Dear Deal.II community,

Suppose I chose FE_Nedelec<3> of some order as finite element.

1. Is there a way to query for a given <code>cell_dof_index</code> whether 
it is a face_dof and to get the <code>face_index</code>?

2. If this dof is a <code>line_dof</code> is it by definition also a 
<code>face_dof</code>? I need to exclude line_dofs and treat them 

3. Is there a convention that (if I am not using FESystem) in the set of 
all <code>cell_dofs</code> all <code>line_dofs</code> come before all 
<code>face_dofs</code> and only then the <code>volume_dofs</code>?

I am asking since I am trying to come up with a patch for RaviartThomas and 
a pattern to implement it in the current structures without interfering 
with them (too much).

On Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 9:33:57 PM UTC+1 Konrad Simon wrote:

> Dear Jean-Paul, dear Deal.II community,
> I partially solved the problem of sign flipping and permuting the degrees 
> of freedom and would like to come up with a merge-request at least for the 
> RaviartThomas elements. I have some questions before I can go on and 
> guidance would be appreciated.
> I decided to go a similar way that is taken for FE_Q elements. There one 
> has only a permutation of dofs on non-standard or flipped or rotated faces 
> since a sign change in the orientation does not matter. A vector of size 
> n_faces_per_cell of which each contains a table mapping each face_dof and 
> each of the 8 combinations of the flags (non-standard | flipped | rotated) 
> to an offset of that face_dof. The system behind that relies on the 
> lexicographic ordering of dofs if I understand correctly. My questions:
> 1. Is there a similar numbering scheme for dofs on faces for RT elements. 
> There one has face moments as dofs and it is not fully clear to me what 
> lexicographic means there (if such a principle is usable there at all).
> 2. If the order (and sign) of face_dofs if permuted for each of the flags 
> (non-standard | flipped | rotated) then in what order are the permutations 
> applied? (They do not commute)
> I would like to avoid hard-coding that (I think up to order 2 would be 
> doable -> but already 54 face_dofs). 
> I believe the table similar 
> to adjust_quad_dof_index_for_face_orientation_table of FE_Q_Base makes 
> sense but I guess every FE inheriting from FE_PolyTensor must implement 
> such a table then. This is a lot of work and more complicated for Nedelec 
> elements.
> Best,
> Konrad
> On Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 8:07:19 PM UTC+1 Konrad Simon wrote:
>> Hi Jean-Paul,
>> On Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 11:39:08 PM UTC+1 Jean-Paul Pelteret 
>> wrote:
>>> HI Konrad,
>>> I have no familiarity with the H-div elements, so I could be wrong with 
>>> this suggestion...
>>> The Fe_Nedelec element suffered from a similar issue, where adjacent 
>>> cells had to agree on the edge sense/directionality. This requirement could 
>>> not be unconditionally guaranteed for that element type, hence the 
>>> following note in its introduction 
>>> <>
>>> Even if this element is implemented for two and three space dimensions, 
>>> the definition of the node values relies on consistently oriented faces in 
>>> 3D. Therefore, care should be taken on complicated meshes.
>> Yes, this issue is similar. I assume I will need to check that for these 
>> elements as well since I also need them.
>>> The more recent FE_NedelecSZ 
>>> <> 
>>> element resolves the issue by querying the vertex numbers that make up each 
>>> edge/face and applying a rule that gives each face and its bounding edges a 
>>> direction. This means that the orientation of the face/edges is always 
>>> consistent no matter which of the two cells that share the face you're on. 
>>> The details are more explicitly laid out in the FE_NedelecSZ 
>>> <> 
>>> introduction, as well as the two papers that are listed therein. 
>> This is a nice alternative for the Nedelec element. Often though such 
>> elements are used in conjunction with H1 or H(div) conformal elements and 
>> need to satisfy a compatibility condition (stronger than just LBB, i.e., 
>> they must form a bounded co-chain complex that is a subcomplex to something 
>> else). I am not sure that this element does satisfy this condition together 
>> with classical RT elements etc.
>>> Now, I'm by no means certain that underlying issue that you're seeing 
>>> here is the same as that which plagued the canonical Nedelec element 
>>> (although your comment #3 makes me suspect that it could be). But if it is, 
>>> then perhaps what was done to fix the orientation conflict in the Zaglmayr 
>>> formulation of the Nedelec element can serve as inspiration for a fix to 
>>> the BDM and RT elements?
>>> Thanks for looking into this, and I hope that you have some success at 
>>> finding a solution to the problem. Naturally, if there's anything that we 
>>> can do to help please let us know. It would be very nice to have a robust 
>>> implementation to these elements in the library, so anything that you might 
>>> be willing to contribute would be greatly appreciated!
>> Lowest order RaviartThomas is already fixed. I will hunt down this issue 
>> as good as I can. I might need some help with local and global dof 
>> numbering conventions. I will also try to move the discussion to the issue 
>> page <> on github.
>> Best,
>> Konrad

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