Re: [deal.II] Help with interpretation of PETSc and SLEPc error message.

2016-05-16 Thread Daniel Arndt
Dear David, for debugging your code you should start with simplifying your code as much as possible to see what is going wrong. In particular, you should try with not refining your mesh and confirm that the assembled matrices look as they should. Can you modify the parameters in such a way that

Re: [deal.II] Help with interpretation of PETSc and SLEPc error message.

2016-05-19 Thread Daniel Arndt
> Do you know how to display this data file so that they can show the values > in correct order just like in MATLAB. > > Best regards, > David. > > > > On Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 3:30:22 AM UTC+8, Daniel Arndt wrote: >> >> >Dear David, >> > >&g

[deal.II] Re: Post-processing of solution (computing stress distribution)

2016-05-22 Thread Daniel Arndt
David, assuming that you want to access the gradients at the support points of the element you are using, you can simply create a appropriate Quadrature object to initialize FEValues[1]. In this case the quadrature points correspond to the local DoF indices. Apart from that, you can use DataPos

[deal.II] Re: Post-processing of solution (computing stress distribution)

2016-05-22 Thread Daniel Arndt
David, the code snippet you posted is not going to work. You can't use a FEValues without initializing it with a cell_iterator. If all the information you need for your postprocessing is contained in a data vector based on a single DoFHandler, then DataPostprocessor is what you want to use. If

[deal.II] Re: Post-processing of solution (computing stress distribution)

2016-05-23 Thread Daniel Arndt
Hey David, Yes, this won't work since FEValues need a cell to reinit to get mapping > data. I looded at the class DataPostprocessor as you mentioned, but don't > quite understand the parameters passed to compute_derived_quantities_vector > method. I don't understand what exactly is the paramete

[deal.II] Re: Doubt in Mesh Movement Step 42

2016-05-25 Thread Daniel Arndt
Dear Rajat, After the mesh partitioning is done, in a parallel::distributed::Triangulation the local meshes are independent of each other. In particular, moving a vertex on one process does not change anything for all the other processes. Therefore, it is necessary to move the vertices of a giv

[deal.II] Re: Doubt in Mesh Movement Step 42

2016-05-30 Thread Daniel Arndt
that the dof is a locally owned dof by using the is_element > of the indexset of locally owned dofs help ? > Will this be slow ? > > > On Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 7:19:27 AM UTC-4, Daniel Arndt wrote: >> >> Dear Rajat, >> >> After the mesh partitioning is done,

[deal.II] Re: Periodic boundary conditions seem to be not applied

2016-06-01 Thread Daniel Arndt
Bastian, can you provide us with a minimal example that shows your problem? What you are trying to do should be possible even if it might not be the right thing to do in your situation. Best, Daniel Am Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2016 02:10:36 UTC+2 schrieb Bastien Lauras: > > Hi, > > I am working on a 2

[deal.II] Re: Periodic boundary conditions seem to be not applied

2016-06-01 Thread Daniel Arndt
e from? > > Many thanks! > Best, > > Bastien > > > On Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 5:43:48 AM UTC-5, Daniel Arndt wrote: >> >> Bastian, >> >> can you provide us with a minimal example that shows your problem? What >> you are trying to do should

[deal.II] Re: Thermoelastic Problem

2016-06-02 Thread Daniel Arndt
Hamed, There shouldn't be a problem to do what you following step-22. In particular, you can modify step-18::get_strain as you proposed. Did you face any difficulties so far? Best, Daniel -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see https://g

[deal.II] Re: Thermoelastic Problem

2016-06-03 Thread Daniel Arndt
ere isn't any shape_grad_component function, I am not sure that I can update the get_strain as I mentioned. I was wondering if you have already written a code for a thermoelastic problem in dealii, solving heat equation and elastic equation separately. Best, Hamed On Thursday, June 2, 2016

[deal.II] Re: Periodic boundary conditions seem to be not applied

2016-06-03 Thread Daniel Arndt
is working. > constraints.close(); > } > > When I try to compile my file, I get the following error : > error: undefined reference to 'void > dealii::DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints > >(dealii::DoFHandler<1, 1> const&, unsigned char, unsigned c

[deal.II] Re: Thermoelastic Problem

2016-06-07 Thread Daniel Arndt
d stored on a quadrature > point related to elastic problem DofHandler, in order to solve > stress-induced heat equation problem. In other words, I don't know how to > exchange information between two equation. > > Thanks, > Hamed > > On Friday, June 3, 2016 at 3:4

Re: [deal.II] new shape function definition

2016-06-07 Thread Daniel Arndt
Bastien, as there already is the Polynomial class HermiteInterpolation you should create a new FiniteElement based on a TensorProductPolynomial. A good way might be to copy FE_Q_Base and modify it accordingly. Of course you need to think about how to interpolate values using this element, how

[deal.II] Re: Periodic boundary conditions seem to be not applied

2016-06-07 Thread Daniel Arndt
{ >>>const Point face_center = cell->face(f)->center(); >>>if (face_center[1] == 0) //Bottom >>> cell->face(f)->set_boundary_id (0); >>>else if (face_center[1] == 1) //Top >>> cell->face(f)->set_boundary_id (2); >>

[deal.II] Re: Using the solution nodal values at previous time steps

2016-06-08 Thread Daniel Arndt
Mohammad, first of all const double old_s = old_solution_values[q_point](1); const double old_s = old_solution_values0[q_point](1); const double old_s = old_solution_values1[q_point](1); looks weird. Are you redefining old_s all the time? Apart from that it looks so far good to me. Can you

[deal.II] Re: Periodic boundary conditions seem to be not applied

2016-06-08 Thread Daniel Arndt
gt;> I agree with Daniel. So in this case, you probably just need to change >> your order of operations and set the boundary_id's before doing any >> refinement. >> >> On Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at 2:07:09 AM UTC+2, Daniel Arndt wrote: >>> >&

[deal.II] Re: computing the buoyancy force

2016-06-18 Thread Daniel Arndt
Pankaj, Hello, > I am trying to write a code to calculate buoyancy force which is the > product of temperature and gravity. In my case temperature is available. > > > > TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector temperature ;//given > const dealii::Point gravity = -( (dim == 2) ? (dealii::Point ( > 0,1))

[deal.II] Re: Read serial vector into a parallel vector

2016-06-20 Thread Daniel Arndt
Praveen, I solve a PDE in serial and save the solution to file. > Do you mean that your triangulation is not a parallel::distributed::Triangulation or that you are simply running with one process? > Is there a way to now read this solution into a > TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector object ? > If

Re: [deal.II] Re: Read serial vector into a parallel vector

2016-06-20 Thread Daniel Arndt
Praveen, Am Montag, 20. Juni 2016 18:05:12 UTC+2 schrieb Praveen C: > > Hello Daniel > > I have a normal Triangulation and I solve on this using a Vector. > I could save this to file calling Vector::print. > > Is it now possible to read this into a TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector ? > No, there is n

[deal.II] Re: Extract boundary DoFs using DoFTools::extract_boundary_dofs() and Indexset for parallel distributed triangulation

2016-06-30 Thread Daniel Arndt
Dear ?, dealii::IndexSet::ElementIterator::operator*() returns the stored global_dof_index [1]. Therefore, all you have to do is to dereference index: dealii::types::global_dof_index gdi = *index Best, Daniel [1]

[deal.II] Re: Extract boundary DoFs using DoFTools::extract_boundary_dofs() and Indexset for parallel distributed triangulation

2016-07-01 Thread Daniel Arndt
Pasha, First of all: The sum of values in the right-hand side vector only corresponds to a sum of values of the represented right-hand side function, if you use interpolating Finite Elements (such as FE_Q). Furthermore, you have to be sure that you are really interested in the values and not in

[deal.II] Re: Question about Dealii

2016-07-01 Thread Daniel Arndt
Hamed, Have a look at how temporary non-ghosted vectors are used in step-40. Similar to VectorTools::interpolate the solution vector in SolverCG::solve must not be ghosted. Best, Daniel Am 07/01/2016 um 01:15 AM schrieb Hamed Babaei: > Hi Daniel, > > I hope you are doing well. > I got an error i

Re: [deal.II] Caught signal number 11 SEGV: Segmentation Violation, probably memory access out of range

2016-07-04 Thread Daniel Arndt
Ehsan, All I can say: After switching the order of arguments in SparseMatrix::add, your code runs for me with a recent developer version and Trilinos at least. Best, Daniel Am Montag, 4. Juli 2016 18:59:05 UTC+2 schrieb Ehsan Esfahani: > > Dear Professor Bangerth, > > Thanks for your response.

[deal.II] Re: problems with installation ; Unknown CMake command "DEAL_II_ADD_LIBRARY"

2016-07-04 Thread Daniel Arndt
Pablo, Did you see!topic/dealii/rTx7Fea65dM ? Can you try without Opencascade and a clean build directory? Do you get this error also with the latest release tarball? Best, Daniel Am Montag, 4. Juli 2016 10:15:34 UTC+2 schrieb Pablo Perez del Castillo: > > Hell

[deal.II] Re: Geometry and boundary conditions

2016-07-07 Thread Daniel Arndt
Benhour, Have a look at the implementation of GridGenerator::half_hyper_ball [1]. You probably just want to use the first 4 vertices and then p, p+Point<2>(0,-1) *(radius/std::sqrt(2.0)*a), p+Point<2>(0,-1) *radius, additionally. Can you specify in formulas what symmetry boundary conditions mea

[deal.II] Re: geometry

2016-07-13 Thread Daniel Arndt
Benhour, Did you try what I suggested in ? Best, Daniel -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message

[deal.II] Re: geometry

2016-07-16 Thread Daniel Arndt
Benhour, It would be helpful if you tell us what the problem with the newly created problem is. Looking at the implementation of GridGenerator::half_hyper_ball [1], you can observe that there are cells which have vertices both with positive and negative y-components. This will likely lead to und

[deal.II] Re: Dirichlet constraint to a specific node

2016-07-16 Thread Daniel Arndt
Anup, if you know which node you want to constrain, you just have to find the corresponding degree of freedom and add a constraint to the ConstraintMatrix. For finding this DoF, DoFTools::map_dofs_to_support_points[1] might be useful. The alternative is to loop through all the cells and ask eac

[deal.II] Re: geometry

2016-07-17 Thread Daniel Arndt
Benhour, you can find a modification of step-3 in which the domain is a quarter circle attached. The four cells from GridGenerator::half_hyper_ball have been replaced by just three. The vertex (0,-radius) has been removed and all the remaining vertices with a negative y-component have been move

[deal.II] Re: Transferring solutions in distributed computing

2016-07-21 Thread Daniel Arndt
Junchao, You want to use parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer instead if you are on a parallel::distributed::Triangulation Executing $ grep -r "parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer" . in the examples folder, tells me that this object is used in step-32, step-42 and step-48. Have for exampl

Re: [deal.II] Re: Transferring solutions in distributed computing

2016-07-21 Thread Daniel Arndt
Junchao, It seems that the documentation is outdated for this piece of information. In fact, neither PETScWrapper::MPI::Vector nor TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector does have update_ghost_values. What you should do is exactly what is done in the few lines of step-42 you referenced. "solution = distri

[deal.II] Re: How to apply boundary constraints in time-dependent and adaptive code?

2016-07-22 Thread Daniel Arndt
Junchao, For what matters here, you are just interesting in how to deal with boundary constraints for a time-dependent problem. I am not quite sure what your problem is. You have time-dependent boundary conditions so you want to use boundary conditions corresponding to the correct time step. Wh

[deal.II] Re: How to apply boundary constraints in time-dependent and adaptive code?

2016-07-22 Thread Daniel Arndt
Junchao, >> The interpolated solution should already have the correct (old) boundary >> conditions. >> > Is it true? As you see, I call > constraints.distribute(interpolated_solution) to impose boundary > constraints, which are computed in setup_system() as follows > What I meant to say is tha

[deal.II] Re: How to solve each block separately when working with TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix and AMG precondition.

2016-07-25 Thread Daniel Arndt
Pasha, there are tutorial programs, such as step-22[1], that use BlockMatrices and solve for individual blocks. What exactly is the problem you are facing? Does it have anything to do with Trilinos objects or is it a conceptual problem? Can you tell us how exactly you want to split solving you

[deal.II] Re: How to add values of solutions from different FE spaces (separate DoFHandlers)

2016-07-25 Thread Daniel Arndt
Jiaqi, what you really want is that (u_n_plus_1, v_h) = (u_stat-dt*dp) holds for all v_h in your velocity ansatz space. This means inverting a mass matrix for the velocity and may come down to just assigning function values depending on what your ansatz spaces are. In that case, you can loop ov

[deal.II] Re: How to solve each block separately when working with TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix and AMG precondition.

2016-07-26 Thread Daniel Arndt
Pasha, > *if* (direct_solver) > > { > > SolverControl cn; > > TrilinosWrappers::SolverDirect solver(cn); > > solver.*solve*(system_pde_matrix.block(0,0), > > newton_update.block(0), system_pde_residual.block(0)); > > > constraints_update.distribute(newton_update); > > > *return* 1; > > } > > > >

Re: [deal.II] Step-42 -- Problem with Trilinos and P4EST

2016-07-27 Thread Daniel Arndt
Ehsan, can you show us what your "detailed.log" in the build directory looks like? This file stores the configuration that is used for building deal.II. ` -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= /home/General_for_All_Users/deal_II_install_dir` should tell deal.II to copy the build library into that folder when y

[deal.II] Re: Using create_point_source_vector() function with hp::DoFHandler

2016-07-28 Thread Daniel Arndt
Deepak, could you provide us with a minimal example that shows your problem? Are you running in debug mode? What exactly does the program tell you when aborting? Best, Daniel -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Re: Using create_point_source_vector() function with hp::DoFHandler

2016-07-28 Thread Daniel Arndt
Deepak, without a working example I can run, I don't see an obvious error. Note that there are two tests, namely "numerics/create_point_source_hp" and "hp/vectors_point_source_hp_01" that test `VectorTools::create_point_source` for hp. Maybe this helpful for debugging. Best, Daniel -- The dea

[deal.II] Re: A question about velocity correction in Step-35

2016-07-30 Thread Daniel Arndt
Jiaqi, the algorithm in step-35 is the one that is proposed in "L. Timmermans, P. Minev, and F. Van De Vosse, “An approximate projec- tion scheme for incompressible flow using spectral elements”, International journal for numerical methods in fluids, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 673–688, 1996." The veloc

[deal.II] Re: Using the solution from one problem as a boundary condition in another problem with matching mesh on the boundary

2016-07-30 Thread Daniel Arndt
krei, If you want to solve different PDEs on different domains that can be discretized by a common mesh, the preferred approach is to use a hp-vector finite element. This means that on each of your subdomains all blocks of your finite element but one are of type FENothing. You might want to hav

[deal.II] Re: Floquet periodic conditions and complex valued algebra

2016-07-30 Thread Daniel Arndt
Daniel, 1.) You can use complex valued algebra if you split your problem into two equations. Apart from that most of the algebra objects can be used with std::complex. At the moment, this is not true for constraints given by a ConstraintMatrix object, but this is WIP (

Re: [deal.II] Re: A question about velocity correction in Step-35

2016-07-31 Thread Daniel Arndt
Wolfgang, Interesting that this isn't even mentioned in the introduction to that > program, or anywhere else, for that matter. How did you find out? > A major part of my PhD thesis is based on these projection methods. Reading the literature this seems to be the first paper in which the rotatio

[deal.II] Re: time-dependent boundary conditions for distributed computations

2016-07-31 Thread Daniel Arndt
Marek, You would just set up your ConstraintMatrix anew. This is also the way it is done in step-44. Best, Daniel -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message becau

Re: [deal.II] Step-42 -- Problem with Trilinos and P4EST

2016-08-03 Thread Daniel Arndt
t;>> >>>> How should I solve this problem. >>>> Best regards. >>>> Ehsan >>>> >>>> On Monday, August 1, 2016 at 2:21:31 PM UTC+2, Ehsan wrote: >>>>> >>>>> Dear Daniel, >>>>&g

2016-08-06 Thread Daniel Arndt
It seems that there is something wrong with your TBB installation. Which version of TBB are you using? Could you send your "detailed.log" file located in the deal.II build directory? TBB is also bundled with deal.II and you can force to use that via $ cmake -DDEAL_II_FORCE_BUNDLED_THREADS=ON . i

[deal.II] Re: Post-processing with different cell material properties

2016-08-06 Thread Daniel Arndt
Pete, I remember someone having something like this in mind. This is the link to that discussion:!topic/dealii/QKuDndKojug A different way would be to derive from DataOut and overwrite DataOut::first_cell and DataOut::next_cell by skipping all the cells that d

[deal.II] Re: Embedding a Python script

2016-08-09 Thread Daniel Arndt

[deal.II] Re: Embedding a Python script

2016-08-09 Thread Daniel Arndt
make target `debug'. Stop. > > [ yaakobioy L02029080 > ~/dealii/dealii-8-5-0pre-v2/dealii-8-5-0pre-v2-Install/examples/step-1-mod > ]$ make release > > make: *** No rule to make target `release'. Stop. > > Thanks, > Oded > > > On

[deal.II] Re: Using the solution from one problem as a boundary condition in another problem with matching mesh on the boundary

2016-08-09 Thread Daniel Arndt
nderstood and I can somehow evaluate the boundary > conditions? Or what would a better approach be? > > On Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 1:38:06 PM UTC+3, Daniel Arndt wrote: >> >> krei, >> >> If you want to solve different PDEs on different domains that can be

[deal.II] Re: tests fail

2016-08-11 Thread Daniel Arndt
Giorgis, This looks like a problem with your PETSc installation. Can you confirm that it is installed correctly? Do any problems appear if you compile deal.II without PETSc? Best, Daniel Am Donnerstag, 11. August 2016 22:16:49 UTC+2 schrieb Giorgos Kourakos: > > Hi, > > I'm trying to compile a

[deal.II] Re: Vector-valued gradient of solution vector

2016-08-11 Thread Daniel Arndt
Joel, Does the equation you want to solve for have multiple components? Otherwise it would not make sense to multiply in the right hand side something with a gradient. If you want to project the gradient into a vector valued finite element ansatz space, then the matrix you are assembling looks

[deal.II] Re: Vector-valued gradient of solution vector

2016-08-12 Thread Daniel Arndt
Joel, Yes the matrix you are assembling is a vector-valued mass matrix now. For me your code is failing with void dealii::FEValuesBase::get_function_gradients(const InputVector&, std::vector >&) const [with InputVector = dealii::Vector; int dim = 3; int spacedim = 3; typename InputVector::valu

[deal.II] Re: Data exchanges in IO

2016-08-12 Thread Daniel Arndt
Bruce, The p_local_solution vector is filled with values as the result of solving > a linear equation, p_local_rho is filled with values by looping over > individual elements and assigning values calculated from other quantities. > Part of the reason the p_local_rho vector doesn't have ghost no

[deal.II] Re: Derivative of a scalar function in the code

2016-08-15 Thread Daniel Arndt
Benhour, What exactly is your problem? Lots of the examples programs, i.e. step-14, step-15, step-18, step-31, step-32, step-35, step-43 and step-44, use FEValues::get_function_gradients. Best, Daniel Am Montag, 15. August 2016 03:13:14 UTC+2 schrieb > > Dear All, > I wa

[deal.II] Re: Data exchanges in IO

2016-08-16 Thread Daniel Arndt
Bruce, [...] 3. Like in 2., but for adding values to individual elements. Use > VectorOperation::add. > > I guess 3) is obscure. Does this mean that you are adding a new element > where none existed before or that you are incrementing an existing element? > If the former, aren't the total numb

[deal.II] Re: Data exchanges in IO

2016-08-17 Thread Daniel Arndt
Bruce, You were just missing p_rho.compress(VectorOperation::insert); after assemble_system(). Best, Daniel Am Mittwoch, 17. August 2016 21:01:22 UTC+2 schrieb > > > > On Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 2:47:18 AM UTC-7, Daniel Arndt wrote: >> >> Bruce, &

[deal.II] Re: [dealii-developers] website down?

2016-08-18 Thread Daniel Arndt is online again. Am Mittwoch, 17. August 2016 19:33:48 UTC+2 schrieb Wolfgang Bangerth: > > On 08/17/2016 11:30 AM, thomas stephens wrote: > > Currently unable to load along with tutorials > > (problem began at approximately 12:30pm ETD) > > Yes, there is a po

Re: [deal.II] Re: Getting number of hanging support points

2016-08-19 Thread Daniel Arndt
Deepak, I am aware of the fact that ConstraintMatrix.n_constraints() gives the > number of hanging nodes for h-refinement, but if I only use p-refinement, > can it give the number of hanging support points occurring due to the > difference in the order of bases between two adjacent elements? I

[deal.II] Re: Vector-valued gradient of solution vector

2016-08-22 Thread Daniel Arndt
at? > > Best, > Joel > > On Friday, August 12, 2016 at 5:35:07 PM UTC+2, Daniel Arndt wrote: >> >> Joel, >> >> Yes the matrix you are assembling is a vector-valued mass matrix now. >> For me your code is failing with >> >> void dealii::FEValuesBase:

[deal.II] Re: where and how should I use the MeshWorker class? how should I do to implement DG without MeshWorker?

2016-08-27 Thread Daniel Arndt
An old version of step-12[1] has an implementation that doesn't use MeshWorker. In my opinion, it is covenient to use MeshWorker if you can when you want to consider discontinuous ansatz spaces due to the different cases that can occur for face contributions. If you want or need to use more than

[deal.II] Re: assembling individual block step 43

2016-08-27 Thread Daniel Arndt
Dear Franck, > I am looking at step-43 using different method. I do a semi discretization > in space and end up with an ode for the saturation and use different > technique for time integration for the saturation. > > For this I will need to assemble the matrix H after solving for the > veloci

Re: [deal.II] Re: where and how should I use the MeshWorker class? how should I do to implement DG without MeshWorker?

2016-08-29 Thread Daniel Arndt
Yongchao, If you are still interested in using MeshWorker, there are some more examples (and in particular Stokes) at Best, Daniel Am Montag, 29. August 2016 11:15:22 UTC+2 schrieb > > Dear Wolfgang , > Thanks for your advice, I ha

Re: [deal.II] Re: assembling individual block step 43

2016-08-29 Thread Daniel Arndt
> > > There actually *is* a function that takes two DoFHandler objects, but it > doesn't take a constraint matrix or the last boolean argument. > [...] > You can of course see what variants of the make_sparsity_pattern function > there are by looking here: >

[deal.II] Re: Neumann condtitions in the mixed space setting

2016-08-31 Thread Daniel Arndt
Eldar, As you already found out, interpolate_boundary_values can only be used with a ComponentMask if the element you are using is primitive. Therefore, the workaround you are using seems to be suitable for the moment. Since BDM1 is div-conforming, project_boundary_values and project_boundary_v

[deal.II] Re: nearest neighbor

2016-09-07 Thread Daniel Arndt
Joel, In GridTools::find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex(dof_handler,center_id) you need to give the number of the vertex_number as center_id, not the number of the degree of freedom. Then, you want to use Quadrature quadrature_formula(dof_handler.get_fe().get_unit_support_points()); to create a Q

Re: [deal.II] singularity error due to 1/0

2016-09-09 Thread Daniel Arndt
Kyusik, Can you summarize what you have tried and which errors/problems you got with these approaches? What exactly do you mean with "csc(theta) or sec(theta) can't be used in cylindrical coord system"? Best, Daniel Am Freitag, 9. September 2016 06:17:44 UTC+2 schrieb > > Th

Re: [deal.II] Applying Multi Point Constraints

2016-09-09 Thread Daniel Arndt
Rajat, Since you are using p4est and PETSc, I suspect that you want to run with more than one MPI process. If you are using a parallel::distributed::Triangulation you will probably run into trouble when the pair of degrees of freedom you want to identify are not known by the same process. You mi

[deal.II] Re: Using constraints for already assembled RHS

2016-09-12 Thread Daniel Arndt
Rajat, The first equation is the usual equilibrium equation. It is solved to give > displacements. The stiffness matrix is then multiplied by this global > displacement vector to give the global traction vector which forms the rhs > for the second equation. > The easiest solution to deal with c

[deal.II] Re: How to find all the partial derivatives of the solution polynomial in deal.II

2016-09-16 Thread Daniel Arndt
Jiaqi, Currently you can access first, second and third partial derivatives in FEValues. The FiniteElement class also implements fourth derivatives. If this is sufficient for your purposes, then using FEValues*::third_derivative should be fine for you. I don't see a easier way at the moment. B

[deal.II] Re: Can we say that the higher order method, the more accurate?

2016-09-18 Thread Daniel Arndt
Jaekwank, You would indeed expect significantly better results with higher polynomial degree on the same mesh, if the solution is sufficiently regular. What kind of mesh are you using? Are you resolving all the boundary layers suitably? Are you using a Mapping of the same order as your velocity

[deal.II] Re: A*diag(V) with mmult?

2016-09-18 Thread Daniel Arndt
Franck, One possibility is to use A.mmult(C,B,V) where B is an IdentityMatrix. Another way is to create an IdentityMatrix B, modify its entries suitably and use A.mmult(C,B). A third approach would be to just write the the scaling yourself. Best, Daniel Am Sonntag, 18. September 2016 18:01:17 U

[deal.II] Re: Vector-valued gradient of solution vector

2016-09-19 Thread Daniel Arndt
Joel, > [...] > for (unsigned int q_index=0; q_indexfor (unsigned int i=0; i { > velocity[local_dof_indices[i]] = local_velocity_values[q_index]; > } > > Here you assign the same Tensor<1,dim> at all DoFs multiple times and you end with velocity[*]=local_vel

Re: [deal.II] VectorTools::integrate_difference function

2016-09-20 Thread Daniel Arndt
Jaekwang, This seems to be unrelated. Did you setup the Triangulation before calling fe.distribute_dofs()? Best, Daniel Am Dienstag, 20. September 2016 17:04:02 UTC+2 schrieb JAEKWANG KIM: > > yes...I tried that before, but I get an error message as follow.. > > As you mentioned, I first learn

Re: [deal.II] VectorTools::integrate_difference function

2016-09-20 Thread Daniel Arndt
...of course I meant dof_handler.distribute_dofs(). Does the DoFhandler know at this point about the Trinagulation? Best, Daniel Am Dienstag, 20. September 2016 17:58:02 UTC+2 schrieb Daniel Arndt: > > Jaekwang, > > This seems to be unrelated. Did you setup the Triangulation be

[deal.II] Re: Can we say that the higher order method, the more accurate?

2016-09-20 Thread Daniel Arndt
Jaekwang, Have a look at step-10. There you see how the order of the mapping influences the error. Basically, you have to set the mapping for your FEValues objects, when you compute error via integrate_difference and when you project or interpolate some Function to an FE Vector. Best, Daniel A

[deal.II] Re: Input Q2 element generated by Gmsh using Gridin

2016-09-21 Thread Daniel Arndt
Chenchen, We only support to read in meshes that are not refined. Translated to your situation this means that you are only able to use Q1 meshes as initial grid. Of course, you can then use triangulation.set_manifold to define the correct behavior when you refine your mesh within dealii along

[deal.II] Re: periodic boundary conditions

2016-09-22 Thread Daniel Arndt
Juan, [...] > 1) My first question is about how the "direction" works, is it 1 > correspond to "x" and 2 corresponds to "y"? > No, direction 0/1/2 means that the support_points of the dofs to be identified just differ in the x-/y-/z-component. What you are doing should be perfectly fine. > 2)

[deal.II] Re: how to get 3D structured mesh from rotated 2D mesh in dealii

2016-09-25 Thread Daniel Arndt
Marek, [...] I would like to process it in dealii by rotating it around y-axis, to > get 3D grid. > Is it possible in dealii? > No, there is no such function yet. > [...] > My objective is the mesh in the file the attached file perf_chamber.png, > which was obtained by merging > the inner cy

Re: [deal.II] Re: how to get 3D structured mesh from rotated 2D mesh in dealii

2016-09-26 Thread Daniel Arndt
Marek, the attached file should be close to what you want to do. Basically, you need to create two geometries: One for the cylinder shell and one for the cylinder. Here, we take advantage of the fact that GridGenerator::cylinder always creates four subdivisions w.r.t height. Furthermore, the cyl

[deal.II] Re: Vector-valued gradient of solution vector

2016-09-27 Thread Daniel Arndt
Joel, Its been a week since my latest post, I was just wondering if you could > help me. > Did you try what I suggested? What were the problems? Looking at the latest files you sent, local_velocity_values has still not the type std::vector > and you are still using for (unsigned int q_index=0;

[deal.II] Re: More power outages

2016-09-28 Thread Daniel Arndt
Everything should be available again. Am Mittwoch, 28. September 2016 15:19:15 UTC+2 schrieb > > it is already 28th, the server still down. is it going to take longer > than announced? > Edith > > On Monday, September 12, 2016 at 11:21:13 AM UTC-5, Guido Kanschat wrote: >> >

[deal.II] Re: Vector-valued gradient of solution vector

2016-09-28 Thread Daniel Arndt
Joel, I did try it, but I cant just change the local_velocity_values from a > std::vector> to std::vector. Then the > fe_values[velocities].get_function_values function doesnt compile. > That's true, but you should use std::vector > and not std::vector, see also [1]. > (correct me if wrong)

[deal.II] Re: Neumann bc in step-20

2016-09-29 Thread Daniel Arndt
Erik, Am Donnerstag, 29. September 2016 07:32:04 UTC+2 schrieb Erik Svensson: > > Hi, > > I’m trying to implement homogeneous Neumann bc on part of the boundary in > tutorial example step-20. > > The Neumann bc should be imposed strongly (as for Dirichlet bc in normal, > non-mixed, formulation

[deal.II] Re: Vector-valued gradient of solution vector

2016-09-29 Thread Daniel Arndt
Joel, Yes, this looks about right. I would really replace "std::vector double x,y,z" by "Vector x,y,z". In the end, entries in these vectors only make sense with the corresponding DoFHandler. This would also allow you to use these Vectors for postprocessing in deal.II. Best, Daniel -- The de

Re: [deal.II] Re: how to get 3D structured mesh from rotated 2D mesh in dealii

2016-10-02 Thread Daniel Arndt
Marek, [...] > I want to ask a question, which could be interesting for other users of > dealii- > do we have some bulletproof procedure, how to produce (not so simple) > geometries, > meshes in gmsh and then merge them "safely" in the dealii? Safely meaning- > without > the creation of the do

Re: [deal.II] Derivatives (gradients) of Symmetric Tensors

2016-10-02 Thread Daniel Arndt
Metin, [...] > For the vectors, the implementation (for the else case) is as following; > > *for* (*unsigned* *int* shape_function=0; > >shape_function > { > > *for* (*unsigned* *int* d=0; d<*spacedim*; ++d) > > *if* > (shape_function_data[shape

Re: [deal.II] Re: how to get 3D structured mesh from rotated 2D mesh in dealii

2016-10-04 Thread Daniel Arndt
Marek, Only the vertices with indices in considered_vertices are tested for >> equality. This speeds up the algorithm, which is quadratic and thus quite >> slow to begin with. However, if you wish to consider all vertices, simply >> pass an empty vector. >> > > i.e. I have assumed it is called

Re: [deal.II] Derivatives (gradients) of Symmetric Tensors

2016-10-04 Thread Daniel Arndt
Metin, I understand that the components are in space (x/y/z), > and (*shape_gradient_ptr++)[d] would be derivative of phi in each > direction; is that correct? > Yes, that is the derivative of the dth component in direction d. > > (compared to vectors) the implementation of divergence function

Re: [deal.II] how to use solution.

2016-10-05 Thread Daniel Arndt
Kyusik, As Wolfgang already mentioned, you want to use FEValues::get_function_values() to extract from a global FE Vector the local values at the quadrature points in the cell you are on. These quadrature points normally don't coincide with with the mapped unit support points of the FiniteElem

[deal.II] Re: How to solve for the null space of system matrix?

2016-10-09 Thread Daniel Arndt
Edith, If I understand you correctly, you basically consider step-7 and replace the Neumann boundary conditions by inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. The system matrix is symmetric and positive definite and hence CG should work. Can you verify that the solution is correct if you use

[deal.II] Re: Output parameters other than DoFs

2016-10-13 Thread Daniel Arndt
Lisa, > [...] > I do not know how to output below values: > > 1- u_r > 2- sigma_xx, sigma_yy > 3- sigma_rr , sigma_tt > For computing these values you should have a look at the DataPostProcessor class [1]. Its use is explained in step-29. What you basically want to do for u_r in there is somethi

[deal.II] Re: How to use Trilinos instead of Petsc in step-40

2016-10-16 Thread Daniel Arndt
Hamed, >>> It still works with Petsc and Trilinos is not implemented at all. I >>> appreciate it if you could let me know what changes should be made in >>> step-40 to make it work with Trilinos. >>> >> What exactly, do you mean by that? So you have both PETSc and Trilinos installed and step-4

[deal.II] Re: How to use Trilinos instead of Petsc in step-40

2016-10-16 Thread Daniel Arndt
In case there is an error with Trilinos, what is it? Am Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2016 17:27:26 UTC+2 schrieb Daniel Arndt: > > Hamed, > > >>>> It still works with Petsc and Trilinos is not implemented at all. I >>>> appreciate it if you could let me know what cha

[deal.II] Re: Easy way to calculate second-deviatoric tensor

2016-10-17 Thread Daniel Arndt
Jaekwang, >From this symmetric gradient tensor, do we have one easy way to calculate > the following "the second invariant of rate-of-strain tensor"? > There is SymmetricTensor::second_invariant [1] which is defined as I2 = 1/2[ (trace sigma)^2 - trace (sigma^2) ] and SymmetricTensor::first_inv

Re: [deal.II] Re: How to use Trilinos instead of Petsc in step-40

2016-10-17 Thread Daniel Arndt
Hamed, running your code with a Trilinos installation alone fails for me in line 1617 with An error occurred in line <279> of file in function void dealii::TrilinosWrappers::SolverBase::do_solve(const dealii::TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionBase&) The violated condition was: false Addit

Re: [deal.II] Re: How to use Trilinos instead of Petsc in step-40

2016-10-18 Thread Daniel Arndt
Hamed, which solvers do you think I can examin and see if they can be used instead > of SolverCG? > Running with the deal.II CG solver gives me An error occurred in line <424> of file in function void PhaseField::Material_Compressi

Re: [deal.II] Re: How to use Trilinos instead of Petsc in step-40

2016-10-21 Thread Daniel Arndt
Hamed, At least I can't open your file in a way to clearly see what your bilinearform is, but could just guess from the implementation. Can you either write it here (using LaTeX or similar) or upload the file as pdf again? Best, Daniel -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.o

[deal.II] Re: How to use sacado package

2016-10-22 Thread Daniel Arndt
Jaekwang, It seems that no fortran compiler is found. You should be able to configure Trilinos without fortran using -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Fortran:BOOL=OFF After that it's the usual make install [1]. Best, Daniel [1] Am Samstag, 22. Okt

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