrad On Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 4:10:33 PM UTC+2 Konrad Simon wrote: > Thank you, Bruno. :-) > > > On Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 2:50:35 PM UTC+2, Bruno Tu

[deal.II] Re: Node duplication in deal.ii

2020-10-02 Thread
); hp::FECollection fe_collection(left_element, right_element); Then you can select which cells should use which element as in step-46: Best, Simon On Friday, October 2, 2020 at 11:51:50 AM UTC+2 Behrooz Karami wrote: > Dear All, > > Is i

[deal.II] Re: Trouble in turning -DDEAL_II_WITH_PETSC on

2020-10-06 Thread
Hi, Didn't you just miss a "D"? cmake -DDEAL_II_WITH_PETSC=ON -DEAL_II_WITH_MPI=ON . should be cmake -DDEAL_II_WITH_PETSC=ON -DDEAL_II_WITH_MPI=ON . Best, Simon On Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at 10:36:44 AM UTC+2 wrote: > Dear developers of Deal ii, >

[deal.II] Tools for parallel debugging

2020-10-11 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi deal.ii community, I have a short question about tools (which probably also concerns many other people). I am using eclipse for C++ development and I frequently use the debugger. So far everything fine. Now I need to use parallel debugging tools for MPI but my eclipse crashes many times an

Re: [deal.II] Tools for parallel debugging

2020-10-12 Thread Konrad Simon
Oh, seems like I missed that. Thanks you! Konrad On Sunday, October 11, 2020 at 11:35:34 PM UTC+2 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote: > On 10/11/20 3:26 PM, Daniel Arndt wrote: > > > > have a look at > > > > >

Re: [deal.II] Tools for parallel debugging

2020-10-12 Thread Konrad Simon
Thank you, Wolfgang and Daniel. Seems like I will go with the command line then. I was just wondering if people here use Eclipse's PTP which sounded like a good graphical tool. In my case it frequently crashes or simply gets stuck. Best, Konrad On Sunday, October 11, 2020 at 11:35:34 PM UTC+2

[deal.II] Boundary conditions on components in with FESystem

2020-11-06 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear all, I have a code version in which I am using a FESystem (3d) composed of three elements: FE_Nedelec (w), FE_RaviartThomas (u) and DGQ (p). The code compiles fine but gives unreasonable results and I do not see what I am doing wrong or what I forgot. I need to impose (essential) boundar

Re: [deal.II] Boundary conditions on components in with FESystem

2020-12-02 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear Wolfgang, I may have stumbled over something. I created a 3D hyper_shell with 6 coarse cells which is nothing but a cube with a cubical void in the center. I then asked for the face orientations of each face in each cell. In each of the 6 cells all faces have standard orientation according

Re: [deal.II] Div-conforming elements in 3D

2020-12-09 Thread Konrad Simon
ThomasNodal class but for > FE_RaviartThomas this is just a comment in the source file. Would you be > willing to write a patch explaining things better for the other Hdiv > classes? > > Best, > David > ------ > *From:* on b

Re: [deal.II] Div-conforming elements in 3D

2020-12-10 Thread Konrad Simon
hasing the bug and hopefully come up with a merge request soon. Best, Konrad On Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 3:44:58 PM UTC+1 Konrad Simon wrote: > Hi David, > > Many thanks for the hint. After some research I believe I stumbled over this > issue#7970 <

Re: [deal.II] Div-conforming elements in 3D

2020-12-12 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi Jean-Paul, On Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 11:39:08 PM UTC+1 Jean-Paul Pelteret wrote: > HI Konrad, > > I have no familiarity with the H-div elements, so I could be wrong with > this suggestion... > > The Fe_Nedelec element suffered from a similar issue, where adjacent cells > had to agre

Re: [deal.II] Div-conforming elements in 3D

2020-12-16 Thread Konrad Simon
ent such a table then. This is a lot of work and more complicated for Nedelec elements. Best, Konrad On Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 8:07:19 PM UTC+1 Konrad Simon wrote: > Hi Jean-Paul, > > On Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 11:39:08 PM UTC+1 Jean-Paul Pelteret > wrote: > >

Re: [deal.II] Div-conforming elements in 3D

2020-12-18 Thread Konrad Simon
in the current structures without interfering with them (too much). Best, Konrad On Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 9:33:57 PM UTC+1 Konrad Simon wrote: > Dear Jean-Paul, dear Deal.II community, > > I partially solved the problem of sign flipping and permuting the degrees > of freedom and

[deal.II] Re: Mean Value Constraints

2020-12-26 Thread Konrad Simon
Hi, On Saturday, December 26, 2020 at 6:43:21 AM UTC+1 wrote: > Hi all, > > Does anyone here have any experience applying mean value constraints > (specifically with periodic boundary conditions)? I'm having some trouble. > As far as I can tell, there are two approaches (bo

[deal.II] Re: Mean Value Constraints

2020-12-26 Thread Konrad Simon
ing+90 degree rotation and two independent shifts) and dimension 6 in 3D. Once you project the rhs a Krylov solver can deal with your singular problem. Cheers, Konrad On Saturday, December 26, 2020 at 11:06:36 AM UTC+1 Konrad Simon wrote: > Hi, > > On Saturday, December 26, 2020 at 6

Re: [deal.II] Div-conforming elements in 3D

2020-12-29 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear Jean-Paul, Many thanks for your reply. On Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 9:31:49 PM UTC+1 Jean-Paul Pelteret wrote: > Hi Konrad, > > I'm sorry for taking some time to reply. To be honest, the inner working > of the FE classes is not something that I've ever had the time or > opportunity to

[deal.II] Mean value of component of TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector

2021-01-10 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear all, I am trying to compute the mean value of the pressure component of a Trilinos block vector with three blocks and 7 components (vorticity-velocity-pressure). Using one MPI rank is fine but if I use more I get the error "An error occurred in line <666> of file in function dealii

[deal.II] Re: Mean value of component of TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector

2021-01-11 Thread Konrad Simon
I am pretty sure that this is related to the following problem: When I try to run AMR with this FESystem (Nedelec-RaviartThomas-DGQ) with more than one MPI rank I get this error "An error occurred in line <1626> of file in function void dealii::AffineConstraints::add_line(dealii::AffineC

Re: [deal.II] Mean value of component of TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector

2021-01-12 Thread Konrad Simon
> > I suspect you are passing a fully distributed vector to that function, but > it > needs to read ghost elements of the vector. Have you tried copying the > vector > into a locally_relevant vector, and passing that to the function in > question? > Thank you, Wolfgang, that was the issue.

Re: [deal.II] Re: Mean value of component of TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector

2021-01-12 Thread Konrad Simon
> That looks like an unrelated error. Can you create a small testcase for > this > issue here? > I will try to come up with an example. Thank you again and best regards, Konrad -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.

Re: [deal.II] Mean value of component of TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector

2021-01-13 Thread Konrad Simon
> > Then you need to create a vector with locally relevant entries as ghosts > and > copy your fully distributed vector to it. There is no other way if you > want to > use that function. > > But if your goal is to fix the pressure in a Stokes problem, it doesn't > have > to be the integral

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